Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (2024)

Chapter Text

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (1)

Graham wore sturdy nomad boots to go to the top of the mountain.

There was a tower on top of the mountain, the mountain right next to a Bodeland.

John Graham had climbed that mountain to go to that a tower to learn from what the Bodeland populace called "The Wizard."

Well, wizard is probably an adjective at most, he was actually a hermit monk, that the Cardinal at the Bodeland Abbey has appointed to receive mailed messages from the Papal states.

Graham went up to the hermit monk to learn texts to help him master air, one of the four classical elements of Empedocles.

Air is the most common element of magic for Boudican use, it helps them swing weapons better and move faster, basic wants of any man.

Graham had to read and practice in order to effectively get a grasp of a bit of the element, air, and each time you improve there is always room for growth.

Graham had heard rumors that there are Boudican earls, barons, lords, and knights who could create tornadoes at will.

But for now, he would contemplate that later, he had to meet his old friend, John Stewart, in the forest.

After studying the texts on air, Graham rendezvoused with Stewart.

Graham found Stewart in the forest practicing with his sword swings.

When Stewart saw Graham coming.

"Heh, so it that's time." Said Stewart. "Don't worry, I'll protect.."

Graham interrupts him.

"If you try anything funny, I will cut off your head." Said Graham. "You are acting all different now, you used to be quite and bookish, and now you enjoy insulting Ehou norimaki by saying his head looks like a cupcake."

"First off, in this land, it is called trolling." Replied Stewart. "Second, after surviving battle as a Boudican squire, my social anxiety is now gone, I feal good about myself now, after all we are praised heroes by the entire village."

"Don't let it get to your head." Said Graham. "Remember humility is a virtue."

"Sigh." replied Stewart. "Now, I believe I have a guard mission to get to."

"Well, it is not just my sister, but her friends as well." Said Graham.

"What, no fair." Protested Stewart. "You said, you would-."

"I never said alone." Said Graham, with the biggest grin.

"You little rascal." Said Stewart, with a pouty face.

"What are old friends for." Said Graham. "Well, good luck, I am going to walk around and explore Bodeland."

Meanwhile at the Norimaki household:

The alarm on Hana's clock went off.

Hana yawned; she then felt the side of her large bed.

She clenched it for a solid second, then she got up, washed, then got dressed.

She smelt a pleasant smell, from the kitchen.

"What is cooking?" she wondered.

She went into the kitchen and found her son Ehou cooking.

She was surprised, he had cooked a breakfast for both of them.

He had cooked pancakes, eggs, and bacon, along with toast.

She had never taught him to cook, at least not a breakfast like this.

"Ehou." She said, with a look of surprise and worry on her face.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (2)

"Morning Mom." Said Ehou, roasting a few more pieces of bacon.

"Why are you up so early?" asked Hana. "You used to sleep in on non-school days."

"Well, to cook breakfast!" replied Ehou. "Don't worry, I used a cookbook."

He then looked at the clock.

"Is this because of your nightmares?" asked Hana. "I heard you went to the doctors on your own without my permission- and..."

"Don't worry, I just bought sleeping pills." Replied Ehou. "Don't worry, I checked the labels, nothing bad will happen."

Ehou then looked at the clock.

"Oh, sorry Mom, I have to go." Said Ehou. "Training."

Ehou put a pancake in his mouth and held a toast with an egg and bacon on top.

"Wait, Ehou." Said Hana.

"Yah, Mom." Mumbled Ehou, munching a pancake.

Hana looked worried, she knew something may be wrong, but she didn't know.

"Um, Ehou." She spoke.

"Yah." Replied Ehou, again.

Hana gave a weak smile.

"Be-be safe." She spoke.

"Alright, see you later, Mom." Said Ehou.

Hana sat down and ate slowly, she remembered how when Ehou was much younger, he was easier to read.

"He is grown, he is not a baby anymore." Hana thought to herself.

Hana took another bite.

"Oh, this is good." She thought. She then frowned. "But he is growing up too fast though, half or more of me, misses when he was baby, and with..."

Hana eyed her bedroom, looking at the other half of her bed, she felt that morning.

Hana stopped thinking.

She realized she just wasted time thinking.

She then cleaned up and got ready for work.

Before opening the door.

She eyed her bed, again, she then closed her eyes, took a deep breath.

Then opened the door and left.

Meanwhile, Ehou had regrouped with William.

"Ok, Ehou, today we will go north." Said William.

"North!?" replied Ehou with huge surprise.

William smirked.

"Time to meet our master, a knight of Boudica, Lord Macduff." Said William.

Ehou's eyes lit up.

"Wait, really?" asked Ehou in excitement.

"I don't ever lie, Ehou." Said William.

Ehou punched his fist in the air.

"Ok, then what are waiting for, let's go!" said Ehou.

After a couple minutes, they were riding on the horses, well outside the Leaf, going north.

"So, if I remember correctly, Macduff's been busy because of a honeymoon?" said Ehou.

"Maybe, I don't know, perhaps he wanted to have quite life with his wife." Said William. "At least for a little while."

They rode for a couple of minutes.

"You know what I wondered; it is common knowledge that I have squire partner?" said William. "But I am even more surprised that your mother does not ask me about you, or anything."

Ehou paused for a second.

"I just tell my mother, I am just training with you, because we will be on the same ninja team eventually." Said Ehou. "Whether she knows I'm a squire or not, she has never really brought it up, so..."

"I think she realizes it will look suspicious if she tells you the "Evils" or whatever of a Boudican." Replied William.

"Huh, you may be right?" said Ehou. "She probably really wishes to not tell me of what my father was truly like."

Ehou had a frown upon his face.

"If you want to at least try to find out about your father, without asking." Said William. "Pay attention, the devil is in the details."

Ehou put his chin in his hand on thought for a second.

"Devil in the details." Said Ehou to himself.

"If you're lucky, you could find a clue to your father." Said William. "Most preferably a symbol of a Boudican clan, a surcoat."

Ehou looked up.

"A surcoat." Muttered Ehou. "If it's a chicken, I'd prefer to stay as I am now."

"What's so wrong about a chicken?" asked William.

Ehou was dumbfounded.

"You serious?" said Ehou in disbelief.

"I mean a chicken is many things, but a coward, no.," said William. "Chickens represent courage, community, and nurturing, as well as versatility, resourcefulness, and hard work, at least in Boudica."

"But a chicken looks stupid as a coat of arms." Replied Ehou.

"I dunno, I've seen Gorman coat of arms with chickens, and they look interesting." Responded William. "Hey, I'm not lying."

Ehou gave a pouty face.

Both boys continue to talk about chickens on their trip.

While all this happened, all the way in the City of Fire, the Daimyo was facing a conundrum.

He called in his chief advisor, John Balliol, about a problem that concerns both parties.

"My lord." Protested John Balliol. "All couples go through disagreements time and time, not every healthy relationship is without it's issues or flaws."

"But it's been months, and they haven't talked with each other." responded the Daimyo.

"Has your daughter requested to cancel the wedding or engagement, or at least thought about it?" asked Balliol.

Daimyo eye lit up at the question.

"Well, no, she just seams mad whenever I bring up Comyn." Said the Daimyo. "Although now that you asked that question, it is weird that if she truly hated him, she would request to cancel the betrothal."

"Exactly, my lord, it is merely a couple's quarrel." Replied Comyn.

"But still, I am the Daimyo, and a father as well." Said the Daimyo. "And I feal their quarrels need to end, they may be adults, but they will always be just children to us."

John Balliol raised an eyebrow.

"What do you suggest my lord?" asked Balliol.

Daimyo then told Balliol what he had in mind.

Meanwhile Tento decided to visit John Comyn.

Comyn's workplace was a lot busier than usual.

It was very crowded; there was a chance he was not in his office.

Perhaps he purposefully made himself busy to not deal with Tento's sister.

"Excuse me?" asked Tento to a guard. "Do you know where Mr. Comyn is?"

The guard wore leather, along with a steal cap, it was clear he was a Boudican.

He turned toward Tento.

The guard responded in a Boudican accent.

"He is in his office, young lord." He responded.

Tento went to Comyn's office.

He heard that John Comyn was talking with another Boudican.

"James Taylor, as I said, I don't think it will be good for her." Said Comyn. "I don't think she should be at the Summer tide festival."

"Oh, come on, my lord." Said James Taylor. "I am the humble young mayor of Bodeland, my newlywed wife as well as the people won't mind, even if she is a heretic, your marriage to her is for the common good, so Boudicans have a place here in the Land of Fire, plus we really want to see what she looks like. We will speak Shinobi if it suits her."

"Well, she has studied some Latin, although I'm not sure how proficient she is?" said John Comyn. "But that is not the main issue, the thing is, we are-."

Tento knocked.

"Come in?" said Comyn, who sounded like he did not wish to discuss any more of what he was discussing.

Tento opened the door.

"It's me?" said Tento.

"Tento, what can I do for you?" asked Comyn. "This is the mayor of Bodeland."

"Pray excuse me, young lord of Fire." Said the Mayor of Bodeland, who then glanced at Comyn. "If you ever change your mind about it, Lord Comyn, we will welcome you and her with open arms."

The mayor then left.

John Comyn had grown a black beard and was wearing his Boudican armor.

To Tento, Comyn's black beard was unnerving.

"I don't like your beard." Said Tento. "It makes you look-like let's say, a bad guy."

Comyn smirked, amused at the comment.

"Ok, I am the bad guy, but anyway why you have come?" asked Comyn.

Tento handed Comyn one of the knight toys.

Tento had an ashamed facial expression.

"I wanted to say." Said Tento, looking down at his feet. "I'm sorry I caused a rift between Asami and you, my father explained the reasons why. I couldn't be a knight and Daimyo at the same time."

Comyn put his fist under his chin.

"Huh, so the Daimyo, has taken my side, eh?" said Comyn.

Comyn picked up the toy and handed it back to Tento.

"This is yours?" said Comyn, smiling weakly. "Whatever happens between me, and your sister is between us, so no need to burden yourself."

At once a servant maid interrupted them.

"Lord Comyn, Princess Asami requests your presence." Said the servant.

Comyn got up from his seat.

"I will be right there." Said Comyn. "Well, I must be off, see yah Tento."

As Comyn was about to leave, Tento hugged him.

"Thanks, Comyn, you'll basically be a brother to me, once you and Asami get married." Said Tento. "And you are being one, right now."

Tento went to the door and left.

John Comyn dropped his expression, so his face became one of annoyance.

He left his workshop.

Meanwhile, the Daimyo and Balliol hid to watch from afar, the bench that Asami sat on.

"Are you sure, we should spy, my lord?" asked Balliol.

"It is best we keep an eye of them, in case things go south." Said the Daimyo. "If they do, I will step in and force them to make up personally."

"Pardon me, my lord." Said Balliol. "I may be wrong; but didn't you tell me that it was Asami that is the most to blame with their feud."

"True, I think she may have overreacted, in Tento's defense." Said the Daimyo. "But still, as for your nephew, he didn't need to act rude and stubborn to Asami about why Tento shouldn't be a knight."

