A Saiyan's Harem - Chapter 1 - GenericWeeb (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: The beginning of the End

From the very beginning there have always been heroes there has always been someone brave enough and noble enough to stand up to evil and injustice no matter what, since the very beginning this is how it has always been but what happens when the hero falls in these rare moments when one of the multiverses greatest hero becomes it's the greatest threat

Flying. Flying as if Lord Beerus himself was after him. Then again, he could have used Instant Transmission and escaped to anywhere in the known universe but all rational had been replaced with a need to escape.

Goku certainly had no idea where he was flying off to, ideally, he could go somewhere with plenty of life forms and lay low for a while, whilst staying invisible to Ki sensing. However, he had to run, away from the pain of betrayal, from the pain of hurt, from the pain of watching people he had called close friends betray him as he watched.

After flying for what felt like hours, Goku flew down and landed ungracefully on the ground before rolling into a kneeling position with his head towards the ground, hot tears running like rivers down his cheeks before impacting with the ground.

Slowly but surely the clear skies were soon replaced by thick black clouds that rolled in from nowhere. The previous calm breeze picked up and turned into a howling wind storm and yet Goku chose to stay in his position on the dirt. A few drops of rain fell before they quickly turned into a downpour, churning the dry dirt into thick flowing mud. The hero of earth had been quickly soaked to the bone, yet he chose to stay in the rain, as it washed away the tears.

Pushing himself up he faced towards the sky, as the heavy downpour continues to wash away the tears. Goku forced himself to open his eyes even though the pouring rain made it an arduous task. His dark onyx eyes that had once been filled with hope and

a childlike innocence was now nothing more than swirling pools of pain and regret. Goku stared off into the dark clouds as he recalled what had transpired no more than 15 minutes previously…


A lone figure was cruising slowly through the summer sky, with the midday sun on his back whilst the wind pushed through his hair and the folds of his garments. The legendary blue and orange coloration which belonged to the Turtle School of the one and only Master Roshi. A content smile was on his face as he twirled with glee in the air, laughing like a kid as he passed through the scattered clouds. Sure, he could have used instant transmission to get to his destination much quicker, but nothing was better than a slow flight after a long training session, with the cool air capable of cooling both himself and his sore muscles.

His eyes fell upon his destination; Capsule Corporation home to his lifelong friend Bulma Briefs and her family. Goku couldn't help chuckling at the memories of when both he and Bulma had been younger. He shook his head with a chuckle at the specific memory of her shooting him when they had first met. Landing on the ground lightly, Goku then expanded his Ki sense and could sense most his friends in the center of the large building,

'Everyone is here, even Master Roshi, but why?'

The hero walked up to the main doors of the compound and as a force of habit he expected them to slide aside to give him passage however this time they stayed shut and as such the Saiyan walked unceremoniously nose first into the door with an audible 'ooof' he stumbled back whilst looking puzzled. "That's never happened before." commented Goku to no one before shrugging, "Bulma won't mind if I use instant transmission this time," said Goku as he recalled the number of times his friend had snapped at him for teleporting into her house randomly.

Pressing the forefinger and middle finger from his right hand simultaneously to his forehead he focused on the Ki signatures in the compound and with a 'pop' he vanished from the spot. Goku re-materialized in the center of the living room, with the whole room going silent as soon as he arrived.

"Hey, guys!" greeted Goku enthusiastically but got no answer in return. Looking puzzled and worried at the same time he turned slowly on the spot and took in the expression present on everyone present in the room, and he instantly regretted doing so. His eyes fell on Krillin, who had a sick smirk.

Gulping nervously, he moved onwards before his eyes settled on his friend Yamcha who was cuddling with Chichi 'what's going on here...' pondered the Saiyan as he moved his eyes towards his mentor Master Roshi who sat with Tien Shinhan.

"Master, can you tell me what's going on?" Roshi simply shook his head and neglected to make eye contact as he replied his best student. "I thought I had taught you better, Goku." The answer slammed into Goku and nearly made him lose balance, he was confused now. He attempted to recall all the previous teachings he had received from the Turtle Hermit and he was certain he had followed each one to heart. Deciding he needed comfort he sought out his family in the room.

His beloved wife was sitting on the sofa to his left with his usual seat taken by Yamcha of all people. He frowned slightly as he looked on, a tirade of unsavory thoughts assaulting his psyche. Chi-Chi his beloved wife of 21 years was looking down, avoiding eye contact. Yamcha had his arm wrapped around her waist, his lips near her ear. She giggled every few seconds, like a flirtatious school girl.

