German hospital directory (2024)

Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf


Basic information

  • Number of beds: 513
  • Number of specialist departments: 15
  • Number of inpatient cases: 22.596
  • Number of partial inpatient cases: 254
  • Number of outpatient cases: 60.788
  • Hospital owners: Stiftung Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf
  • Type of provider: freigemeinnützig

Specialist departments

  • Chirurgische Klinik / Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Sportmedizin
  • Chirurgische Klinik / Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Gefäßchirurgie
  • Frauenklinik
  • Frauenklinik: Geburtshilfe
  • Klinik für Kardiologie
  • Medizinische Klinik
  • Radiologische Klinik
  • Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Tagesklinik (für teilstationäre Pflegesätze)
  • Klinik für Anästhesiologie, Operative Intensiv- und Schmerztherapie
  • Radiologische Klinik / Strahlentherapie
  • Klinik für HNO-Heilkunde und Kopf- und Halschirurgie
  • Palliativstation
  • Radiologische Klinik / Nuklearmedizin
  • Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
  • Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie


  • Medical services
  • Medical and nursing services


External comparative quality assurance

Further information
  • External quality assurance according to state law
    No participation
  • Quality of participation in the Disease Management Programme (DMP)
    No participation
  • Participation in other external comparative quality assurance procedures

Implementation of the minimum quantity agreement

Treatment area

Knee joint total endoprostheses

Quantity performed104
Exception?No exception

Complex interventions on the organ system esophagus for adults

Quantity performed30
Exception?No exception

Complex operations on the pancreatic organ system

Quantity performed56
Exception?No exception

Care of premature and mature infants (with an admission weight < 1250g)

Quantity performed17
Exception?No exception

Minimum quantities forecast

Complex operations on the pancreatic organ system

Overall result forecast presentation:yes
Quantity performed reporting year:56
Quantity forecast year:56
Examination by state associations?yes
Result of the examination by the federal state authorities?yes
Transitional arrangement?no

Complex interventions on the organ system esophagus for adults

Overall result forecast presentation:yes
Quantity performed reporting year:30
Quantity forecast year:35
Examination by state associations?yes
Result of the examination by the federal state authorities?yes
Transitional arrangement?no

Care of premature and mature infants (with an admission weight < 1250g)

Overall result forecast presentation:yes
Quantity performed reporting year:17
Quantity forecast year:19
Examination by state associations?yes
Result of the examination by the federal state authorities?yes
Transitional arrangement?no

Knee joint total endoprostheses

Overall result forecast presentation:yes
Quantity performed reporting year:104
Quantity forecast year:131
Examination by state associations?yes
Result of the examination by the federal state authorities?yes
Transitional arrangement?no

Implementation of resolutions of the Federal Joint Committee on quality assurance (G-BA)

CQ05Measures for quality assurance in the care of pre-term and full-term neonates – Perinatal Centre LEVEL 1
CQ01Quality assurance measures for inpatient care with the indication abdominal aortic aneurysm

Compliance with staffing requirements

  • Clarifying chat completed: no
  • Clarifying chat not completed: no
  • No participation in clarifying chat: no
  • Notification of non-fulfilment of nursing care not made: yes

Further trainingpursuant to Article 136b, para. 1, sentence 1, no. 1 of the SGB

238Medical specialists (m/f) , psychological psychotherapists (m/f) and child and adolescent psychotherapists (m/f) who are subject to the obligation to undergo further training*
72Number of medical specialists (m/f) from no. 1 who have completed a five-year period of further training and are therefore subject to the obligation to provide evidence
26Number of those persons from no. 2 who have provided proof of further training according to Article 3 of the G-BA regulations

* according to the “Provisions of the Joint Federal Committee for the Further Training of Medical Specialists (m/f), Psychological Psychotherapists (m/f) and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (m/f) in Hospitals”

General information

  • Accessibility
  • Hygiene
  • Quality management and risk management

Protection concept against (sexual) violence against children and young people

Advice on prevention and intervention in cases of violence and abuse

According to Section 4 (2) of the Quality Management Guideline, facilities must provide for the prevention of and intervention in cases of violence and abuse as part of their internal quality management. The aim is to prevent, recognise and respond appropriately to abuse and violence, particularly against vulnerable patient groups such as children and adolescents or people in need of help, and also to prevent it within the facility. The respective procedure is aligned with the size of the facility, the range of services and the patients in order to define customised solutions for sensitising the teams as well as other suitable preventative and interventional measures. These may include information materials, contact addresses, training/education, codes of conduct, recommendations for action/intervention plans or comprehensive protection concepts.