"Your too kind, my lord." said Balliol. "Comyn is awful with children, but you told me yourself that you wouldn't want Tento to be a knight, for you do not wish for your heir to swear loyalty to a foreign enterprise."

"Fair point." Replied the Daimyo. "Shush, here comes Comyn."

John Comyn finally came; he walked up to the bench where Asami was sitting.

Asami looked at him,

"So, you finally came?" she said.

"Well, yes." Replied Comyn.

"I'm ignoring you." Said Asami having her eyes look opposite of him.

Comyn sighed, then sat next to her, silent.

She still ignored him.

The Daimyo sighed as well.

"Aw Crap." He spoke.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (3)

Both Asami and John were quiet, much to the annoyance of the Daimyo.

Finally, Comyn spoke.

"Leading him on, would be cruel." Said Comyn.

Asami's face tightened.

"I only speak truth." Said Comyn. "However you are right, I probably should have been more polite to Tento."

"My father and your uncle had told to say that." Said Asami, with a somber.

"Well...," said John Comyn.

Asami eyes started too teary.

"I never saw Tento cry, since-since." Said Asami.

She then sobbed.

Balliol was shocked.

"My lord, would you like my nephew's head on a stake, for making the princess cry?" asked Balliol.

"Oh, heavens no, where in the world would you get that idea?" Asked the Daimyo. "This is what I mean on why my daughter needs a man who listens."

Asami continued to cry.

Comyn then put his arm on Asami's back, in hopes of comforting her.

Asami broke free angerly.

"You know I hate the touching of your armor." She yelled.

Comyn was shocked.

"Idiot." Said Asami. "Wear the comfortable clothes, I got you."

Asami then put her hands on her head and pulled her bright red hair.

"Maybe I'm just being crazy." Said Asami. "Tento has never cried that hard, he only has when our mother passed."

"Now I see why your never remarried, despite the use of extra heirs." Said Balliol. "Am I right my lord, did you not wish to harm your children with a replacement?"

"Well, no, Tento, and Asami's mother, my wife, was a beautiful, graceful and talented woman." Said the Daimyo. "I loved her too much, she was irreplaceable, Asami is her spitting image."

John Comyn stepped up.

"Why are you telling me all this?" asked Comyn.

Asami was visibly surprised.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to.." said Comyn. "But my lady, don't cry."

Comyn put his hand on her cheek to wipe away dripping tears.

"You don't know what it is like." Said Asami. "I was hurt when my mother died, and then when I saw my brother, Tento, I realized he would be hurting a lot more than I ever was, he won't remember our mother as well as I would. So, I vowed to make sure he never cries like that again."

"Trust me." Replied John Comyn. "I know pain all too well."

John Comyn turned away from Asami and looked over the balcony.

"Perhaps, we have spent a little too much time cooped up in this city." Said Comyn, optimistically. "Asami, how much Latin have you studied."

Asami was even more surprised.

"Well, yes, I haven't practiced in a while but," said Asami.

"Then I will you like to go to the Summertide festival near Bodeland, you will meet splendid Boudican commonfolk." Said John Comyn. "My people, quite friendly to me, and even if you butcher their language, I'm sure they will still be courteous."

"Bodeland?" said Asami with surprise. "A settlement of your people, more Boudicans?"

"This day, the mayor of Bodeland has invited the both of us to honor the people with our presence." Said Comyn. "He would be overjoyed to meet you, my fiancé, but at the end of the day, the choice is yours, do wish to attend?"

Asami gave a shy smile.

"Well, um yes, I would like to go." Said Asami. "With you, of course."

Comyn smiled like a mischievous villain.

"Then we must be off." Said Comyn, dragging Asami by the hand, so they both hurled along.

The Daimyo smiled at Balliol.

"It worked." Told the Daimyo to Balliol.

"That it did, my lord." Replied Balliol.

Meanwhile while all this was happening, John Graham was taking a walk in Bodeland.

Graham loved taking walks in the Boudican settlement, surrounded by walls, he had done it often, despite the many months that have passed.

Every time he does it, he is amazed how, despite being in a different country, the Boudicans have turned it into a landscape similar to mainland Boudica.

Graham enjoyed the constant wonders of walking through town.


A rubber ball hit Graham in his chest, however he did not feal it at all.

Rather he was surprised at where the ball came from, for he wasn't paying attention.

He picked it up.

"Hey, our ball." Said a boy, about six years old, along with other boys holding hurling sticks.

"Oh, is this yours?" Said Graham. "Well, here you go just be more careful where you aim it, I don't want you hit anyone else."

Graham handed back the ball.

"Ok, yessir sir Graham." Replied one of the boys, at once the boys went back to playing their game.

Graham continued on his path, after a while he exchanged a few waves with people on the road.

Graham's people, the people of Bodeland, have accidentally calling him Sir John Graham, from time to time.

And each time, Graham had to correct them. A squire and a knight did look similar in Boudica, the main difference between a squire and a knight was a knight was usually older, around 15 or older.

Although there are a few exceptions, that Graham has heard about, although they may just be rumors.


Graham felt his stomach growl. He decided it was time to eat his fill for breakfast.

He went to the local bakery.

"Mr. John Graham, it has been a while!" said the head baker, Mrs. Baird. "What can I get for you today."

"I shall have jelly tart." Said Graham, putting down a silver coin to pay for the tart, as well as tip. "I need to eat something before studying under the Steward.

"Coming right up." Said Mrs. Baird, turning to her husband, Mr. Baird, who enjoyed baking, while his wife, Mrs. Baird managed everything. "You heard him Larry, make him a jelly tart, larger than usual, and put a poached egg on the side.

Graham was about to open his mouth, but Mrs. Baird spoke first.

"On the house, Graham cracker." Said Mrs. Baird.

"I don't even need that much, Mrs. Baird." Said Graham.

"Oh, come on you are growing boy, you've done so much for us already keeping everyone safe, little knight." Replied Mrs. Baird. "Right, Larry!"

"Right, dear." Replied Mr. Larry Baird.

"Also have to thank you, especially your sister for that cookie recipes." Said Mrs. Baird.

Mrs. Baird then handed Graham his food.

"I'll be sure, to give Mary your regards." Said Graham.

"Good luck on your studies, Graham cracker." Said Mrs. Baird.

Graham left the bakery shop; after that, Mrs. Baird was like another mother to Graham, she cooked the best baked goods he had ever tasted.

He loved everything about Bodeland, well, except for their disdain for his brother in arms, William Wallace.

"Well, nothing is perfect." Though Graham. "But Naruto had won people over, maybe if William tried, he could do the same."

Graham did not reflect any further, he had to go study under the high steward of Bodeland.

The High Steward was Steward Andreas Halliday who was of common birth, yet excelled at Universities in the Papal states, islands east of Boudica, home to the Boudican Church.

Graham himself was an extroverted outgoing guy, however he felt that he fell behind Stewart and William Wallace in certain aspects, mainly smarts and education.

Unlike Stewart and Wallace, Graham struggled reading and learning new information.

He didn't know why, but it just was tough for him. Graham passed his natural Boudican education befitting a squire, but deep down he felt he underperformed.

Graham desired to be a hero like Naruto Uzumaki, and heroes have challenges they must overcome.

So, Graham felt he must overcome his hurdle in education.

So, Graham, with his Boudican money purchased time from the Bodeland High Steward to educate him.

Meanwhile, Ehou and William Wallace were still traveling north.

Ehou felt unnerved, through the ride, looking anxiously at his side dagger.

He had lied to his mother about sleeping pills, rather he actually went to see the doctor.

He had the doctor wipe his visit from hospital records because he wanted it private.

Ehou tried remembering what happened after the tournament, but it was a blank.

William Wallace then stopped the both of them on the road.

William then got off his horse, then took out his mace.

Ehou's blood pressure skyrocketed, he fumbled, fell off his horse, and dropped all his weapons, and ran away.

"Wait, Ehou." Cried Wallace.

But Ehou was gone, he just kept running, and running.

Eventually Ehou found himself in a field, sitting on a stump.

He looked down at the ground, unsure of his life.

He started crying.

"Ehou." Said Wallace, finally caught up. "What has gotten into you, you have been acting weird, ever since after the squire's tourney."

Ehou looked towards William Wallace with tearful eyes.

William was taken aback.

"I killed him!" cried Ehou. "I killed Scrope!"

William was shocked.

"I'm sorry, I lied, I-I can't be warrior anymore." Said Ehou with a sad expression. "Killing is to-to much."

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (4)

Meanwhile the High Steward of Bodeland was in his place of work in Bodeland.

Steward Andreas Halliday was working on a letter to Shinobi businessmen and work colleagues of his.

A servant came in, with more letters from his business compatriots.

"Thank you, Matthias." Said Andreas.

"My pleasure, sir." Replied the servant.

Andreas continues to read the letters of concern or replies to his own concerns.

He then remembers a meeting he hosted with them.

A meeting about a couple of weeks ago.

"Preposterous." Said one businessman. "This whole idea of peace in the Land of Fire is a joke."

Granted these men were of Shinobi origin, Andreas was surprised to hear men of the Shinobi World up set at the state of affairs in their own country.

"Who thought it was a good idea to put an uneducated brute in charge of a whole village, and it's welfare." Said another. "I get you need a powerful leader in times of war, but we are in "peace.", living in peace is a lot more complicated than living in war."

"It shouldn't be!" said different Shinobi businessmen. "The Hokage takes forever to approve paperwork, business is slow because of him, who though a warrior would be a good businessman, or politician in the time of peace, if you ask me, he is a war leader, not peace leader. One day, I thought he actually got better at economics, but from what I hear the Boudican William Wallace, who is actually educated, did the paperwork with ease, and actually made business for us run smoothly that day, but then it was back to being bad like it is always."

"Don't you dare speak that name, William Wallace!" Said Andreas. "William Wallace is cold blooded murderer."

The businessmen looked at each other after Andreas's statement.

"Anyways, that doesn't matter to us." Replied businessmen. "Whatever your feud with this half-Boudican, Balliol says if the Leaf knew the truth about him, there would be too many questions."

Andreas composed himself.

"Right, forgive me, on to Business then." Said Andreas.

A different businessmen came up with paper.

"Finally, we are going to discuss the Land of Fire government." He spoke. "Times have changed, they are more complicated in peace, than war, we need a Democratic government."

"A democratic government?" said Andreas with surprise. "Interesting, although Boudica didn't have that, not exactly at least. I have had children of nobility be my wards of mine for bit, so they may learn about studies, government, and the people, they would one day rule, then again, we are instilling our values in them, so in a way it is a form of democracy, because we are showing the children of the ruling class how to best rule us, by understanding our struggles. So, I can see my Boudican culture being a form of democracy, if the common folk help raise the future class. It explains why we kept peace for as long as we can remember."

"I agree on the democratic aspect, but you have a Boudican culture, we have a Shinobi one." replied one of the businessmen. "Different cultures require different solutions, right now we live under a dictatorship of uneducated warriors, who think battle can decide leadership in politics, government, and the economy. Same applies to the noble clans, they hold all the power, and their heirs receive it on a silver platter for free, no matter what. Yet us businessmen worked ourselves up from nothing, and yet we have no say in government, we know what is best for the common folk, because we are of the common folk, we create business, we create jobs, we make sure our children understand the importance of working hard and establishing themselves. We need a Democracy, and Balliol will help us achieve it. If we don't succeed, much more crimes will happen under Dictatorship. Doesn't matter if Naruto Uzumaki seems like a good guy, in our eyes, he is an awful Government official, Hiruzen Sarutobi was also considered a good Hokage, yet look what happened under his watch, the Uchiha massacre!"

