Filing # 85674468 E-Filed 02/28/2019 03:03:17 PM
`CASE NO.: 2018-SC-033953-O
`Division 72
`sive”)1, by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby files its Motion to Dismiss, or
`alternatively Motion to Stay and Compel Appraisal and in support thereof states as fol-
`Summary of Argument
`Appraisal provisions are an effective and inexpensive way to resolve disputes over
`the amount of an insured loss. Accordingly, Progressive invoked the appraisal clause of
`the subject policy to resolve the issues between the parties. Appraisal provisions are
`valid and enforceable clauses under Florida law, and the Court is obligated to compel
` 1
` Counsel for Defendant has sent a Stipulation for Substitution of Proper Party to counsel for the Plaintiff,
`as Progressive Select Insurance is the entity who issued the subject policy. As such, Progressive Select
`Insurance hereby files this motion.
` TOWER PLACE, SUITE 400 - 1900 SUMMIT TOWER BOULEVARD - ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 - (321) 972-0000 (321) 972-0099 FAX


`CASE NO.: 2018-SC-033953-O
`appraisal where the only dispute under the amount of loss under an insurance policy is in
`dispute. In this case, Progressive has invoked the appraisal provision of the controlling
`policy in good faith and, accordingly, the Plaintiff should be compelled to complete ap-
`praisal and discovery should be stayed pending completion of the appraisal process.
`Facts and Allegations
`1. The above captioned matter is a first party claim for insurance benefits for
`$47.70. The Plaintiff, as assignee of David Anger, the policy holder, seeks payment for
`the repair/replacement of the windshield of the insured’s vehicle, from Progressive.
`2. Plaintiff repaired/replaced the windshield and took an assignment of bene-
`fits from Progressive's insured. The dispute in this lawsuit involves the cost to repair/re-
`place the windshield as is stated in the Complaint.
`3. Progressive does not dispute that coverage exists, nor does Progressive
`dispute the claim for the repair/replacement of the windshield. However, what Progres-
`sive does dispute is the amount of the claim. Progressive timely paid the amount neces-
`sary to repair the vehicle as required under the policy.
`4. According to Florida case law, including prior County Court decisions, and
`pursuant to the insurance contract at issue, the damage dispute in this case should have
`been properly resolved through appraisal, not a lawsuit.
`5. The Progressive policy issued to David Anger (the “Policy”), like most auto-
`mobile policies, provides a method for the insured and insurance company to resolve
`disputes regarding damages and values without the need for a lawsuit or litigation. This
`method is called Appraisal. The appraisal clause is set forth in the Policy, which is at-
`tached hereto as Exhibit “A”.
`6. The appraisal provision, which is included in the subject Progressive policy,
`states in relevant part:
`Appraisal. If we cannot agree with you on the amount of a
`loss, then we or you may demand an appraisal of the loss.
` TOWER PLACE, SUITE 400 - 1900 SUMMIT TOWER BOULEVARD - ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 - (321) 972-0000 (321) 972-0099 FAX