  • Is a protection concept in place?Yes
  • Measures
    • Prevention

      Special requirements for the selection of persons

      Information gathering on the topic

      Training of employees

    • Intervention

      Intervention plan - Binding procedure for dealing with child protection cases and in particular suspected (sexual) violence

      • Note on the measure

        In Erstellung: Etablierung eines Kinderschutzgremiums

    • Reprocessing

      Recommendations for dealing with/processing cases that have occurred

      • Note on the measure

        aktuell in Verabschiedung

  • aktuell in Verabschiedung

Commentary on the protection concept

Gemäß § 4 Absatz 2 in Verbindung mit Teil B Abschnitt I § 1 der Qualitätsmanagement-Richtlinie haben sich Einrichtungen, die Kinder und Jugendliche versorgen, gezielt mit der Prävention von und Intervention bei (sexueller) Gewalt und Missbrauch bei Kindern und Jugendlichen zu befassen (Risiko- und Gefährdungsanalyse) und – der Größe und Organisationsform der Einrichtung entsprechend – konkrete Schritte und Maßnahmen abzuleiten (Schutzkonzept). In diesem Abschnitt geben Krankenhäuser, die Kinder und Jugendliche versorgen, an, ob sie gemäß § 4 Absatz 2 in Verbindung mit Teil B Abschnitt I § 1 der Qualitätsmanagement-Richtlinie ein Schutzkonzept gegen (sexuelle) Gewalt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen aufweisen.

  • Complaint management
  • Participation emergency care

Drug therapy safety

Steering committee

  • Drug commission

Training of employees on AMTS related topics

Concepts for ensuring the error-free preparation of medications

  • Zubereitung durch pharmazeutisches Personal

Electronic support for the supply of patients with drugs

  • Elektronisches Bestellsystem und automatisierte Zusammenstellung, gesicherter Transport

Instruments and measures

The instruments and measures to promote drug therapy safety are presented with a focus on the typical procedures of the medication process in inpatient patient care. A special feature of the medication process in the inpatient environment is the transition management during admission and discharge. The instruments and measures listed below address structural elements, e.g. special IT equipment and work materials, as well as process aspects, such as work descriptions for particularly risky process steps or concepts for securing typical risk situations . In addition, proven measures to avoid or learn from medication errors can be specified. The hospital presents here which aspects it has already dealt with and which measures it has specifically implemented. The following aspects can be presented, if necessary using free text fields:
- Admission to hospital, including anamnesis
; Instruments and measures are presented for determining the old medication (drug history), the subsequent clinical assessment and the switch to the medication available in the hospital (house list), as well as for documenting both the patient's original medication and that for hospital treatment adapted medication.
- Medication process in the hospital
In this context, the following sub-processes are assumed as examples: drug history - prescription - patient information - drug delivery - drug use - documentation - therapy monitoring - result assessment. Instruments and measures for safe medication prescription can be presented, e.g. B. in terms of readability, clarity and completeness of the documentation, but also in terms of area of ​​application, effectiveness, benefit-risk ratio, tolerability (including potential contraindications, interactions, etc.) and resource considerations. Information can also be provided to support reliable medication ordering, delivery and use or administration.
- Discharge
In particular, the measures taken by hospitals can be presented to ensure that information on drug therapy is structured and passed on to doctors and physicians providing further treatment, as well as the appropriate provision of patients with drug information, medication plans and medications. Drug prescriptions are made.

AMTS is the totality of measures to ensure an optimal medication process with the aim of reducing medication errors and thus avoidable risks for patients during drug therapy. A prerequisite for the successful implementation of these measures is that AMTS is practised as an integral part of daily routine in an interdisciplinary and multi-professional approach.