Now Goku wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, however, even he can see that there was something he wouldn't like going on between the pair. "Chi-Chi, what's going here?" he nervously asked, his fingers twitching ever so slightly from their perch by his side. Groaning she ran her fingers through her hair slowly, allowing Goku to notice the lack of a ring on her ring finger.

"Ugg. Isn't it obvious Goku?" the mentioned shook his head to signify his lack of understanding. Yamcha's lips moved and Chi-Chi giggled once more before addressing her 'husband' "I've found someone better Goku, someone who actually cares about how I feel."

"B-but Chi-Chi, I love you." Chi-Chi merely scoffed in response to her husband's words. "If you love me, then tell me where were you for 2 years of our marriage?" Goku looked around nervously as murmurs of agreement passed through the room.

"You know I had to train to keep everyone safe, to make sure our kids would be safe if I was not around anymore." there was a collective groan of frustration from the other members of the room, which caused the Saiyan to just shrink ever so slightly in on himself "Ha you think I care about those two freaks that you call kids Goku cause I don't Gohan is still attached to you despite how much of a bastard you've been and gotten isn't any better despite how much I try to change that"

"Son Goku!"

Said Saiyan snapped out his stupor and turned to face the direction from which his name was called. His gaze fell upon the standout visage of Lord Beerus the God of Destruction and Whis his attendant. He gasped audibly "L-Lord Beerus, W-Whis." stammered Goku as he addressed the duo.

"Am I right in saying that you're curious as to why everyone seems to be ignoring you all of sudden?" questioned Whis, the blue-skinned attendant as he eyes Goku with his unwavering gaze and a knowing smile. Running his hand through his onyx locks Goku nodded in response. "Well to put it simply Goku you've grown too powerful for your own good. You have surpassed Lord Beerus in your Super Saiyan God Kaio-ken form and as such have been deemed a threat to the universe." there was a grunt of disagreement from the other fighters however nobody paid any attention to it.

"But I'm not going to hurt anyone!" replied Goku, looking puzzled at the same time "I did it to get stronger so that I know I can protect my friends when the time comes."

"You seem to have forgotten the trouble your body caused with Goku Black already."

"But Black was from another timeline, and anyways Lord Beerus you destroyed Zamasu. So, I don't think it can happen again."

"That's a valid point, however, there are more Kai's out there Goku who may have the same idea as Zamasu and as a precaution, we have decided that destroying you is the safest option for the universe." as soon as Beerus finishes he begins to charge a blast

raised his right palm and directed it at the orange adorning Saiyan. Goku visibly tensed as he sensed the build-up of God Ki in the outstretched palm. A purple ball of energy came into existence, swirling dangerously with the amount of power it contained.

Goku looked on, a nervous sweat running from the nape of his neck to the small of his back. He knew if that attack hit him, well simply put he would be done for, after witnessing the attack quite a few times since it was the signature attack of the God's of Destruction. An involuntary shiver ran down his spine as he looked Death's door once more, certainly wasn't the first and he would be damned if it was the last. The Saiyan's eyes darted frantically around the room, searching for a way out of the current predicament he found himself in.

A few ideas crossed his mind, phasing out, powering up and attempting to fight his way out was another, however, the main idea was Instant Transmission. One major flaw was preventing him from using it, the fact that by the time he would have raised his fingers and focused on a Ki signature, Beerus would have released his Destructor Ball, and even then, the proximity made it even worse.

"Any last words?" came the taunt from Beerus but Goku chose to ignore it as he continued to wrack his brain for a way out. There was surely a way out without resorting to his fists as usual. If he could escape without being seen, then he could go somewhere far away and think clearly. It suddenly dawned on him 'A smokescreen! Of course!' he excitedly thought, a feeling of relief passing through every cell in his body.

"I'll take your silence as a no then." mocked Beerus, however, he was surprised to receive a chuckle in response. The feline-like God of Destruction watched intently as Goku raised his hand in a similar fashion to his own, with his palm flat out towards him. "Still got some fight in you I see."

"I'd rather go out swinging." retorted Goku with a nonchalant shrug. Steeling his gaze, the student of Roshi began to call out his latent power resulting in a white aura enveloping his form. Everyone had mixed reactions however as a perfect replica of the purple ball of destruction energy in Beerus's hand materialized in Goku's outstretched palm.