The Businessmen start murmuring among themselves, agreeing with one another.

"I agree." Said Andreas. "No matter how you look at it, the Uchiha massacre was not justified, they should have known the Uchiha would retaliate for how piss poorly they have been treated. Being blamed by the nine tales attack, racially discriminated against, especially by the Second Hokage, forced to be outcasts of the village, oh even worse guilt tripped one of their own to carry out the massacre, talk about exploitation."

"Correct." Replied one of the businessmen. "We are different, we make sure not to exploit our workers, or else, no-one would support us, in fact, pay your workers justly and treating them well, this way makes more profit for everyone in the long run."

"But Naruto and Sasuke, as well as the other members of the Konoha are just two powerful, no one can stand against them, no wonder there is peace." said one of the other businessmen. "There is peace by fear, because anyone who would go openly against them would be annihilated."

All the businessmen nodded in agreement, so now they have to discuss a different course of action.

"Whatever our course will be gentlemen." Remembered Andreas. "Balliol will come up with the proper procedure, perhaps we may gain influence from Lord Comyn marrying the Princess Asami."

Andreas at that moment stopped remembering the meeting. He was back in his office. He realized he broke his writing quill.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"We must establish our democracy." Said Andreas to himself. "But first we must be patient."

At that moment, a servant knocked on the door.

"Sir, your scheduled pupil has arrived." Said the servant.

"Very, well, send him in." replied Andreas.

Graham was led in at once.

"I am here Mr. Andreas." Said Graham.

"As usual, shall we start your lessons." Replied Andreas.

Graham nodded.

Andreas began reviewing Boudican Literature and Mathematics with Graham.

"Now how did Beowulf beat Grendel?" asked Andrea quizzing Graham.

"By ripping off, his arm." Replied Graham.

"Correct." said Andreas. "I seem you have improved."

"Even so, I still struggle with the readings." Replied Graham. "When I try to read a page, it becomes hard to focus, I was only able to pass squire education, because I studied with others, but now it has been a while, and now I am ashamed that I am slowly forgetting literature. I can remember my training and skills, for me at least, muscle memory is easier than written memory, although the teachings on magic are a whole different story."

"Graham, remember my question for you." Said Andreas.

"Yes, Mr. Steward." Replied Graham.

"Do you have the answer for my question on Democracy." Said Andreas.

"Well, sir, I like the idea of people choosing who shall rule them." Said Andreas. "I mean personally I don't see, why you asked me the question though."

"Just curious." Said Andreas, looking at Graham.

"One thing for sure." Said Graham, in a joking voice. "I hope they vote for you, instead of me, I'd say I am a half decent warrior, but warriors don't make good peace leaders, if all they did to get there was fight. At the very least, they should have educated businessmen, help them out."

"Exactly, that is why if you were voted, you would be a good leader, you recognize your short comings, and rather than ignore them, you get intelligent people to plug the gaps." Said Andreas, with excitement.

Graham was surprised.

"I guess, I can see where you are coming from." Said Graham.

After a long important conversation, Graham left happy.

Then he had a gut feeling, then smacked his face.

"I am taking a little leap of faith." Said Graham. "Oh, I may have-."

At once, something fast caught his eye, it was fast, but he was faster.

Graham saw it was an owl with an expertly bandage wing, so he followed it.

It was fast, so he had to run.

As he followed, he analyzed the owl. He saw that the brace, it needed to fly with, was made of fine thin wood, flexible enough so the owl could flap its wings.

He followed it for a while, finally going up steps.

Then it finally stopped and landed on a rock bench.

Graham had finally gotten to the place where the Owl had landed.

"There you are! Ibet." Said a girl's voice. "You flew for longer than last time, let me examine your wing."

Graham was amazed, that finally made owl wing cast, was made none other than this girl, about his age.

Graham saw the girl had dark brown, fair skin and grey eyes; she analyzed the owl's wing expertly.

"She is that smart?" thought Graham.

The girl did not notice Graham, rather analyzed her owl, then took out a book to look to for something to help her in regard to the owl.

Graham gave a small smile.

"That's- that's a neat invention for the owl." Said Graham.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (5)

The girl looked up at him from her book.

"Oh." She said surprised. "I didn't see you there, Squire."

Graham smiled.

"It is John Graham." Replied Graham.

"John?" she said. "There's too many Johns, you shall be known as Graham to me."

"Fair enough." Replied Graham. "And your name is?"

"Marjory Halliday." Said Marjory. "Daughter of the Bodeland High Steward."

Graham felt he would have trouble remembering that.

"I'll call you Jory for short." Said Graham.

Marjory crossed her arms.

"Marjory is a unique name." said Jory in a disappointed tone.

"Well, Jory sounds better." Replied Graham, smiling.

Marjory closed her book aggressively.

"Are you so forgettable, that you can't remember a name, or do you only remember the sword?" she said in a disappointed tone.

Graham was embarrassed.

"Yes, your right." Said Graham "I am very forgettable, that is why I study under the Steward, your father, I need to sharpen my mind."

Jory was surprised.

"I thought Squire's only need to sharpen their swords." Said Jory.

"Well, what I seek I need to work for, one which I need not sharper my sword, but my mind as well, to sharpen off the dullness of my mind." Said Graham.

Graham bowed before Jory, much to Jory's surprise.

"I need all the learnings, I can get." Said Graham. "Please Jory, accept me as your humble student."

Graham bowed.

Jory's cheeks went pink, but only slightly.

Graham still bowed.

Jory then grabbed him by the ear.

"Ow." Said Graham.

"You are a weird squire, boy." Said Marjory. "And it's Marjory."

"Alright, J-Marjory." Replied Graham.

"Alright then, I accept, but you have to do whatever I tell you, mister." Said Marjory.

Graham was embarrassed.

Marjory put her hand on her chin.

"Alright then, what to teach you?" Said Marjory.

Jory looked at Ibet the owl.

"Analyze Ibet's wing and tell me any observations." Ordered Marjory.

"Um, ok." Said Graham.

Graham went down on one knee and analyzed the owl's wing.

"Well, I can see you sued good leather, thin wood, very thin, like paper to bandage the wing, as well as small string." Said Graham. "And I think, is that tar?"

"Correct, you seem good with observations." Said Marjory.

"But I am a trained Boudican squire, of course, I can make observations, such are needed to win let's say a fight, especially against an armored Boudican opponent." Said Graham.

"But you see an observation, is a key to retaining information, like reading text, that is a form of information in observation." Said Marjory.

"Yeah, I know but I get headaches from reading, while I am at peace swinging my sword." Said Graham.

Marjory flicked Graham's forehead.

"Then drink tea or wear an ice pack." Said Marjory. "There is saying that practice makes perfect."

Graham still analyzed the Owl.

Marjory thought for a second.

"Why does a squire wish for the knowledge of librarians?" asked Jory.

Graham looked towards Jory to answer her question, but he was shocked to find her face so close to his.

Graham fell back a bit.

"Ugh!, you startled me, Marjory." Said Graham.

Marjory sighed.

"Are you going to answer my question or not, weirdo." Said Marjory.

Graham laughed a bit.

"Alright." Replied Graham. "But it is a long story, so sit down."

As he was explaining his reasons to her, Graham remembered how he told Steward Andreas similarly of his reasons, he then thought back to it.

He remembers the scene to a tea.

"I guess, I can see where you are coming from." Replied Graham, in regard to Andreas's question on a leader for Democracy.

Andreas stopped writing.

"Graham." Said Andreas.

"Y-yes, sir." Said Graham.

"I have a daughter who is your age." Said Andreas.

Graham stood attention, he never knew Andreas had a daughter, let alone seen her anywhere before, I mean what man would bring his daughter to his work?

"During the war, my children were scattered, dead or missing, I don't know." Said Andreas. "My youngest daughter is all I have left; she is dear to me."

"Where is he going with this?" thought Graham.

"When you and she are of age, I wish to give her to you to wed." said Andreas.

Graham was shocked.

"B-bride, but sir, you strike me as the type to be strict with whom your daughters would end up with." Said Graham

"Oh, I am strict, in that regard." Replied Andreas. "But you are an exception, you who desires to be a great hero."

Graham felt having a betrothal would be good for him, after all, Andreas's daughter would be a commoner, so any children born would be named Grahams in last name. A betrothal might set a bar to prove himself worthy, in the art of smarts, however when Andreas mentioned Graham's dream of "heroism." Graham blanked.

Why does he want to be a great hero, one as great as Naruto Uzumaki?

"Well, sir." Said Graham. "To be honest, a great hero is one who is powerful, I saw it for myself, when I was younger, I was weak, during the war, I couldn't even fight, I was stuck in a burning house, the rebels lit on fire, I was worried I would die a terrible death, but then I was saved, I saw what someone with power can do, they have the power to save, someone with power isn't weak, however I also learned one does not have power through the sword, but the mind as well."

Graham noticed Andreas eyed him suspiciously.

"But I sir, I don't want power, just for power's sake, well at least not entirely, but to have powers to save others, as I was once saved." Said Graham. "And the power of knowledge and studies to define my reasons for why I fight."

"No need to explain, all humans desire power of a kind." Said Andreas.

"Your daughter?" asked Graham. "Is-is she smart?"

"Oh, yes, quite smart, maybe too smart, she can be gentle, however she is sharp at tung at times." Said Andreas.

Graham sighed with relief.

"Then I accept." Said Graham. "I trust you, Steward."

Andreas was surprised.

"Wouldn't you want to meet first, before giving me an answer." Said Andreas.

"Steward, you have been nothing but kind to me, you have helped me with studies and overcome my dyslexia, at least a little bit." Said Graham with a small smile. "The fact you ask and accept my reasons for self-improvement, means I trust you all the more."

Andreas shook Graham's hand.

"Then it is settled then." Said Andreas.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (6)

Meanwhile, Squire John Stewart led an escort with a cartmen, with Mary and her friends.

"Mighty kind of you to escort us, Squire Stewart." Said the cartmen. "But why must you wear a helmet."

"It is no problem." Lied Stewart. "It looks cool."

Stewart was upset with Graham. He thought he would have alone time with Mary, but Graham tricked him.

Mary was distracted talking with her friends in the back cart.

Luckily, he had a helmet on because his face was fixed in a visibly angry look.

The girls in cart were talking about whatever stuff that Stewart did not care about.

Stewart then thought back to what he wanted when making cheer with Wallace and Graham.

"I said I wanted the secrets of this world." Thought Stewart.

Stewart thought more, what he said was a bit of an exaggeration.

He when he was talking about secrets, he more or less meant like intriguing secrets like "Why are we here." "Why do things have such order to them, and yet pure chaos at times."

Or his favorite question, "Why is there something, rather than nothing." A question by a philosopher.

The answer to this question is "It is."