  • Special instrument-based equipment


FL06 - Participation in multi-centre phase III/IV studies


Prof. Dr. med. Horst Neuhaus (Innere Medizin), Fr. Dr. Carolin Nestle-Krämling (Gynäkologie), Fr. Prof. Dr. med Monika Gappa (Kinderklinik), Prof. Dr. Werner Hartwig (Chirurgie), Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer (Kardiologie)

FL03 - Student training (clinical traineeship / internship year)


Ausbildung von Famulanten und Studenten im Praktischen Jahr der Heinrich-Heine-Universität-Düsseldorf

FL07 - Initiation and management of uni-centric/multi-centric clinical/scientific studies


Prof. Dr. med. Horst Neuhaus (Innere Medizin) , Prof. Dr. med. Christian Meyer (Kardiologie), Prof. Dr. med. Monika Gappa (Kinderklinik), Prof. Thomas Lauenstein (Radiologie)

FL05 - Participation in multi-centre Phase I/II studies


Prof. Dr. med. Werner Hartwig (Chirurgie)

FL08 - Editors of scientific journals/textbooks


Prof. Dr. med. Christian Meyer (Kardiologie), Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Lauenstein (Radiologie), Dr. Gregor Wolf (HNO-Klinik), Prof. Dr. med. Monika Gappa (Kinderklinik), Prof. Horst Neuhaus (Innere Medizin), PD Dr. Torsten Beyna (Innere Medizin), PD Dr. Olaf Boehm (Anästhesie)

FL01 - Lectureships / teaching posts at colleges and universities


Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. René Chatelain, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Hartwig, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Lauenstein, Prof. Dr. med. Horst Neuhaus, Prof. Dr. med. Monika Gappa, PD Dr. Olaf Boehm, Prof. Dr. med. Christian Meyer

FL04 - Project-related cooperation with colleges and universities


IWF Düsseldorf, Helmholz Institut /Klinik für Kinder-u. Jugendmedizin, Institut für Neuro- u. Sinnesphysiologie, HHU Düsseldorf, Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie u. Angiologie, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Kooperation mit HNO-Klinik-Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf

FL09 - Doctoral supervision



Training in other healing professions

HB15 - Anaesthesia technical assistant (m/f)


1 Ausbildungsplatz pro Jahr

HB19 - Nursing professionals


135 Ausbildungsplätze (Generalistische Ausbildung ab 2022)

HB03 - Physical therapist / physiotherapist (m/f)


100 Ausbildungsplätze. Zertifizierung und Rezertifizierung nach ISQ.

HB01 - Nurse and health care worker (m/f)


75 Ausbildungsplätze

HB02 - Health and paediatric nurse (m/f)


40 Ausbildungsplätze

HB17 - Auxiliary nurse (m/f)


20 Ausbildungsplätze

HB07 - Surgical technical assistant (m/f)


3 Ausbildungsplätze pro Jahr

  • Hospital staff
    • Number of doctors: 189,42
    • Total number of nurses: 462,41
    • Number of therapeutic staff: 65,50

    Pharmaceutical personnel

    • Number of pharmacists: 1
    • Additional staff: 3
    • Explanations: Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Mitarbeiter der Gemeinschaftsapotheke des EVK-Düsseldorf, die im Rahmen der Herstellung individueller parenteralen Zubereitungen (z.B. für onkologische Patienten sowie Früh- und Neugeborene) tätig sind.
    • Nursing staff regulation

Service contact persons

Patient advocates

Klaus Wiegand


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-0
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@rehcerpsreufnetneitap

Klaus Wiegand


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-0
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@rehcerpsreufnetneitap

Customer feedback management

Dieter Gurschke

Leiter Innere Verwaltung

Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-2001
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@ekhcsrug.reteid

Quality management

Christiane Koletzki


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-2140
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@ikztelok.enaitsirhc

Hygiene officer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Lauenstein

Ärztlicher Direktor, Chefarzt der Radiologie

Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-1055
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@eigoloidar

Responsible for drug therapy

Drug commission

Accessibility Officer

Renata Plis-Zeligowska


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-481858
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@akswogileZ-silP.ataneR


General contact details of the hospital

Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf


Nursing service management

Sandra Cremer


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-4006
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@ldp

Head of administration

Dipl.-Oec. Klaus Peter Taschner


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-2003
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@gnutlawrev

Responsible for the quality report in the hospital management

Dipl.-Oec. Klaus Peter Taschner


Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-2003
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@gnutlawrev

Medical management

Prof. Dr. Thomas Lauenstein

Ärztlicher Direktor, Chefarzt der Radiologie

Kirchfeldstr. 40
40217 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211 -919-1055
Mail: ed.frodlesseud-kve@eigoloidar

Regional care obligation for psychiatry?