`CASE NO.: 2018-SC-033953-O
`Within 30 days of any demand for an appraisal, each party
`shall appoint a competent and impartial appraiser and shall
`notify the other party of that appraiser’s identity. The apprais-
`ers will determine the amount of loss. If they fail to agree, the
`disagreement will be submitted to a qualified and impartial
`umpire chosen by the appraisers. If the two appraisers are
`unable to agree upon an umpire within 15 days, we or you
`may request that a judge of a court of record, in the county
`where you reside, select an umpire. The appraisers and um-
`pire will determine the amount of loss. The amount of loss
`agreed to by both appraisers, or by one appraiser and the um-
`pire, will be binding. You will pay your appraiser’s fees and
`expenses. We will pay our appraiser’s fees and expenses. All
`other expenses of the appraisal, including payment of the um-
`pire if one is selected, will be shared equally between us and
`you. Neither we nor you waive any rights under this policy by
`agreeing to an appraisal.
`7. Progressive has properly invoked the appraisal provision of the policy by
`filing a Notice Invoking Appraisal which also identified Progressive’s chosen appraiser.
`8. By filing this lawsuit, Plaintiff is attempting to rob Progressive of its rights
`under the agreement, and expose Progressive to increased costs and fees; expenses
`which Progressive contracted to avoid (and contemplated avoiding) when entering into
`the appraisal provision.
`Memorandum of Law
`9. Florida courts have consistently held that appraisal clauses are preferred
`over commencing litigation, as they provide an efficient and effective mechanism for the
`prompt resolution of claims and discourage the filing of needless lawsuits and litigation.
`Fla. Ins. Guar. Ass’n, Inc. v. Lustre, 163 So. 3d 624 (Fla. 2d DCA 2015); First Protective
`Ins. Co. v. Hess, 81 So. 3d 482, 485 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011); First Floridian Auto & Home
`Ins. Co. v. Myrick, 969 So. 2d 1121, 1125 (Fla. 2d DCA 2007). Florida law, in light of
`public policy considerations, dictates that all issues involving the right to arbitrate should
`be resolved in favor of arbitration rather than against it. Nationwide Prop. & Cas. Ins. v.
`Bobinski, 776 So. 2d 1047, 1049 (Fla. 5th DCA 2001).
` TOWER PLACE, SUITE 400 - 1900 SUMMIT TOWER BOULEVARD - ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 - (321) 972-0000 (321) 972-0099 FAX


`CASE NO.: 2018-SC-033953-O
`10. On April 24, 2015, the Second DCA held that “we conclude that the issue
`concerns the amount of loss and is subject to appraisal.” Lustre. In the present
`action, the sole dispute is over the amount of the loss and is therefore subject to appraisal,
`not litigation.
`11. Where the dispute is in regards to the amount, this issue falls “squarely
`within the scope of the appraisal process – a function of the insurance policy and not
`of the judicial system.” Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Cannon Ranch Partners, Inc., 40 Fla. L.
`Weekly D78, D79 (Fla. 2d DCA 2014) (emphasis added).
`12. Procedurally, either party may invoke the appraisal clause after a lawsuit is
`filed. Fla. Ins. Guar. Ass’n, Inc. v. Castilla, 18 So. 3d 703, 705 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009);
`Gonzalez v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 805 So. 2d 814, 818 (Fla. 3d DCA 2000).
`13. Substantively, the Supreme Court of Florida held “[w]hen the insurer admits
`that there is a covered loss, but there is a disagreement on the amount of loss, it is for
`the appraisers to arrive at the amount to be paid.” Johnson v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.,
`828 So. 2d 1021, 1025 (Fla. 2002) (quoting Gonzalez, 805 So. 2d at 816-17). Further-
`more, should the appraisal process result in an award of appraisal by an appraiser or
`umpire, Florida courts have held that the appraisal award is binding on the parties. John-
`son, 828 So. 2d at 1025.
`14. Once the appraisal clause is invoked, appraisal becomes a “condition prec-
`edent to the right of the insured to maintain an action on the policy.” Franko, 443 So. 2d
`at 172.
`15. “Appraisal clauses are treated similarly to arbitration clauses” for purposes
`of the standard of review on appeal from a trial court's decision denying an insurer's mo-
`tion to compel appraisal. Florida Ins. Guar. Ass'n, Inc. v. Castilla, 18 So. 3d 703 (Fla. 4th
`DCA 2009); see also Allstate Ins. Co. v. Suarez, 786 So. 2d 645, 646 (Fla. 3d DCA 2001);
`Franko, 443 So. 2d at 172 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983).
` TOWER PLACE, SUITE 400 - 1900 SUMMIT TOWER BOULEVARD - ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 - (321) 972-0000 (321) 972-0099 FAX