Stewart wanted to think more about the questions, perhaps the mystery of said secrets make them more the enjoyable to interpret, then just given a straight answer.

Then Stewart remembered what Wallace told him all that time back.

"I must be focused, especially when I am on duty." Thought Stewart to himself.

"Hey, Squire!" said one of Mary's friends.

Stewart turned his head.

"Yeah!" replied Stewart.

"So, what did Wallace actually do during the battle, you know instead of fight?" asked the girl.

"Martha!" protested Mary Graham. "Why must you ask a question."

"He did fight!" said Stewart. "He slew many more bandits then either me or Graham."

"Be honest, did he force you to say that." Said Martha. "I mean he is a scary monster right."

"Nope." Replied Stewart.

"I agree, Martha." Said another girl. "He is probably lying, after all it must be hard on this boy, having the traitor as a superior."

Other girls nodded in agreement.

"Enough, girls." Cried Mary. "We are here to enjoy the festival, not talk about negative things, do you really want to sour the mood."

The girls looked at each other.

"Well." Said Martha. "I guess you're right."

"One thing before we stop talking, a word of advice." Said Stewart. "William Wallace is better person than all of you combined, and you would be wise to not hate him, rather forgive him like the Boudican Church has."

The girl crossed her arms without after that.

"Mr. Oneil, when do we get to the festival." Asked one of the girls to diffuse the situation.

"Oh, just a little while." Said Oneil, embarrassed by the argument in the back.

There was silence on the ride, Stewart was soured, but hid it under his helmet.

However, for some reason, he felt a little relieved in his mind.

Meanwhile Ehou was upset, and William Wallace was shocked.

"What do you remember?" asked William Wallace.

"It is all blank, it happened so fast." Said Ehou. "If this is what it means to be a Boudican than-?"

"What, you just want to be a Shinobi?" said William Wallace. "Do you really think there is no killed or be killed rule for a warrior."

"I just-I can't, it is too much." Cried Ehou. "At first, I wanted to be a Shinobi, like everyone looks up to Naruto..."

"He may be a hero to the Leaf, and his allies." Said William. "But he is demon to his enemies, especially in Boudica, also Shinobi do kill."

Ehou looked down on the ground.

"What would my mom think, is this why she hid my father from me?" said Ehou

"I don't know." Said William Wallace. "But there is one thing, you must know."

William Wallace put his hands on Ehou's shoulders.

"Get a grip, you swore an oath to the band of Macduff." Said William. "You were given power, now you have a responsibility to use it."

"SOME ONE HELP!!!!!" cried a voice.

William Wallace and Ehou hide behind a small hill.

They looked across the and saw a village, where they saw a bunch of armed men with blue arm bands.

"Please sir, we given you everything we have." Said a crying villager.

"Don't lie to me?" said one of the bandits in samurai armor, most likely the leader. "Or do you really think you'd value your possessions over your lives."

"What are you waiting for, help them, you've done this before." Said Ehou, in shock.

"What if I'm frightened what if I don't want the act of killing on my soul." Said William.

"But-bu.." stuttered Ehou.

"Think, Think." Said William. "This is a test brought forth by God! Will you cower, or will you be brave."

"If you won't tell me the truth." Said the bandit leader.

"The Leaf will hear of this." Said a young girl.

"Oi, boss." Said one thug. "I think that was threat."

"Well, little miss mayor, Koharu?" said the bandit leader sarcastically. "Our contact told us of a booty, and we out to have it, and this trash does not equal the booty promised to us.

"Boss I have an idea." Said a thug and whispered into the leader's ear.

"Oh, great idea." Said the bandit leader. "Let's start drowning people into the rivers, that ought to make them talk."

"No please!" cried one.

"You can't, we've given you everything you've have." Shouted another in desperation.

"You can't do this!" cried Koharu.

"Try and stop us then." Gloated the bandit leader.

The Bandits proceeded to grab people, some tried to fight back but got taken down by one punch due to the strength of each bandit.

"I-I can't, what will my mother think?" said Ehou in despair.

"Good question!" said William Wallace. "What would she think if you let a bunch of people die."

William Wallace's voice spoke deeper than ever.

"If you won't save them." Said William. "Who will?"

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (7)

All at once, everything was a haze for Ehou.

The Bandit Leader looked gleefully as his men forced people under water.

"Oh boy, I'm going to be rich, just little torture first." He spoke.

"Halt!" cried a voice.

The voice came from the woods, at once everyone including the bandits looked.

Koharu, who was the young head of the small village, eyes glowed from what she saw.

There was a figure in the entrance of the woods.

She saw glowing light, from the woods, and it shined off the figure's armor.

An armor she had never seen before, with shiny sword, metal helm, metal ring tunic, with a white one on top and a red shield within a red shield for a shield.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (8)

"I shall Face you, Scum!" said the armored figure, the voice echoed within the helm, it sounded like a boy's voice mixed with the fury of damnation.

The bandit leader looked on gleefully.

"Boss, he insulted you." Said a Bandit subordinate. "Let's surround him and rip him to shreds, that co*cky metal boy."

The Bandit leader only smiled.

"Oh, Jigoku, I think I will take him alone." Said the Bandit leader, he then pointed his katana at the metal boy's armor. "See look at his apparel, if we ganga up on him, we will destroy his expensive armor, which could sell for great profit intact in the underworld market."

The Bandit leader smiled grimly.

He then jumped into the flowing river standing in it shin deep. The river was flowing into a waterfall, yet the bandit's strength made it, so he was as still as a mountain.

"Alright, metal boy, lets duel one on one, with the river as our field." Said the Bandit leader.

saw that the metal boy was hesitant, but nonetheless jumped into the river, also maintaining his form.

"I'm Daku, leader of the Blue Bands." Said Daku.

"I am-." Said the metal boy.

"Don't care, I'll forget the moment, I kill you." Interrupted Daku, lunging his katan for a swing at Ehou's head.

The Ehou, the metal boy,'s head was flooded with thoughts.

Ehou, not thinking straight in his first real battle, saw it and out of instinct, blocked it with his sword.

A large clash between the swords put water up in the air, making it rain, and blew trees like hard wind.

"Interesting!" said Daku, grinning.

With great speed like light, he started swing faster,

Water from the river shot up like it was raining hard backwards.

Ehou, amazedly kept with the katana with his sword and shield parrying.

"This is what it means to kill or be killed." Thought Ehou.

To Ehou, Wallace had taught him many things about his mysterious heritage, that they both shared as half Boudicans.

There a line between life and death, war stands at that line.

Ehou, now stands dancing on the line between life and death.

He understood it now, all too well.

He was playing a game of chess with death, and he wasn't sure if he was winning or losing.

Nonetheless, it was a magical and thrilling drug, is this why Boudicans enjoy war?

"I'm idiot." Thought Ehou. "Why am I so focused on Blocking, I am wearing armor!"

Ehou then swung up with his sword.

Daku blocked it desperately, his katana cracked, he then maneuvered and hit Ehou twice with it, each blow causing a shock wave that put water over the trees, like that they were being flooded.

Daku with his katana, struck Ehou on his side with no shield, and on his shoulder, nothing.

They hurt Ehou but only like a small punch.

Ehou took the initiative, he shield bashed Daku's knees, and knocked him off balance.

Now Ehou has had enough of Daku's face, so he stabbed it.

Right through the mouth, thought the head, with such force, it launched Daku's helmet into the air, and if fell into the water, and floated down stream like a paper made boat.

There was shock among everyone, including Ehou.

This was the second man Ehou had killed in his life, but this man deserved it.

"He killed the boss!" yelled a thug. "Gang up on him!"

To Ehou's surprise, the bandits were not cowards, despite picking on weaker people.

Everything now was a Haze, it no longer rained water upwards from the river, but blood.

These men were much weaker than their leader.

Ehou shield bashed, hacked, slashed, and stab.

The fight between Ehou and Daku was duel, this was a battle, and Ehou was a one-man army.

Gazing at his arms and skill in battle against his enemies, seeing his power through the visor of his helmet pumped his adrenaline.

An imagined memory flashed, a imagined memory he had.

It was him, a young William Wallace, playing with wooden swords and wooden shields with wooden helms.

It seems like a fun game to play with wooden swords, thus Boudican warfare was deadly game, a game where you either win or die.

During war, you are either alive or dead, to Ehou he was walking on the line in between, he felt he had risen to a new plane of existence.

The battle was now over, the bandits were gone, their bodies, or what's left of them flowed down the river, that was red with their blood.

Ehou had stepped off the line, and was now back into life, no longer was he in the plane of existence which was the line between life and death.

After his first battle, Ehou felt nauseated, so much had happened, that he not only shocked by his first battle, but that he won it as well.

He was shocked at the kind of power he wielded.

He fell backwards to rest, but instead of hitting the water, he was just falling, he was so close to the waterfall, after the battle, that he fell down it, with sword and shield in hand.

He heard the villagers call out in horror.

But Ehou couldn't make out what they were saying, but didn't care, he crashed into the pond below that the waterfall was going too.

He drifted into the water a bit, he sunk to the bottom, his head was still in a haze, nonetheless he realized he had to get out.

With his strength he swam to the surface, despite his armor weighing him down, he walked out to a rock, dripping water.

He then used the wind of his strength and body to dry himself.

Ehou heard the villagers coming to check on him, but out of instinct he hid.

He was not in the right mind to be celebrated, he wouldn't know what to say, let alone how he would react to being glorified a hero.

"Guess I understand why William is anti-social." Thought Ehou.

Ehou looked from his hidden hiding place, as the villagers looked left and right for him.

"Quick, Hiro!" ordered Koharu, "He must be under the pond, somewhere."

"I've checked." Said Hiro, who was wet from swimming. "He just disappeared."

"Miss Koharu, look here." Said a villager, pointing at the watered rock that Ehou was on.

"It is like he disappeared." Said a villager.

"It's like he is the man with wings.." Said Hiro. "While I was sailing, and catching fish in the sea, I met a sailor with a weird accent, who told how he survived drowning because his guardian angel watched over him."

"An angel?" Said Koharu.

"Either that or he was ghost." Replied Hiro. "But nonetheless, he is gone, now miss mayor we must make sure everyone is alright."

Everyone left to attend to the village problems, but not Koharu, who was still in awe by the ordeal.

Ehou was still in shock, some part of him felt shame in taking pleasure in battle, yet this was the result of his battle prowess.

This girl and her village live because of him.

He is hero now, he slayed bad men to save good innocent people.

"Who was he?" Said Koharu. 'Was he actually our guardian angel?"

Koharu stood around for a little bit, thinking.

"But I guess it doesn't matter what he is, but what he did." Said Koharu to herself.

Koharu then put her hands together in prayer for thanksgiving.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (9)

"Thank you! Angel, who-ever you are?" said Koharu.

Koharu's face went red.

"Although, I wish I at least got your real name." said Kaharu.

She smiled; it was a pretty smile.

Ehou was now surprised. He was still shocked at what he did, he had slain a man, no men, living human beings, but they were evil human beings, that would have killed good ones.

They would have drowned the villagers if not for Ehou's interference.

This girl and her people are safe, because of what Ehou had done.