IK number

IK: 260510132

Location number

Location number: 773140000

Old location number: 773140000

Hospital portrait for download

German hospital directory (2024)


Why is Germany's healthcare system so good? ›

The German health-care system is characterized by a statutory health insurance—the law mandates that all persons (up to a certain income) have health insurance. This statutory health insurance is based on the principle of social solidarity.

What is the most famous hospital in Germany? ›

1. Located in Berlin, The Charite University Hospital occupies the 1st place at the top of the ranking. 2. The University Hospital of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich is known as one of the oldest and largest clinics of Germany.

Which city in Germany has the best healthcare? ›

Munich. Some people consider Munich the best city in Germany for nurses, as it is home to several world-class medical centers, such as the Klinikum at the University of Munich, one of Germany's advanced university hospitals.

What are the disadvantages of German healthcare system? ›

The Germany Healthcare System, while renowned for its comprehensive coverage, universal access, and efficiency, also has its drawbacks, including extensive paperwork, high costs for private insurance, and sometimes long waiting times for certain procedures in the public system.

Does Germany have better healthcare than the US? ›

The data suggests that the Canadian and German systems appear to be more effective than the U.S. system in several respects. Costs are lower, more services are provided, financial barriers do not exist, and health status as measured by mortality rates is superior.

Which country has the best healthcare system in the world? ›

The Best Healthcare Systems in the World in 2024

What country has the best healthcare, according to this assessment? Singapore comes in at No. 1! Other countries with the best healthcare are listed below.

Can an American go to a German hospital? ›

Anyone can access emergency treatment in Germany, but if you don't have insurance, you will need to pay for the hospital costs yourself.

Are there English-speaking hospitals in Germany? ›

With almost 2,000 hospitals, Germany provides private, public and voluntary/nonprofit medical care to people throughout the country. Many German hospitals are both German- and English-speaking to accommodate international patients.

What is the most prestigious hospital in the world? ›

Mayo Clinic - Rochester

What is the healthiest city in Germany? ›

The fittest city is Osnabrück, where nearly one-fifth of the population are members of a fitness club. Amongst other reasons, the relatively high proportion of commuters has probably contributed to this good performance. Freiburg was ranked second.

Is healthcare better in Canada or Germany? ›

Specifically, the Canadian health care system outperforms Germany's in seven of seventeen measures exam- ined: mortality amenable to health care, two of three measures of cancer sur- vival, one of three measures of in-hospital mortality, and all three measures of primary care performance.

Which city in Germany is best to be a doctor? ›

Location: Doctors in larger cities such as Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt often earn more than those in smaller towns or rural areas due to the higher cost of living and increased demand for medical services.

Is German healthcare free for foreigners? ›

Healthcare in Germany is accessible to all residents through public health insurance – this system covers 90% of residents. While non-residents require private insurance coverage to receive medical care.

How much do Germans pay for health insurance? ›

Costs of Public Health Insurance in Germany

Social security contributions for Public Health Insurance (GKV, Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) are set at 14.6% of an employee's gross salary. This is made up of a 7.3% contribution from the employer, plus a 7.3% contribution from the employee.

What health issues do Germans have? ›

Hypertension is the most frequent and important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and renal insufficiency. Hypertension is estimated to affect one third of all adults in Germany. Much like in many other industrialised nations, cardiovascular diseases are the most fre- quent cause of death in Germany.

Why is Germany healthier than the US? ›

Overall, the foods Germans eat on a daily basis tend to be higher quality and contain less added sugar than their American counterparts. That may explain why despite their love of traditional sweets, Germans consume less sugar than Americans annually.

Is healthcare free in Germany? ›

In Germany, healthcare is partially free due to the social contributions to the public healthcare system. This means that individuals can receive medical services free of charge for the most part. However, some low copayments apply, such as the €10 charge for a visit to the general practitioner (GP) every quarter.

Why is German healthcare better than NHS? ›

In British hospitals there are only 6.6 beds per 100,000 inhabitants - in Germany, by contrast, there are 29.2 beds. The British health system lacks money, which affects the quality of treatment. There is a lack of intensive care beds and staff, which is why many Britons wait longer for operations than other Europeans.

Why Germany is good in medicine? ›

Germany's universities offering Medicine are among the best in the world. Thanks to the prestigious reputation of the German education system, there are some of the best medical schools in the world belonging to German universities.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.