`CASE NO.: 2018-SC-033953-O
` “A court must compel arbitration where an arbitration agreement and an
`arbitrable issue exists, and the right to arbitrate has not been waived.” Miller & Solomon
`Gen. Contractors, Inc. v. Brennan’s Glass Co., 824 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002) (quot-
`ing Gale Grp. v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 683 So. 2d 661, 663 (Fla. 5th DCA 1996)).
`17. Once appraisal provisions have been properly invoked, further proceedings
`should be conducted in accordance with the appraisal provisions in the insurance con-
`tract and not by litigation. See Allstate Ins. Co. v. Suarez, 833 So. 2d 762, 765 (Fla.
`2002). Where the right to arbitration is properly asserted, proceeding with the dispute in
`the courts instead of submitting the matter to arbitration constitutes a departure “from the
`essential requirements of law which cannot be adequately remedied on appeal.” Franko,
`443 So. 2d at 172.
`18. Plaintiff and its repair shop brethren have aggressively started mass filing
`nuisance lawsuits over nominal sums of money. These disputes would undoubtedly be
`more aptly resolved via the terms and conditions of the Policy. Therefore, it cannot be
`ignored that Plaintiff and its counsel's true motives are not justice, but to file lawsuits in
`an attempt to recover unnecessary and needlessly high attorneys’ fees.
`19. For these reasons, Progressive requests that this lawsuit be dismissed, as
`Progressive not only abided by the Policy, but also timely invoked their right to appraisal
`in good faith. As such, Progressive requests the parties be ordered to complete the ap-
`praisal process to resolve the disputed coverage amounts without judicial intervention, as
`contemplated by the true meaning of the Policy. Furthermore, Progressive requests this
`Court for an Order placing the case in abatement and to stay discovery, or allowing an
`extension of time to respond to the discovery propounded by Plaintiff, if any. As appraisal
`will likely settle these matters, commencing discovery would be dilatory and only for pur-
`poses of unjustly inflating attorney’s fees by Plaintiff’s counsel.
` TOWER PLACE, SUITE 400 - 1900 SUMMIT TOWER BOULEVARD - ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 - (321) 972-0000 (321) 972-0099 FAX


`CASE NO.: 2018-SC-033953-O
`WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated above, Progressive Select Insurance moves
`this Honorable Court for an Order granting its Motion to Dismiss, or Alternatively Motion
`to Stay and Compel Appraisal, and for any further relief the Court deems just and proper.
`I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 28th day of February, 2019, a true and correct
`copy of the foregoing was filed with the Clerk of Orange County by using the Florida
`Courts e-Filing Portal, which will send an automatic e-mail message to the following
`parties registered with the e-Filing Portal system: Bruce H. Kauffman, Esq., litigation-e-
`service@bhkpa.com, 4409 Hoffner Road, Suite 194, Orlando, FL 32812, (321) 972-
`6264/(321) 972-8290 (F), Attorney for Plaintiff, Springbok Collections, LLC a/a/o CHWR,
`LLC d/b/a Smart Ride Windshield Repair.
`Counsel for Defendant PROGRESSIVE
`Tower Place, Suite 400
`1900 Summit Tower Boulevard
`Orlando, Florida 32810
`Telephone (904) 672-4073
`Facsimile (321) 972-0099
`Primary e-mail: paula.post@csklegal.com
`Secondary e-mail: alyssa.kersey@csklegal.com
`Alternate e-mail: tara.wilson@csklegal.com
`By: s/ Alyssa M. Kersey
`Florida Bar No.: 70315
`Florida Bar No.: 115503
` TOWER PLACE, SUITE 400 - 1900 SUMMIT TOWER BOULEVARD - ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 - (321) 972-0000 (321) 972-0099 FAX


`February 28, 2019
`Policy Number:
`Claim: 18-4026333
`Progressive Entity: Progressive Select Insurance Company
` I
` certify that each of the following is true regarding the attached records, to the best
`of my knowledge and belief:
`1. I am an employee familiar with the manner and process in which these
`records are created and maintained by virtue of my duties and
`2. The records were made at or near the time of the occurrences of the
`matters set forth by, or from information transmitted by, people with
`knowledge of those matters;
`3. The records were kept in the course of regularly conducted business
`activity; and
`4. It was the regular practice of the business activity to make the record.
`Zachary Rose
`PO BOX 94621 / CLEVELAND / OHIO 44101 / 440-603-6273