"Where did you learn that?!" demanded Beerus, his gaze having hardened as he looked at Goku still. Goku smirked confidently in response but inside he was worried and very nervous "I just hope he doesn't realize this is a fake." Unfortunately, he had failed to take Whis's vast knowledge of Ki into account.

'I must say Son Goku, that's a very clever use of Ki manipulation. Screening a normal Ki ball with a layer of your God Ki. Very ingenious indeed.' Whis though

"You almost had me there, but you have wasted enough time as it is, farewell Son Goku," exclaimed Beerus, whilst everyone took the hint to move out of the way quickly leaving Goku alone in the center of the room.

"Yeah, you're right. It is time to say goodbye," stated Goku as a matter of fact. in one swift motion, he grabbed the purple Ki sphere into his palm before he raised it above his head. Beerus watched confounded, however, Whis knew what he was doing. "He plans on using a smokescreen to make his escape." hearing his plan getting discovered Goku smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes like it used to. With a small but quick salute from his left hand, he flung the sphere towards the ground which caused a large purple cloud to appear and cover the room.

"Noo! Damn it!" roared Beerus, before quickly releasing the attack in the general direction had been standing in. The ball multiplied in size as it left the palm of the god of destruction. It tore through the smoke before getting lost from view in the cloud of purple.

"Was that really necessary Lord Beerus." deadpanned Whis before he tapped his staff twice on the ground, and thus clearing the smoke away. A gaping circular hole in the far wall greeted them

and Beerus looked on angrily "Missed him." he seethed before turning to Piccolo and Vegeta. "He couldn't have gone far, find him and kill him," commanded Beerus, With those words, Goku's former friends all begin a hunt for him

-End Flashback-

So far it has been several weeks ever since that day and because of the fact that he is unable to get back home or make contact with his kids Goku is forced to live in rags shunned by humans after it was announced by capsule corporation that he was an alien they have all shunned despite the knowledge of how many times he has saved them"Gah I need to stop doing this to myself hmm maybe I should do what piccolo does to think clearly" Getting into a lotus position, he levitated in the void, fist on his cheek as he thought over the recent events that had transpired.

From his beloved wife or ex-wife, in this case, cheating on him with his close friend as he watched, to the God of Destruction he had befriended attempting to kill him just because the power he had achieved to keep his friends and family safe from threats had been deemed dangerous in the wrong hands.

The feeling of betrayal stabbed at his heart whilst twisting his poor stomach into a knot with worry. Goku failed to notice the tears that had formed in his tear ducts as they silently fell until one touched the corner of his mouth, shocking him with its mild salty taste. Slowly he brought his hand to his eyes and with the back of it wiped away the tears. "Are they even worth the tears?" mused Goku, voice hollow and devoid of emotion.

Next moment a portal appeared in front of his very eyes, illuminating the void with its brightness. Squinting and blinking his eyes rapidly Goku tried to make out the figure that stepped out of it, but the light was as bright as the Solar Flare technique.

Out of the light came a light-skinned woman with long dark hair in a pair of waist-length braids tied behind her back she had an extremely voluptuous physique possessing large breasts and large hips and an eerie smirk "hello saiyan it has been quite a while hasn't it"the mysterious entity questions "um yeah no offense lady but I have no idea who the hell you are"Goku responds in confusion

"yes I suppose that would make sense that you wouldn't but what I am is of no concern to you its why I'm here that you should be interested in" "okay then why are you here then... oh wait are you another assassin sent to kill me cause ill warn you I'm starting to get real tired of sparing your lives" Goku warns "haha oh no you're mistaken in fact I've come to make a deal with you one that can benefit us both"the entity replies "okay and how exactly would we both benefit from this 'deal' that you're talking about exactly and why me in case you can't tell I'm not exactly at my best"

"Oh well first off ill get brand new entertainment the likes of which I haven't seen since that Kryptonian idiot but the reason why I chose you is quite simple really you're the best being for it you see humanity has become quite the nucense to me and while I could wipe them out with a shrug of my shoulders I find the idea of you doing it to be fair payback for both you and me so do we gotta deal"

'hmmm oh what the hell not like there's anything else for me to lose'Goku thinks

"Okay... Deal"

Power Levels

Goku base:800,000,000,000








A Saiyan's Harem - Chapter 1 - GenericWeeb (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.