"I did this." Thought Ehou. "I saved them, I became a hero, by making a tough call."

Ehou continued thinking about all that happened on the way back to William Wallace

Ehou left and found William Wallace, sitting next to a boulder.

William was reading from a book.

"The breath that wafts from some blessed corner of Paradise gives sweetness to the bitterness of this region; it tempers the curse on this earth of ours. That Garden is the life-breath of this diseased world that has been so long in sickness; that breath proclaims that a saving remedy has been sent to heal our mortality." Said William.

"You really are reading poetry, while I fought for my life." Said Ehou, "Really?"

"I would be perceptive enough to know you were in trouble." Replied William.

Ehou caught his breath.

"Anyways, you were right." Said Ehou. "I see why you made me kill them, I'm just shocked such evil people exist, even today in this Peace era."

"Regardless of era, all humans are created with their own free will, they can choose to be good." Said William. "Or evil?"

"The bandit Daku, and his men would have drowned those people, and I killed all of the bandits for that." Said Ehou. "And I felt, I felt something from it, a mad crazed joy, the thrill of walking on a new plane of existence, between Life and Death, it was like an addiction."

"Boudicans enjoy warfare, plain and simple." Said William. 'Because of this, we should not let our feelings dictate our reason, or else we are no worse than mindless savage monsters."

"But there is one thing, I don't feal so good about?" said Ehou.

"What is it?" asked William.

Ehou's face was embarrassed.

"You know those generic fairy tales or romances." Said Ehou. "You know where the damsel in distress "falls in love" with the hero, after he save her."

"Yeah, in fact, some of those are the best books I have read." Replied William.

"Let's just say, I didn't think it would happen in real life." Said Ehou. "The mayor girl, I think-think she uh likes me?"

"So?" said William.

"Don't you think it's weird, like-liking someone who just saved you, and you don't even know them as a person." Said Ehou.

William Wallace closed his book.

"Well, not knowing you, maybe a bit farfetched." Said William. "I mean certain qualities of your character were on display, when you saved her and her village, for one bravery, courage, and maybe perseverance?"

Ehou thought for a second.

"I don't know, it just sounds clique, if you know what I mean." Said Ehou.

William Wallace got up.

"I think I do." Said William. "But now, I believe we should be on our way."

Ehou nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Stewart stood on guard having a drink and leaning on a tree, he watched as the girls as well as the other people of the festival danced with music and usually around the large bonfire.

There were also some people huddled at tables for drink and food, delicious food, and drink.

Stewart was quite bored, he didn't take in the festivities, unless it was with Graham, who in Stewart's mind was the outgoing nice type.

Stewart remembered how hostile these people were towards Stewart's friend William.

He understands why, but then he remembered the teaching from the Boudican Church.

"Are we not taught to forgive those who persecute us?" thought Stewart. They call themselves good Boudican Christians, oh the irony.

Plus, William had already paid for his crime, the Church pardoned him upon seeing that his sentence was too extreme.

But unfortunately, the Church has done nothing to the Boudicans treating William as an outcast.

"Ugh, why is the Church so corrupt under our current pope, maybe that is why we lost the war." Thought Stewart. "The Bodeland abbey's cardinal should be pope, he would set everything right, reform the Church, and excommunicate people who are unnecessarily cruel to William."

"Hey, Stewart." Said a voice, it was Mary Graham.

"Mary." Replied Stewart.

Mary sat next to the Stewart on the grass.

"You probably should have brought noble dancing clothes, if you wished to dance." Said Mary, in a joking voice.

"I wouldn't want to dance." Said Stewart, whose temper soured upon looking at the girls who insulted William Wallace. "Not with them, they who treat my friend and superior unjustly, after how heroically William is, they despite them and try their best to shun him."

Stewart had never gotten mad in front of Mary Graham, but now, because William was his friend, he had to defend him, despite everyone's feelings.

Feelings shouldn't dictate reason, if they did, reason would be subjective, based on the eye of the perceiver.

Mary Graham's smile died.

"Stewart, I admire that you defended your friend." Said Graham. "But understand they are hurting, just look at them."

Stewart looked at them, everyone was enjoying themselves in a peaceful time. Dancing, singing, eating, an outsider would see this as a joyous atmosphere.

"Everyone suffered in the war, everyone's still hurting." Said Mary. "Yet moments like this make them happy."

"I don't get your point." Said Stewart.

"The point is that we are part of these people, and we now have peace of as sort." Said Mary. "William, unfortunately is a grim reminder of what everyone had lost, and I know it is not fair, but they hate him, for he makes them suffer."

Mary Graham stood up.

"But I think with time the wounds could heal." Said Mary. "I believe what you say on William is true, he is a hero, he will show them, one day, I'm sure, Graham thinks the same as well."

At once, a whole crowd gathered around two people at once.

There was a bunch of murmuring, joyful murmuring around the new visitors.

"Martha, what is going on?" asked Mary.

"It's Lord Comyn!" said Martha with excitement. "He has arrived to our festival upon Mayor Taylor's request, and oh my, is that who I think it is."

"Is it the-the lady-princess Asami, Lord Comyn's fiancée?" Said Mary with surprise.

"Yes, let's go see her." Said Martha. 'She has brightest most beautiful red hair of anyone I have ever seen."

Mary ran past Martha.

Martha looked at Stewart, after Mary passed her.

"If you were Comyn, you would see the hating on Wallace is justified." She said with a stern voice.

Martha then went to join the others to see Lord Comyn and his fiancée.

Stewart poured out his drink in disgust.

"Hating William Wallace will come back to bite you." Thought Stewart. "It will come back to bite all of you."

Stewart went behind the tree and decided to sit down and rest.

The crowd horde around Lord Comyn and his fiancée.

"Lord, Comyn. It is an honor, my lord." Said a dancer.

"Lord Comyn, may I honor thy Lord and Lady with song?" asked a signer.

"Lord Comyn, would thy Lady, like to try me famous festival roast?" asked a chef.

They were asking so many questions, that Comyn only smiled and did not answer.

Asami huddled close to John Comyn, embarrassed by the attention.

Asami wore Boudican woman's clothing fit for nobility, a long teal dress, with a light green cape.

The Mayor, James Taylor, with his wife in hand walked up and everyone cleared around John Comyn and Asami.

"My Lord and my Lady, I am so happy, you have accepted to join us today." Said Taylor.

Both Taylor and his wife, Mrs. Taylor bowed before their Lord and Lady.

"My lady, you are more beautiful as the rumors say." Said Mrs. Taylor.

Asami's face went red, almost as red as her hair.

"Now, will our Lord and Lady care to join us in a dance, and in the festivities of this festival." asked Mayor Taylor.

Asami whispered something in Comyn's ear.

"We will, but first may I have a word with my lady, alone." Said Comyn.

Comyn and Asami walked together to the tree Stewart were resting on, although on the opposite side.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (10)

"I am glad you took me to meet your people, John." Said Asami. "But this dress.."

"Is beautiful isn't it?" replied Comyn.

"It is but, it is hard to move around in." said Asami. "I prefer my Kimono."

"Will it stop you from dancing?" asked Comyn.

"No, I think I should be I can still move my feat to dance the way your people do." Replied Asami. "I saw the girls dance in their dresses, it shouldn't be hard I hope."

"Did you understand them at least." Asked Comyn.

"Yes, I have studied Latin enough to recognize it and speak it, you taught me." Said Asami.

Comyn nodded in agreement.

Stewart heard this conversation, and decided to hopefully walk away, quietly.

"Wait, boy!" said Asami, upon noticing him.

Stewart turned towards Asami and Lord Comyn.

He bowed, to hide his face, and show respect.

"Hello, my lord and lady, it is a honor." Said Stewart with careful courtesy.

"Wait, are you a knight, a young boy knight?" asked Asami.

"No, my lady, knights and squires look similar, but all squire's are just boys, while most knights are men like Lord Comyn here." Replied Stewart.

"I recognize your surcoat, your older brother Steward James was one of the six appointed guardians of Boudica, is that right, John Stewart?" Said John Comyn. "You may rise squire."

Stewart got up on his feat.

"That is correct my lord." Replied Stewart.

Asami looked a little infuriated.

"Is John really a popular common name in Boudica." Asked Asami.

"It is one of them my lady." Replied Stewart.

Asami sighed.

"Guess I'll just be using last names most of the time in Boudica them." Said Asami jokingly.

"Stewart, where is the earl of Fife?" asked Comyn.

"Oh, he's with his wife up north, he has left his head squire in charge." Replied Stewart. He turned towards Asami. "I'm sure you know them, my lady."

"Oh, wait, all those boys in templar cloaks at the wedding, I remember seeing you among them." Said Asami. "And there was another boy, a handsome boy, with dirty blond hair, the color of his eyes were light green, they look exactly like the head Medical ninja, Sakura Uchiha's eyes."

"Yep that is Macduff's squire." Interrupted Stewart, upon seeing Comyn's face redden from anger. "But my lords and lady, isn't there a festival, that you ought to attend to?"

"Why the sudden change in subject?" asked Asami.

"My lady." Said Comyn. "He is right, this boy is a sentry. I feal it is time to join the others in dancing, in fact you ought to know all Boudicans then getting to know just three."

Asami looked at each Stewart then back at Comyn.

"Oh, ok, I guess you are right, love." Said Asami. "It was good to meet you, John Stewart."

As Asami and Comyn turned away, Stewart saw Comyn mouth a "thanks," at Stewart.

Stewart sat down and leaned on the tree.

Meanwhile outside the forest of the festival, Ehou and William rode horses.

"What do you mean you can't go to the festival?" said Ehou.

"It's a long story, but the people of Bodeland hate me." Said William.

"But why, you going to tell me?" asked Ehou.

William looked at Ehou with an emotionless face.

"Well, I don't know your secret past." Said William. "So it is fair that you don't know mine, plus I never like talking about it."

"Hey, that's not fair." Said Ehou in protest. "Even I don't know my past."

Ehou thought for a moment.

"Well, if the Boudicans do hate you, I wouldn't want to hang with them then." Said Ehou.

William Wallace looked at Ehou in surprise.

"Just because they hate me, doesn't mean you have to." Said William.

Ehou laughed.

"No thanks, haters of my half-Boudican brother, are haters of me as well." Said Ehou with a smile.

William smirked.

"Very well, we ride north for Macduff." Said William.

As Ehou turned his horse north.

The back of his head, through the woods caught the eyes of John Comyn.

Comyn was shook, his eyes poked out of his socket.

"John!?" asked Asami in worry. "Are you Ok!?"

John looked at Asami, his face sweating.

He looked back, and the figure he saw was gone.

"I though I saw something." Said John Comyn.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (11)

"Your face is sweating." Said Asami. "What did you see."

John Comyn looked left and right.

Asami put her hands over his right hand.

"What did you see?" asked Asami again. "John, you can tell me."

John looked at her with frightened eyes.

"A ghost!" he said.

Meanwhile, in Bodeland.

Graham had felt he had learned a great many things from Marjory.

"You, John Graham are a headache." Said Marjory.

Graham smiled with embarrassment.

"I did ask you to teach me." Said Graham. "You said yes."

Marjory turned toward Graham.