`P.O. BOX 31260
`TAMPA, FL 33631
`Auto Insurance
`Coverage Summary
`This is a copy of your
`Declarations Page
`Policy Number:
`Underwritten by:
`Progressive Select Insurance Co
`April 20, 2018
`Policy Period: Dec 15, 2017 - Jun 15, 2018
`Online Service
`Make payments, check billing activity, update
`policy information or check status of a claim.
`For customer service and claims service,
`24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
`Your coverage began on December 15, 2017 at 12:01 a.m. This policy expires on June 15, 2018 at 12:01 a.m.
`This coverage summary replaces your prior one. Your insurance policy and any policy endorsem*nts contain a full explanation of your
`coverage. The policy contract is form 9611D FL (07/13). The contract is modified by form A139 FL (06/14).
`Drivers and resident relatives
` Additional information
`David E Anger
`Named insured
`Morgan A Anger
`Outline of coverage
`VIN: 5FNRL5H61EB099814
`Garaging ZIP Code: 33569
`Primary use of the vehicle: Commute
`Length of vehicle ownership when policy started or vehicle added: At least 1 month but less than 1 year
`Liability To Others
`$10,000 each person/$20,000 each accident
` Bodily Injury Liability
`$10,000 each accident
` Property Damage Liability
`Personal Injury Protection/Deductible applies to
`Named Insured/Spouse/Dependent Resident Relatives Work Loss Excluded
`Uninsured Motorist - Nonstacked
`$10,000 each person/$20,000 each accident
`Actual Cash Value
`Actual Cash Value
`Roadside Assistance
`+ Total 6 month policy premium
`+ Includes the Deductible Savings Bank feature
`Other features and benefits
`Deductible Savings Bank
`Form 6489 FL (09/16)


`Premium discounts
`Policy Number:
` David E Anger
`Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Continuous Insurance: Diamond and Paperless
`2014 HONDA
`Anti-Lock Brakes, Driver and Passenger-side Airbag and Passive Anti-Theft
`Lienholder information
`Policyholder inquiries
`You may call Customer Service at 1-800-776-4737 to present inquiries or obtain information about coverage, and to
`obtain assistance with any complaints.
`Agent signature
`Company officers
`Form 6489 FL (09/16)


`9611D FL 0713
`Form 9611D FL (07/13)
`version 1.0


`INSURING AGREEMENT ................................................................................. 1
`GENERAL DEFINITIONS ................................................................................. 1
`Insuring Agreement - Bodily Injury .............................................................. 2
`Insuring Agreement - Property Damage ...................................................... 2
`Additional Definition .................................................................................... 3
`Additional Payments .................................................................................... 3
`Exclusions ................................................................................................... 4
`Limits of Liability .......................................................................................... 5
`Financial Responsibility Laws ..................................................................... 6
` Other Insurance .......................................................................................... 6
` Out-of-State Coverage ................................................................................ 7
`Insuring Agreement ..................................................................................... 7
`Additional Definitions ................................................................................... 7
`Exclusions ................................................................................................... 9
`Extended Personal Injury Protection Coverage ..........................................10
`Limit of Liability ..........................................................................................10
` Other Insurance .........................................................................................11
`Conditions ..................................................................................................11
`Insuring Agreement ....................................................................................14
`Additional Definitions ..................................................................................15
`Exclusions ..................................................................................................15
`Limits of Liability .........................................................................................17
`Unreasonable or Unnecessary Medical Expenses ....................................18
` Other Insurance .........................................................................................18
`Insuring Agreement ....................................................................................18
`Additional Definitions ..................................................................................19
`Exclusions ................................................................................................. 20
`Limits of Liability ........................................................................................ 21
` Other Insurance ........................................................................................ 22
`Trust Agreement ........................................................................................ 23


