The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A A Legal Notices DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice in hereby given that the partnerlately subeiating between Robert M. bears, of 17 Kenwood Terrace, Springfield. and Alfred F. Way, of 85 Clifton Avenue. Springfield, carrying on bus: ness under the firm name of Merrill Sears at 1653 Main Street, Springfield, was dissolved on March 2, 1053, by mutual consant.

Said business 18 now beIns conducted by maid Alfred F. Way AS sola proprietor at the same address and under the nAmA of Merrill Spars. ALFRED F' WAY 88 Clifton A venue, Springfield. (March 13-18-231 COMMONWEALTH OF MASHACHUSETTA HAMPDEN PROBATE COURT To All persona interested in the of JAMES JOHN late of Springfield in paid County. deceased.

The administrator of said patata has primented to said Court for allowance his first account. 11 you dealre to object thereto. yott or your attorney should file 3 written alto in said Court at Springfield before tea o'olock in the forenoon 011 the seventh day of April, 1953, the return dar of this citation. Witness, THOMAS H. STAPLETON.

EAQuire. Hirt Judge of RAId Court, this twelfth dav of March in the year of our Lord one thousand ninA hundint ntty. three. (March 17-23-30) JOHN IN J. Register.

THE PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF HAST MASSACHUSETTS March 12. 1853. Nonce le hereby riven that the Planning Board of East Longmeadow. Massachusetta will public hearing at the Town Ha.l! on Monday evening. March 23.

19.13 at clock on the petition of Leo M. Spe'sht to property located between North Main and Elm Streets, now street. to known As Spe ght Arden, lying between Brook Street and Greenacre Lane. For The Planning Board. Town Of Lonzmeadow.

By ROGER PUTNAM, Clerk. (March 13-18-230 SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TOWN OF PALMER BIDS FOR FUEL OIL The Paimer School Committee invites bids 00 1 Fue: Oil to meet requirements for the Rondaville School and on 23 Fuel Oil to meet requirements for the Park Street School for the next school year. endinx June 1914 -10 be delivered in trailerlOAd gallona. Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bide. Separate bids must be in the handa of the Superintendent of by noon April 10.

193. in sealed envelope. marked 30 81 to clearly it A 3 A bid. Those bids may be present at the meetine when bds will be opalted. Further information may be obtained at the Office of the Superintnedent of Shovis DAVITT M.

ROONEY Chairman Palmer. March 16, 1933 (March 20-21-281 SCHOOL, DEPARTMENT TORN OF PALMER RIDS FOR MAPLE The Palmer School Committee will receive sealed b'da for fire! quality maple Poor. na for one classroom the Park Street School. The recertes the right to reject AnY or all bids. Rids must be in tra hands of the Superintendant of Schools by noon.

April 10. 1933. in sealed envelopes. marked so to clearly identify it A bid. Those submitting bids he present at the meeting when bids will be opened.

Further information may he obtained at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. DAVITT M. ROONEY Chairman Palmer. March 16. 1953 (March 20-21-23) SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TOWN OF PALMER BIDS FOR REPOINTING The Palmer hool Committee will receive bide for repointing the Palmer High School.

The Committee reserves the richt to reject any or all bids. Ride must in the hands of the Superintendent of Schools by noon. April 10. 1933. sealed marked RO to clearly identity it a o'a.

Those submitting hide may he present the meeting wher bide will pa opened. Further information may ba obtained A1 the Office the Superintnedent of ROONEY Chairman Palmer March 16. 1913 March 0-21-231 COMMONWEALTH OF MASS HAMPDEN PROBATE COURT To all persons Interested In the trust estate under the will of FREDFRICK H. GILLETT late of Springfield A 1d County. deceased.

for the benefit of THE WESTFIELD MEN'S A LITTO under the Reiddary clause of said will. The trustee of eatata has presented 10 SAid Court for allowance SAVANteenti account. It you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should tile a written appearance in said Court at Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the tenth day of April 1933, trie returu day of this citation. Witness. THOMAS H.

STAPLETON. quire, First Judze of anid Court, this auxteenth dav of March in the year of Our lord one thousand nine hundred fiftythree. JOHN J. Rez ater. 4 Starch 20-23-301 HAMPDEN PRORATE COURT COMMONWEALTH OF A MASSACHUSETTS To EDITS A C.

GILRERT of n.eadon in said County of Hampden, and FJ G. of New York. in the Stale of Daw Yorb. and all other persona who are or who may interested An the trust under Indentura dated March 31. with GILRERT.

for the benefit of Gil and others. petition has been presented to said Court by DEPONT AND TRUST COMPANY. trustee under Indenture. praying for the alion ance of twelfth account AF trustea, and for such other and further and Al equity may raquire, If you deaire to he heard thereon you or your attorney should file a written ap. pearance in said Court Af Springfield within twenty-one day a from the tenth day of April 1053.

the return day of this citation and also file an answer or other I quite, pleading Witness. First within THOMAS Judge twenty-one of 11. said a STAPLETON. Court. thereafter.

this Eaour Jord one thousand nine fiftysoventeenth day of March huttired rar of three. JOHN LTONS. Reintor. (March -April 61 OF MASSACHUSETT8 HAMP'DEN 53 PROHATE COURT To all persons interested in 11.0 trust estate under the will ot DANIET. K.