"Perhaps you should read more, if you desire knowledge to improve oneself." Said Marjory.

"And what if I get a headache for reading." Said Marjory.

"Then you should probably read out in the snow." Said Marjory. "I think your brain would worry about the cold more than the sickness of a couple of words."

At once, they found themselves in the grassy valley where the home of Steward of Bodeland resides.

"Now why did you insist to escort me home again?" asked Marjory with a suspicious tone.

Graham was embarrassed.

"Well, um, chivalry, maybe?" said Graham with an embarrassed smile.

Marjory grabbed him by his collar with one hand, while another held a book close to her chest.

Graham was taller than Marjory, but once she grabbed him by his collar he crouched down below her height.

She looked into his eyes like she was trying to find cracks in a shield.

"Right!?' she said.

She let go at that moment, Graham caught his breath.

She had a strong grip for a girl, or maybe Graham liked to think that.

"Heh." Said Graham. "Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, then why not try training with both?"

Graham looked towards his right.

He saw a cross with a ring loping the arms and stem.

"Why is a Boru Cross made in the green field?" asked Graham.

"No one knows who built it." Said Marjory. "Although I guess it is a form of art, a Boru Cross in the middle of a large green field."

Graham started jogging towards.

"Where are you going?" asked Jory.

"To pray!" replied Graham.

"Why." Responded Marjory.

"Why not." Replied Graham. "I am still living, Jory, a prayer is always a good thing, remember the teachings from our church."

"I told you not to call-me." Said Jory, but the words could not come from her mouth.

She sighed then turned away to walk home, then a wind blew in her face.

She then turned her face in Graham's direction.

Graham was kneeling beneath the cross, with his sword stabbed in the ground.

The wind had stopped blowing hard and was now blowing lightly.

The air had now become light and peaceful, and Jory still saw Graham, bowed down in silence.

Graham stood still like a statue, even though the wind blew hair into his closed eyes.

His sword stabbed the ground next to him, with a firm grip of his strong hands, yet despite all this the boy still desired to prove himself, in fields you wouldn't expect him to be.

Jory smiled lightly by just looking at Graham in the peaceful atmosphere of wind and silence.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (12)

She then opened the door, entered then tried closing it but the wind was too hard at that moment.

At once another hand helped her close it, it was her father.

"Papa, you are done with work, earlier than usual." Said Marjory in surprise.

"That I am." Replied Mr. Halliday. Sitting down in a chair, "So what do you think of him?"

"Him!?" said Marjory in surprise.

"John Graham." Said Mr. Halliday. "I talked with him, and he has agreed to wed you, when you both come of age.

Marjory was shocked.

"W-Wed!?" she said in shock.

She then turned around, not facing her father.

Steward Andrew Halliday had predicted that his daughter may not take a betrothal well.

"Look, Marjory, I did this because I love you, I want what is best for you." Said Andrew Halliday. "I've taught John Graham as student-."

Marjory put her hand up to stop her father from speaking.

"I'm not upset, Papa." Said Marjory to Steward Halliday's surprise. "I admit Graham, he is an odd fellow, a bit hot headed at times..."

Marjory turned towards her father.

"But he at least is humble and tries to improve in areas he falls flat." Said Marjory, with a small smile, and eyes looking like they could water at any second but didn't.

She hugged her father.

Steward Halliday was shocked.

"Thank you for the splendid choice, Papa." Said Marjory.

Steward Halliday hugged back.

"I'm glad, you approve, my dear." He spoke.

While all this happened, Wallace and Ehou had finally arrived at the lands owned by the Okami clan.

"Woah." Said Ehou. "This noble clan of the land of Fire has taken a Boudican influence."

He gazed upon the Medieval Boudican stone walls.

On the walls, there was a mix of Boudican sentries, and Land of Fire sentries.

The Boudican sentries had spears, shields and arrows alike for weaponry. As for clothing, they wore either leather jerkins, or cloth tunics, embroldened with the colors of Fife.

The Land of Fire sentries wore an attire, surprising to Ehou, they were not Shinobi.

They rather wore attire similar to the Samurai of the Land of Iron, albeit different in their own style with some Boudican influence.

The wore leather jerkins with breastplates, with spears, arrows, and shields with the symbol of a wolf in the moon.

"Why don't they have Shinobi up here?" asked Ehou.

"Shinobi are for the most part exclusive to the main villages." Replied William. "Most clans of nobility connected to the Daimyo have their traditional private militias, because they wouldn't want the Hidden Leaf intermingling in their affairs."

"Sounds a bit like they oppose the Leaf." Said Ehou.

"Why else would the Daimyo's area forbid Hidden Leaf ninja's from operating in it." Said William. "Sounds like the Daimyo wants to be self-reliant on his own means."

William knocked on the front door to the new castle of the union of Fife and the Okami clan.

The door opened immediately.

"Are there Boudicans living here?" asked Ehou.

"Of course there are, Macduff the Earl of Fife lives here, so of course his pheasants and few clan members would come to live here with them." Said William. "Don't worry they don't hate me like Bodeland, or at the very least tolerate me, which I am thankful for."

An Okami clan messenger opened the gate.

"Well, Macduff's squire are you?" Said an Okami clan messenger at the gate.

"That I am." Replied William Wallace.

"And who might your brother in arms in be?" asked the messenger.

"A new Boudican squire named Ehou Norimaki, a squire of Shinobi and Boudican blood?" said William.

The messengers eyes lit up.

"Oh, Lady Tsukasa would be dyeing to see this, the both of you?" said the messenger with humble courtesy. "Might I direct you to her and Lord Macduff."

"That is why I am here sir?" replied William.

"They are in their private house on the mountain, I'm sure the both of you will be a pleasant surprise for them." Said the messenger.

The boys climbed the mountain on their horses.

Ehou was in awe as they climbed the mountain, the trees were of a different breed, there was more moss than usual.

"What happened here, this does not look like the Land of Fire." Said Ehou.

"Seems the Earl of Fife, has added Boudican greenery." Said William Wallace with a smirk, so big, it was like he threatened to smile. "It is like we are traveling to the ancient mytholigical city of Avalon, maybe we are knights of the round table of ancient Arthurian Legend, I am Sir Gawain, and you are Sir Galahad, perhaps Macduff is our King Arthur, and Lady Tsukasa is our Queen Gwenevere."

"No." replied Ehou. "I am Sir Gawain, you are Sir Mordred, the throne will be mine, once I take down you! You Usurper!"

"Alright Gawain, defend your king then." Said William Wallace in a joking tone. "Lets race to the King."

"Alright, Bordred! but not too fast, I have no desire to destroy the greenery." Said Ehou.

The boys ran with their horses up north, but not fast, for they did not wish for their horses to rip up the trees and the fine greenery.

Eventually they found themselves at a humble yet graceful settlement, a cross between an house and castle.

They found Macduff next to the house, in analyzing what it looks like a sword.

"Macduff!" said William Wallace.

Ehou was very confused, William acts more happy with Macduff then his own family in the Leaf.

"William, my boy." Said Macduff. "It has been a while."

Macduff put his hands on William's head.

"Hey." Said William in protest.

"William is closer to Macduff than the Uchiha." Thought Ehou.

Macduff looked towards Ehou Norimaki.

"And you must be Ehou Norimaki, one of the new squires to the band of Macduff." Said said Macduff.

"That I am my lord." Said Ehou.

"Please, a friend of William's does not need such courtesy." Said Macduff putting a hand to his beard. "And you have no idea who your father is?"

"That is correct, my- I mean Macduff." Replied Ehou.

"Interesting." Said Macduff.

Macduff then looked towards home.

"Huh you are just in time, our lady is up from our nap." Said Macduff with a grin. "Wait here, I will make us some drinks real quick."

The boys were confused by Macduff but ultimately obeyed.

Ehou decided to wait by practicing with his sword.

William Wallace decided to wait by reading a book.

After exactly like 1 minute.

"Alright boys, you may come inside now, there is sweet cakes and hot cocoa." Said Macduff.

The boys stopped what they were doing, and walked to go inside.

"Alright, maybe I should eat a sweet cakes with my sword." Said Ehou.

"Unless you want the red smile, I don't recommend you do that." Said William

Once inside, and in the living room with Macduff and Tsukasa, both Ehou and William were shocked beyond words

So shocked they forgot about the hot cocoa and sweet cakes in front of them.

Even after serving themselves with cocoa and sweetcakes, they were still shocked.

All Tsukasa and Macduff did was smile.

Yet still, Ehou and William were shocked.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (13)

Both Ehou and William stared blindly at Tsukasa, mainly her stomach.

Her belly was large like an egg.

She was pregnant.

A child of Macduff, a Boudican man, and Tsukasa, a Shinobi woman.

They both knew what this meant.

"Another Half Boudican!" thought both Ehou and William.

"We-we are happy for you both." Said Ehou. "Just wow, another half Boudican."

"This would be the fourth half Boudican to exist, including David Bruce." Said William.

"You know." Said Tsukasa. "I was worried how our child would come out, since he or she may have been the first you know half-Boudican, but upon seeing you, the both of you, my worries were softened, I am more optimistic now, especially after meeting you, William."

"You give me too much credit, my lady." Said William. "If anything, Ehou should be the half-Boudican your child should strive to be like."

"What me?" said Ehou. "I haven't even found out my surcoat yet."

Both Macduff and Tsukasa laughed.

"Only time will tell Ehou, but if you really wish to not be surcoat less." Said Macduff. "Perhaps you should do more digging into your family secrets."

"I suggested the same thing too." Said William.

"I will be sure to do that." Said Ehou. 'But if it is a chicken, I would prefer to surcoat less."

"What is wrong with a chicken?" said both Macduff and William.

Tsukasa laughed.

"I can see where he is coming from, Chickens are seen as jokes in the Land if Fire." Said Tsukasa.

"I would prefer a lion like William and Macduff." Said Ehou. "If not, maybe I'll accept a wolf like yours my lady."

"A-a wolf?" said Tsukasa. "You flatter me."

"Yes, I can take a wolf, a grey wolf's head in an icy white background, I'll take that." Said Ehou.

"What about a pig?" asked Macduff.

"No, a pig is not good, in fact it may be worse than chicken." Said Ehou.

"Oh, this is fun." Said Tsukasa. "What about a boar."

Ehou thought for a second.

"A red boar with a black background sound fearsome." Said Ehou. "I guess."

"It is no use seeing what surcoat you would be ok with." Said William. "What surcoat your father had, is the one you get, same way I didn't choose to be of the Wallace clan, nor did I choose who my mother was, or that I would be related-."

Macduff and Tsukasa were silent.

"I'm just speculating, by the way, what if it is possible my father did not have a surcoat?" Said Ehou.

"Only boys of nobility merely close to babes would undergo such hard training to have their body strong enough to wear chainmail." Said William. "So, in any case your father would have to be a Boudican noble."

"That is correct, although there is one rare case, I recall of a Boru man being knighted by the lordship of Boru." Said Macduff.

"Alright I am getting confused." Said Ehou. "Boudican, Boru and Gorman, this is just confusing, I thought Boudica was an umbrella term."

Macduff was about to speak, but Tsukasa put her soft hand on his hand.