`Insuring Agreement - Collision Coverage .................................................. 23
`Insuring Agreement - Comprehensive Coverage ...................................... 23
`Insuring Agreement - Pet Injury Coverage ................................................ 24
`Insuring Agreement - Full Comprehensive Window Glass Coverage ........ 25
`Insuring Agreement - Additional Custom Parts or Equipment Coverage ...... 25
`Insuring Agreement - Rental Reimbursem*nt Coverage ........................... 25
`Insuring Agreement - Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage .................................. 26
`Additional Definitions ................................................................................. 26
`Exclusions ................................................................................................. 27
`Limits of Liability ........................................................................................ 28
`Payment of Loss........................................................................................ 30
`No Benefit to Bailee .................................................................................. 30
`Loss Payable Clause ................................................................................. 30
` Other Sources of Recovery ....................................................................... 30
`Appraisal ................................................................................................... 30
`Insuring Agreement ................................................................................... 31
`Additional Definitions ................................................................................. 31
`Exclusions ................................................................................................. 31
`Unauthorized Service Provider.................................................................. 32
` Other Insurance ........................................................................................ 32
`PART VI - DUTIES IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT OR LOSS ........................... 32
`Policy Period and Territory ......................................................................... 33
`Changes .................................................................................................... 33
`Duty to Report Changes ........................................................................... 34
`Settlement of Claims ................................................................................. 34
`Terms of Policy Conformed to Statutes ..................................................... 35
`Transfer of Interest .................................................................................... 35
`Fraud or Misrepresentation ....................................................................... 35
`Payment of Premium and Fees ................................................................. 36
`Cancellation .............................................................................................. 36
`Cancellation Refund .................................................................................. 37
`Rate Increases .......................................................................................... 38
`Noncancelable Policy ................................................................................ 38
`Nonrenewal ............................................................................................... 38
`Automatic Termination ............................................................................... 39
`Legal Action Against Us............................................................................. 39
` Our Rights to Recover Payment ................................................................ 39
`Joint and Individual Interests ..................................................................... 40
`Bankruptcy ................................................................................................ 40
` Mediation .................................................................................................. 41


`In return for your payment of the premium, we agree to insure you subject to all
`the terms, conditions, and limitations of this policy. We will insure you for the cov-
`erages and the limits of liability shown on this policy’s declarations page. Your
`policy consists of the policy contract, your insurance application, the declarations
`page, and all endorsem*nts to this policy.
`The following definitions apply throughout the policy. Defined terms are printed in bold-
`face type and have the same meaning whether in the singular, plural, or any other form.
`“Additional auto” means an auto you become the actual or beneficial owner
`of during the policy period that does not permanently replace an auto shown
`on the declarations page if:
` we insure all other autos you own;
` the additional auto is not covered by any other insurance policy;
` you notify us within 30 days of becoming the owner of the additional auto; and
` d.
` you pay any additional premium due.
` An additional auto will have the broadest coverage we provide for any auto
`shown on the declarations page. If you ask us to insure an additional auto
`more than 30 days after you become the actual or beneficial owner, any
`coverage we provide will begin at the time you request coverage.
` “Auto” means a land motor vehicle:
` of the private passenger, pickup body, or cargo van type;
` designed for operation principally upon public roads;
` with at least four wheels; and
` with a gross vehicle weight rating of 12,000 pounds or less, according to
`the manufacturer’s specifications.
` However, “auto” does not include step-vans, parcel delivery vans, or cargo cut-
`away vans or other vans with cabs separate from the cargo area.
` “Auto business” means the business of selling, leasing, repairing, parking,
`storing, servicing, delivering, or testing vehicles.
` “Bodily injury” means bodily harm, sickness, or disease, including death that
`results from bodily harm, sickness, or disease.
` “Covered auto” means:
` any auto or trailer shown on the declarations page for the coverages
`applicable to that auto or trailer;
` any additional auto;
` any replacement auto; or
` a trailer owned by you.
` “Declarations page” means the document showing your coverages, limits of
`liability, covered autos, premium, and other policy-related information. The
`declarations page may also be referred to as the Auto Insurance Coverage