"I will explain it to him, husband." Said Tsukasa. "From one of Shinobi background to another."

Ehou sat down in attention.

William and Macduff were silent.

Tsukasa held up three fingers.

"Well, you are right, Boudica and Boudican are an umbrella term, when we refer to all Boudicans in general." Explained Tsukasa. "However, Boudica the land and world itself, is more or less separated into three different lands, we have mainland Boudica, the largest one, south, we have Gormandy, then west we have the land of the Boru. All three are Boudicans, same culture, usually the same everything, but accents, like for example, Macduff and William here have mainland Boudican accents, the most common one."

"Oh, I see." Said Ehou. "I know what a Gorman accent sounds like...."

Ehou's emotion soured.

Tsukasa noticed.

"What's wrong?" asked Tsukasa.

Ehou didn't respond, so as a result Macduff was curious.

William put his hand on Ehou's shoulder.

"Don't worry Ehou, I trust them, and so should you." Said Ehou.

William looked at Macduff and Tsukasa with a determined face.

"There is something I need to bring up to you. Ehou killed a Gorman Squire named Scrope." Said William, without hesitation.

Everything after that was a haze for Ehou.

Everything was now darkness for Ehou, had he himself passed out?

To himself, it was like he fell into a sea of dark water.

He was drowning,



His thoughts in this black sea had finally come to him, his thoughts. No, his memories.

The oldest thing he remembers is his mother drilling in him, certain things needed to live, reading, brushing teeth, tying shoes, telling him the greatness of his late father, Right, that is what he wanted, to be like his father, a great shinobi, yes that was what he wanted to be, what he strived to be.

"But no." thought Ehou. "Whoever my father was, he was never a Shinobi, no, he was a Boudican Knight, a regular mainland Boudican, Gorman or Boru, I did not know."

Perhaps Ehou will never know, for all he knew, he may never know, his memory is already a mess as it is.

He killed the squire, Scrope, he does not how or why, but he did. There is a gap in his memory of what went down, but in one second, he found Scrope confronting him, then the next he was dead. There is no way Ehou had eliminated a squire that quick, at least not quick enough that no one would see.

Ehou clutched his fist.

"Who was my father, but also who was I when I was younger?" thought Ehou. "Before my earliest memories."

"Ehou." Said a voice.

Ehou, who was in the dark sea, now saw a light.

"Ehou." Said the light.

Ehou swam harder and reached the light.

"Gasp." Said Ehou, "I-I'm awake?"

Ehou found himself in a forest, with his Boudican gear, along with his horse as well.

"Your finally awake, geez, are you ok?" Said William.

Ehou collected himself, then remembered what happened.

"You-you told them!" said Ehou with a face of betrayal.

"I did." Said William Wallace.

"Why did you!" yelled Ehou, grabbing the hilt of his sword, still in its scabbard.

William sighed.

"See, that is how a murderer would react." Said William. "And unfortunately, because of your reaction, we had to cut our visit with Lord Macduff and Lady Tsukasa short, especially because I don't want an emotionally destructive warrior boy around a pregnant lady."
Ehou was shocked, but he knew William was right. So, he let go of his sword.

William Wallace put his hand on Ehou's shoulder.

"Macduff is one of the closest people to me, closer to me than any of the Uchiha." Reassured William. "He told me he will sort it out with the Boudican Church and whomever Scrope's family is, we will have a fair trial, a private one, so your mother or anyone else would ever know of this."

"Are you sure, I will be fine?" asked Ehou.

"Since we have no way of figuring out that you had a motive for murder." Said William. "I'm sure Lord Macduff will find a way to prove your innocence, he helped me in the toughest spot in my life, I'm sure he will help you."

"You think?" asked Ehou.

"I know?" replied William. "I've seen it myself."

Ehou looked down at his feet.

"I guess I will trust you then." Said Ehou.

"That's the spirit." Said William Wallace. "Now let's get going, onward to the Leaf."

"Wait what's that?" asked Ehou.

William and Ehou looked down from the mountain, and saw an outcast settlement, that looked linked to the Hidden Leaf.

"What's that place?" asked Ehou.

"I don't know." Said William. "But let's go check it out."

The boys went up to the door of the settlement.

There was rugged tape, preventing access, although from the looks of it, it looked dusty and rugged you could hardly tell.

Ehou saw a weary old flag with a gloomy ruined yet very familiar symbol.

"Is that crest the same as your cousins and aunts?" asked Ehou.

"It is." Replied William. "Judged from the state, it is like no one has ever been here for a while, the no-entry tape is run down and dusty."

"Why would they forbid anyone from entering?" asked Ehou.

"The fact, everything is so dusty, means that they could not care to prevent anyone from entering." Said William. "Or maybe they just did a really good job at hiding it, because let's be honest no one in the Leaf even talks about it, let alone mentions it."

"This?" said Ehou.

"A dark truth." Said William.

Both boys entered.

They were all in shock.

"Woah, is this it? Even the blood stains are still here" said Ehou. "They would never teach us this in school."

William Wallace stood dazed looking at the area.

There were still white illustrations of where murdered bodies were slain.

Dried 20 years and older blood was still splattered on road and walls alike.

Houses cracked and broken into.

A memory flash appeared before William's eyes.

He didn't need to guess what this place was, he knew, all too well.

This was the site of the Uchiha Massacre.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (14)

William decided to look and explore the place.

He went inside a family unit.

He saw an warrior outline of a body at the door to the kitchen of that unit.

He went into the room next to it.

He saw a white outline of body that had dropped a book.

He went into the next house, saw something similar, then the next.

He saw the body outlines varied from size.

In one house, he found the outline of what look like a family having dinner then was slain.

The next house the same thing, except one of the youngest escaped to the closet, only to be dragged out and killed just like his or her family.

The next one may have been even more haunting.

A white outline of a body, a mother, reaching for a cradle, most likely her own baby.

But she was slain in the attempt, as for her child.

The cradle is slice clean in half, another outline under the cradle.

William remained unfazed after seeing all this, but all in all he knew what they meant.

"Huh, this right here is a peace of a cruel and brutal history?" said Ehou. "And we honor the perpetrator, Itachi as one of the greatest heroes ever in the Leaf."

"What do you make of this?" asked William.

"Well, it is horrible, I agree." Said Ehou. "But Itachi did the right thing, the Uchiha would have destroyed the Hidden Leaf, if Itachi did not deal with them."

"Huh?" replied William. "I have a bunch questions, first, how could the Uchiha that are not warriors, namely humble workers, old people, women and children be a threat to the Leaf?"

"Easy, once we eliminate the warriors, they would want revenge." Replied Ehou. "The thing is, the Uchiha are fueled by their emotions, it gives them power, it controls them, so that is why they should all be killed, when they were going to rebel."

"Sounds like murder to me?" replied William.

"It was self-defense." Said Ehou.

"Funny, I could use the same thing to justify a slaughter of certain people, I don't like." Said William.

"They would have destroyed the village." Protested Ehou.

"That is just objective, and an assumption at best." Replied William.

"And you are assuming they wouldn't." shot back Ehou.

"I didn't plus whatever the Uchiha planned to do?" said William. "I think why they did, is a better question then what they were planning to do."

"Tobirama is right." Said Ehou. "Think about it, they were responsible for lots of problems, remember Madara and Obito, after all remember what the Nine Tales did to the Leaf, many witnesses testify it had the tomoe of the Uchiha in it's eyes, plus remember the Akatsuki, as well as instigating the Fourth Great Ninja War."

"Sounds like the Leaf needs a scapegoat." Replied William. "What about the first three Ninja Wars, did the Uchiha start those I wonder, lets see, the Uchiha were relegated to a police force under Tobirama, and forced to locate to the edge of the Village after the nine tales attack, with no say in the direction of the Hidden Leaf, while other clans like the Hyuga had the privelage."

William pointed to Uchiha crest.

"Sounds like they were oppressed by the Leaf." Said William.

"Maybe they should have peacefully protested, instead of you know have an armed revolt." Countered Ehou.
"I doubt the Hidden Leaf would allow freedom of speech." Said William. "Then again all nations do that, if I said Madara was right, the elders would demand my head. Plus if you want to argue a peaceful solutions, shouldn't that apply to the Leaf as well."

"Back then was a time of war, a peacefull approach by the Leaf would have made the Hidden Leaf look weak." Said Ehou.

"No, they could have a strong ally, through peaceful negotiation." Countered William. "The Uchiha clan are still ethnic to the Land of Fire, I doubt they would betray the Land of Fire and side with an outside nation."

"Agree to Disagree." Replied Ehou.

William Wallace stood at him at disbelief.

Ehou then looked at the sun.

"Well, it is getting late." Said Ehou. "I want to get home now."

William eyed Ehou suspiciously.

"Very well." Said William. "We will talk about this later, or not?"

The ride back to the Leaf was slow and quite.

Ehou and William did not say a word to each other.

When William and Ehou got back to William's house to undress out of their Boudican gear.

Ehou refuses to leave his chain male shirt, but rather still wear it.

"I am going to tell my mother." Said Ehou.

"Are you sure?" said William. "There is a chance she will try to not let you be a Boudican."

"But I saved many people this day, because of my Boudican prowess." Said Ehou. "I don't think it will be that bad, I hope."

"Well, whatever happens." Said William. "We are still brothers in arms, friends, even though we don't agree on everything."

William gave out his hand.

Ehou smirked

Eho shakes his hand.

"Not just friends, rivals, and fellow brothers that are Half Boudican, remember that?" said Ehou.

"I will." Replied William.

"I'll see you later, Will." Said Ehou, leaving.

"Alright, bye." Replied William, who was also leaving his house for dinner with the Uchiha.

At once, William was at the Uchiha household, making dinner, a nice fatty dinner, one his aunt would enjoy.

Sakura was tired from pregnancy, and Sarada was unavailable.

Sakura sat at the couch reading a book, leaning on her husband Sasuke, who was resting.

Sarada was not there for she was still returning from a mission.

William was cooking a Boudican feast.

Sakura smelled the food.

"Mmm, the smell, when did you learn how to cook." Said William.

"Back in Boudica, when my parents were alive, I've been fostered as a servant to learn skills a many different times by different types of Boudican people, farmers, traders, craftsmen, you name it, so obviously chef is one of them."

William started mixing a sauce to put on the cut up Boudican lamb.

"Care to try the sauce, before I put it on the lamb?" asked William.

"Oh, yes please." Said Sakura with joy.

William put some in a bowl with a spoon, and walked in the living room carefully.

Sakura anxiosly tried the sauce.

"Mmm, you're a good cook, I think I'll have you cook more than usual." Said Sakura, taking another spoon full.

"You said that last time, Auntie." Said William. "But ok."

Sasuke opened his eyes, from the smell of the sauce.

"Sasuke, want to try this savory sauce, William will put on the lamb?" asked Sasuke.

"No, I'm fine, love." Said Sasuke. "I'll have it only when it is actually on the lamb."

William sat down with a serious form.

"I have a question." said William.

"Anything." Said Sakura, playfully.

"It is a serious one." said William, firmly with eyes slit like a snake.

Sasuke was already in attention.