`“Occupying” means in, on, entering, or exiting.
` “Property damage” means physical damage to, destruction of, or loss of use
`of, tangible property.
` “Rated resident” means a person residing in the same household as you at the
`time of the loss who is not a relative, but only if that person is both:
` listed in the “Drivers and household residents” section on the declarations
`page; and
`b. not designated as either an “Excluded” or “List Only” driver.
`10. “Relative” means a person residing in the same household as you, and
`related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption, and includes a ward, step-
`child, or foster child. Your unmarried dependent children temporarily away
`from home will qualify as a relative if they intend to continue to reside in
`your household.
`11. “Replacement auto” means an auto that permanently replaces an auto
`shown on the declarations page. A replacement auto will have the same
`coverage as the auto it replaces if the replacement auto is not covered by
`any other insurance policy. However, if the auto being replaced had coverage
`under Part IV - Damage To A Vehicle, such coverage will apply to the replace-
`ment auto only during the first 30 days after you become the actual or ben-
`eficial owner unless you notify us within that 30-day period that you want us
`to extend coverage beyond the initial 30 days. If the auto being replaced did
`not have coverage under Part IV - Damage To A Vehicle, such coverage may
`be added, but the replacement auto will have no coverage under Part IV until
`you notify us of the replacement auto and ask us to add the coverage.
`12. “Trailer” means a non-motorized trailer, including a farm wagon or farm imple-
`ment, designed to be towed on public roads by an auto and not being used:
` for commercial purposes;
` as an office, store, or for display purposes; or
` as a passenger conveyance.
`13. “We”, “us”, and “our” mean the underwriting company providing the insurance, as
`shown on the declarations page.
`14. “You” and “your” mean:
` a person shown as a named insured on the declarations page; and
` the spouse of a named insured if residing in the same household at the
`time of the loss.
`If you pay the premium for this coverage, we will pay damages for bodily injury
`for which an insured person becomes legally responsible because of an accident.
`If you pay the premium for this coverage, we will pay damages for property damage
`for which an insured person becomes legally responsible because of an accident.


`Damages for bodily injury and property damage include prejudgment interest
`awarded against an insured person, where owed by law.
`If you pay the premium for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability, we
`will settle or defend, at our option, any claim for bodily injury or property dam-
`age covered by this Part I. Our duty to settle or defend ends after we have paid the
`applicable limit of liability for the accident that is the basis of the lawsuit.
`If you pay the premium for Property Damage Liability only, we will settle or defend,
`at our option, any claim for property damage covered by this Part I. Our duty to
`settle or defend ends after we have paid the applicable limit of liability for the ac-
`cident that is the basis of the lawsuit.
`Satisfaction by an insured person of a judgment for bodily injury or property
`damage shall not be a condition precedent to the right or duty of us to make pay-
`ment for such bodily injury or property damage.
`When used in this Part I:
`“Insured person” means:
` you, a relative, or a rated resident with respect to an accident arising out of the
`ownership, maintenance, or use of an auto or trailer;
` any person with respect to an accident arising out of that person’s use of a covered
`auto with the permission of you, a relative, or a rated resident;
` any person or organization with respect only to vicarious liability for the acts
`or omissions of a person described in a or b above; and
` any Additional Interest shown on the declarations page with respect only to
`its liability for the acts or omissions of a person described in a or b above.
`In addition to our limit of liability, we will pay for an insured person:
` all expenses we incur in the settlement of any claim or in the defense of an
`insured person in any lawsuit. This does not include attorney fees awarded
`or assessed against an insured person;
` interest accruing after entry of judgment, until we have paid, offered to pay, or
`deposited in court, that portion of the judgment which does not exceed our limit
`of liability. This does not apply if we have not been given notice of suit or the op-
`portunity to defend an insured person;
` the premium on any appeal bond or attachment bond required in any lawsuit
`we defend. We have no duty to purchase a bond in an amount exceeding our
`limit of liability, and we have no duty to apply for or furnish these bonds;
` up to $250 for a bail bond required because of an accident resulting in bodily
`injury or property damage covered under this Part I. We have no duty to
`apply for or furnish this bond; and
` reasonable expenses, including loss of earnings up to $200 per day, incurred
`at our request.