Sakura was shocked as well, but stood up.

William upon seeing that, took a deep breath, than spoke.

"Does Sarada know about the Uchiha Massacre?" asked William.

At once, Sakura dropped the spoon to her feat, and Sasuke eyes lit up in Shock.

Sakura at once looked at the spoon she dropped, shivering at once, realizing the question, William asked.

Sasuke immiedietly forgot his shock, and then looked at Sakura,

Sakura was shivering, very similarly in Sasuke's view, to the first time he left the village all those years back.

Sasuke put his hand on Sakura's shoulder to comfort her.

William showed no emotion to the reactions of his aunt and uncle.

"William." Said Sakura. "Back then, when we were a lot younger, the world was completely different."

She then looked William, green eyes to green eyes.

"Our past, both Sasuke and I, it was full of much suffering." Said Sakura. "So much pain! William, we respect your past."

The tears evaporated in her eyes at that moment.

'Respect ours, Sarada need not be burdened with such a harsh and sufferable past." Said Sakura. "Leave the past in the past."

William's expression remained unchanged, but after all the Uchiha was now used to William being emotionless.

"Very well, so long as you don't fully know mine." Said William.

Sakura gave a weak smile.

"Thank you, William." She said. "I knew you would understand."

William's expression still remained unchanged.

Sarada arrived home at that moment.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home." Said Sarada.

Sakura eyes lit up.

"Sarada, you should try this sauce, William made." Said Sarada.

"Speaking of sauce, I should get back to making dinner." Said William.

"Need help?" asked Sarada.

"If you wish, get the milk, for me, while I mix the sauce and lamb." Ordered William.

William eventually finished dinner, and then everyone sat down and ate.

Meanwhile, Ehou was heading home. He wanted to build up to tell his mother the truth, so he wore his normal jacket over his chain male shirt.

Ehou finally got home, then opened the door.

"Mom, I'm home." Said Ehou.

Ehou found his mother at the table, with cold food, pouring a third glass of wine.

"Mom, I'm home..." said Ehou awkwardly.

Hana looked at Ehou.

Ehou saw his mother's cheeks were wet from tears

Ehou could not tell how long she was crying for, or why.

"Are-are you alright?" asked Ehou.

Hana stared at Ehou with teary and dead eyes.

"What have you've been doing with the Boudican?" Asked Hana.

"Training." Replied Ehou. "He is not only a great shinobi, but his aunt on his mother's side is Mrs. Sakura Uchiha."

"What kind of training?" said Hana slamming the table.

Ehou knew this moment would come, so he took off his coat.

Revealing the metal rings of his chainmail tunic.

"Mother, I'm a Boudican." Said Ehou. "Just like my father before me."

"NO!" yelled Hana, taking her glass, and throwing it to the wall, glass scattered everywhere.

Ehou remained unflinched, he loved his mother, yet because of his near death experience, the walking on plane of existence between life and death in Boudican battle, he did not show fear.

"He was a Shinobi." Protested Hana. "So were you to be, yes, in this time of peace, you would save a cat from a tree, help old people cross the street, and..."

"Mother, I am both." Said Ehou. "I am Shinobi for the Leaf, but I also swore an Oath to Lord Macduff of Fife. Father was a Boudican! My strength is proof of that."

Han still remained silent.

"Mother." Said Ehou. "I am powerful because of my Boudican blood and training, I saved villagers from being drowned by bandits on my own, with my own sword in one hand, and shield in the other, armor on my body."

Hana looked at him with eyes teary and shocked at the same time.

"You-you killed them!?" She said.

Ehou couldn't lie to his mother, not anymore.

"Yes." Said Ehou, with hesitation.

"No, I don't believe you." Said Hana angerly.

"I did Mom!" claimed Ehou. "And I feal no shame, I have done a good thing, I saved people, those bandits were evil, they were taking pleasure in harming the villagers, it was my duty to put them down, Mom, I am a true hero."

Hana grinded her teeth in rage, they could crack at any moment.

"Whoever my father was, he must have trained me, because before I trained with Wallace, I realized my body was trained in certain muscle areas in order to support Boudican chainmale." Said Ehou. "Yet I have no memory of him or anything younger than six."

A realization had come upon his face.

Ehou's expression changed from one of worry to one of sadness.

"Mother." Said Ehou.

Hana looked at Ehou, her rage gone, once she saw her boy's teary eyes.

"Mom?" cried Ehou. "Did you wipe my memory of my father?"

Hana lost it.

"Go to your room!" she ordered with renewed fury.

Ehou was shocked, but he now already had gotten his answer.

His face was now both angry and sad at the same time.

"I wasn't even hungry anyway." He said.

As he approached his room, opened the door, got inside and closed it.

He did his best to restrain his strength from destroying the door, when he easily could have.

He heard his mother sob, all the way from the kitchen by putting his ear to his door.

But Ehou didn't care.

He just felt like sleeping all the stress that has occurred in his long adventurous, yet arduous day.

Meanwhile, at the Uchiha house hold, William was with Sasuke in his shadow hokage office.

"That is the summary of it, Uncle." Said William. "First it was black bands, who I slaid, now it was blue bands, which my partner took care of."

Sasuke had his hand on his chin.

"So there a pattern of bandit attacks in the Daimyo's lands, seems lik he has a huge bandit problem." Said Sasuke. "Yet he has forbade anyone including me or Naruto or any other Leaf personal from interfering, let alone told us of it.?"

"Perhaps he wishes to be his own man." Said William.

"Perhaps, but this is out of character, in the past, he has had a bunch of meetings with Naruto regarding politics and economy, especially discussing all the papers Naruto has lying around. But now, he rarely has these meetings set up?" explained Sasuke. "Its like he has now received new help, now the nobles in the north don't complain as much."

"Do you know anything for certain, Uncle?" asked William. "Plus why did you ask me to bring you a Boudican book on fairy tales. Are you sure you could even read Latin yet."

"Its part of my job, but an informant in the North has given me a Latin to the shinobi language book, and it has been of great help." Said Sasuke. "Plus I need your books, for a certain investigation I am doing."

"Well, ok, Uncle." Replied William. "Is there anything else, before I go home?"

"Just one, thing, you gave assumptions." Said Sasuke. "But why do you personally think the reason the Daimyo is relying on Boudicans to do his bandit problem?"

William thought for a second.

"Well, with what you and Auntie had told me on suffering in regards to the past." Said William. "I hypothesize because of previous Shinobi Wars, he is frightened to deal with the major loss of life for people of Shinobi blood, so his solution is to use foreign mercenary Boudicans like the band of Macduff, so he can sacrifice foreign aliens, rather than his own people to deal with his problems, maybe that is why he does not tell you guy's of the problem, because he does not wish to put more of his people in danger."

Sasuke thought about what he said.

"If Sakura heard you say that, she may break your bones in order you not deal with these huge bandit operations." Remarked Sasuke.

"Don't worry, Uncle, no Boudicans on my team have died, but we have had a few casualties in regards to very few wounded." Replied William.

"Very good, I shall take what you said into consideration." Said Sasuke. "And nephew, I will call on you, when I need more info."

"Good night, Uncle Sasuke." Said William/

'William went home, and into bed.

He was sleeping relatively fine,

Until a boulder fell on him.

"WILLIAM!! WILLIAM!!!" shouted Sarada with joy like a girl on Christmas. "Wake up!"

Sarada was on top of William on his bed.

"Did you really have to jump on me?" ask William, collecting himself.

"It was the quickest way to wake you up." Argued Sarada. "Come on! Mom is going into labor!"

William at once followed her.

In just few moments, William found himself and Sarada sitting in chairs, waiting for the operation to be done.

Sarada had taken the blanket off William's bed and was now asleep with it, using William's shoulder as a cushion.

She had taken her glasses off, and put them on William's face.

Sasuke was with Sakura and the doctors, helping her give birth.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (15)

"God Dammit." Thought William. "If you were going to fall asleep, you should have just taken my pillow as well."

As for staying awake, it was no issue for William.

He was well trained Boudican squire, a soldier, he knew how to stay awake.

He did not wish to fall asleep, because he did not wish to use Sarada's head as a pillow.

In his eyes, it would be unchivalrous of him to do so.

For a couple of hours till morning, William stayed vigilant.

At once, Shizune came out of the operating room.

William woke up Sarada.

"Children, Sakura has now given birth." Announced Shizune.

"Let's go, oh your blanket was very soft, thank you Willy." said Sarada "Oh my glasses!"

William gave back his cousin her glasses, then she entered the room first.

William laid behind to fold his blanket to carry it with him back home.

He then entered the room.

He found the whole Uchiha family surrounding their newest member.

Sasuke stood leaning over the bed, while the infant held his finger.

Sarada was on the bed eyeing her newest sibling.

Sarada smiled wholeheartedly at her new baby, who was her second child.

William just stood there as still as stone and as quiet as one.

He just watched from the edge the bedside.

He saw the baby was small and had pink hair and green eyes.

"What's his name?" asked Sarada.

"Itachi." Smiled Sasuke. "Itachi Jr."

"Welcome to the world, Itachi Jr." said Sakura with tears of joy in her eyes.

Sakura finally looked at William way.

"Oh, William, what do you think?" asked Sakura.

William thought.

"He looks like my brother, David." Said William.

Sakura smiled.

"You should hold him." Said Sakura

"I don't think..." said William.

Before he could finish, Sakura had handed over Itachi Jr. to Sarada, who then in turn handed him over William's arms.

Itachi started screaming and crying, pushing at William's face.

Both Sakura and Sarada gasped.

"Déjà vu." Said Sasuke to himself. "Now why does this seem so familiar?"

"EH, he doesn't like me." Remarked William.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (16)

William handed Itachi over to Sasuke.

"He-he'll get used to you, William, he's just shy." Said Sakura in a comforting tone.

While all this happened, Ehou had finally awoken from his long sleep.

He had not eaten dinner last night, for was sent to bed without any.

Ehou was hungry,

He was hungry for truth, more than food.

"Devil in the details." Ehou thought. "There is much truth to analyze from argument last night."

Ehou thought more: "Devil in the details,

Devil in the details!"

At once, something in his room caught his eye, it was something in the corner of his ceiling, a weirdly shaped-X.

Ehou remembered the Boudican flag, the X was the same shape as the X on the Boudican flag.

How has he never noticed that before?

He got out a chair and couple of books, to use as steps to reach the ceiling.

He felt the marks, they were very familiar, like a block in a castle building, he would have placed as baby.

He pushed on it, and it led to an attic.

He reached in and found his hand on a box.

He pulled out the box.

He was surprised.

The box had the Boudican flag on it.

"Did I do this, before my memory was wiped?" asked Ehou to himself. "Should I tell Wallace? No, not right away, at least not until I get something concrete, and do a little more research."

He opened the box and was shocked.

He took the mysterious and weird object out.

It was a strand of pink hair.

"What is this?" asked Ehou.

He then waved the pink hair around as if it were a flail, trying to see if it was real hair or not.

It was real hair.

Ehou was at a loss for words.

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (17)

"Is this his?" thought Ehou. "Is this my father's hair!?"

Boruto - "Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall" - Chapter 37 - chaos_knight_xy (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.