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Is Progressive Direct and Progressive the same company? ›

The Progressive Direct insurance company is the division of Progressive that sells insurance directly to customers. That means if you purchase a policy through Progressive's website or by calling customer service, you're using Progressive Direct.

What is the progressive total loss lawsuit in Florida? ›

This lawsuit is about whether Progressive Select's calculations for total loss vehicles in Florida resulted in insureds being paid less for their vehicles than the amounts that they were entitled to recover under their insurance policies and/or a Florida insurance statute.

What is Progressive Premier Insurance Company of Illinois? ›

Progressive Premier Insurance Company of Illinois operates as an insurance company. The Company offers car, home, renters, condo, motorcycle, life, pet, commercial, health, business, boat, and other insurance products and services. Progressive Premier Insurance serves customers in the United States.

Does Progressive raise rates after 6 months? ›

Your Progressive rates may increase after six months depending on a number of factors. Like other car insurance providers, Progressive will typically raise your rates if you receive a speeding ticket or moving violation, cause an accident or make comprehensive insurance claims.

Why is progressive insurance so expensive? ›

If you buy directly from a Progressive company, your car insurance price reflects the cost of staffing and maintaining the sales centers, and a larger portion of our marketing costs.

What is Progressive being sued for? ›

Policy holders alleged that Progressive used third-party software that underestimated what their vehicles could have been sold for before they became total losses. They said the software used adjustments that overstated the impact of haggling, when the availability of prices online made such negotiations obsolete.

What is the Progressive total loss lawsuit? ›

Progressive Insurance has agreed to a $48 million settlement with a class of 93,000 New York policyholders who claim the insurer underpaid their total loss claims on their vehicles.

Does Progressive have first time accident forgiveness? ›

Progressive customers automatically get Small Accident Forgiveness in most states for free as soon as you start your Progressive policy.

Who owns Progressive? ›

Progressive is owned by its shareholders, as it is a publicly-traded company. The biggest shareholders are The Vanguard Group, BlackRock Fund Advisors, and Wellington Management, which have a combined ownership stake of almost 20%, according to public records, as of Q1 2021.

Are Allstate and Progressive the same? ›

When comparing Allstate vs. Progressive, we rate Progressive higher in several review categories and have found that it's a cheaper option for most drivers. Progressive has comprehensive coverage offerings and mostly positive customer reviews, although Allstate scores better during the claims process.

Who is the largest shareholder of Progressive Insurance? ›

Largest shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., State Street Corp, VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares, Bank Of America Corp /de/, VFINX - Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares, Massachusetts Financial Services Co /ma/, Jpmorgan Chase & Co, Geode Capital Management, Llc, ...

Why is Progressive Direct cheaper? ›

When buying through an agent or broker, your rate includes the commission paid to the agent or broker for selling the policy. When you buy directly from Progressive, the rate reflects the cost of building, staffing, and maintaining the sales centers and marketing costs of that aspect of our business.

Who is the parent company of Progressive? ›

Progressive is owned by its shareholders, as it is a publicly-traded company. The biggest shareholders are The Vanguard Group, BlackRock Fund Advisors, and Wellington Management, which have a combined ownership stake of almost 20%, according to public records, as of Q1 2021.

What is the other name for Progressive Insurance? ›

Initially called Progressive Direct, it rebranded as Progressive in 2011, and later rebranded as PD Insurance in 2019.

Who did Progressive Insurance merge with? ›

Progressive Completes Acquisition of Protective Insurance | Progressive.


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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Last Updated:

Views: 5615

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.