11 late of Springfield in maid c'oundeceased for tha betafit FIAKFACE And others under the isth clause of said will. T'na of said estate has presented to RAd Court for allowance forte. fourth avenunt. It you desire to objert thereto you or your attorney should rite a pritten appearance in said Court be'are ten o'clock in the forenoon on the ONE tenth day of April 1953, the return day this citation, Witness. THOM.AS STAPLETON.

quire. First Judse of said Court, this sixteenth day of March in the Spar of Lord one thousand nine hundred fiftythree. JOHN J. LYONS. Register.

March 20-23-300 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN PROBATE COURT To all persons interested In the trust extate under the will of RED M. SCOTT late of Springfield In said County, deceased, for the he nefit of LICY F. -(OTT and others under the third clause of said will. seuted to said Court for allowance their The a trustees of said estate have preeighth account If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney ahnuld file a written p- pearance in said Court at Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon 011 the tenth day of April 1903, the returp day of this citation. Witness, THOMAS H.

STAPLETON. Tisquire. First Judge of said Court. this seventeenth das Starch in the eat of our Lord thousand nine hundred fifty- bras. JOHN J.

LYONS. Regiater. (March COMMON OF PRORATE COURT To of meadow, and and THE both of Springfield. all tt said nf Hampden. Kr RKI of Buffalo.

11. the State of New York, GEORGE Attorney General of Tie of Massachusetts, and all other persona a lio are or who may become interested in the trust under denture dated Acinber 11, with ADOLPH GILBERT, for the benefit of JEN ILBI.RT and others. A petition has heen presented to said Court by SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY: trustee under said Indenture, praying for the allowance of its twelfth account as such trustee, and for such other and further orders and decrees as equity may require. If you desire to he heard thereon ou or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Springfield within twenty-one dat' from the tenth day of April 1973. the return day of this citation and also file 11 Angu Ar or other pleading within -one days thereafter.

Witness THOMAS L. STAPLETON. Vis quire, First Judge of Court, this day of March in the vear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fiftythree, JOHN J. Register (March 23-30-April 6) 'THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1953 CLASSIFIED Berlin Mayor Praises 'Voice' New York. 22 (A) Mas or Ernst Router of West Berlin today praised the operations in Germany of the State Department's Voice of America.

which is under fire by Senate probers. Mayor Reuter said that RIAS, Berlin radio station operated by the TY. S. State Department, had been an effective propaganda weapon against the Communists. that refugees coming from the Eastern Zone know his voice because they have hoard it frequently over RIAS, nil that most think of RIAS as a German.

not an American, station. Legal Notices POSTING NOTICE On and after this date. 1 will not by ba responaib'e for anv bills contracted anyone other than myself. RODMAN HARRISON AVE. CITY Starch 19, 1933 March 19 23-201 LOST PASSBOOK Notice hereby Riven that application tas Tel.

been Credit Union for the amount of mate to the Now England Tel. decosit hv pa as No. 13345, by said hank to Jeannette G. Wilder has it being that said been lost. stolen or destroyed.

(Starch LOST PASSBOOK Notice hereby given that application has been made to the Sec*nty Banking Company the amount 0: deposit 1944. rapresented by Certificate No. irauAd by said band to Minnie trustee for Harr.ett Rispler it being claimed that said passbook. has been lost, molen or destroyed. (March 13-16-230 LOST PASSBOOK been made to the Springdeld National Notica is hereby A given that Application Bk.

for the amount of represented passbook No. by said ank to Sarkis tt being claimed mat has been lost, stolen destroyed. March 13-16-23) POSTING NOTICE On and after this date. I will not be AD) bilis contracted by anyotner than self. RAYMOND EN 22 Woodside Terr.

Data: rep. 19.3. (Mar. 14-16-230 LOST PASSBOOK Notice 1. hereby application teen made to Kuvion Employees edit Union for amount of dacosit epented bi pa No.

led by a med that 4a.d 8 passbook has been lost. hank to Wi'liam Smith being stolen or destrosed Date: 1903. (March 20 33. 300) CITE OF SPRINGFIELD. MISS.

DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE Starch 23, Sealed a for furnishing, at once. rental of Hydraulic Bucket Loader for approximately 640 hours, per Bid No. 112 will la received be the CityPurchasinz Agent. Administration Buildins. Springfield.

UD to FRIDAY, MARCH 1953 at 2:00 p. AL which time they will be publicly opened and read the Department of Purchase Bid Room. Proposal forms call no obtained at 1l16 office of the City Purchasing 4 The City Purchasing Agent reserves tha richt fu reject 'any or all hids. CHARLES M. HEALEY CITY PURCHASING AGENT COURT STREET March 43) COMMON WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampden To all parsons interested in the estate of RRIDIE MEAN late of Sprit afield in maid Count.

deceased The special administrator of said estate presented to sa'd Court for allowance frat and Anal acrount, If you deaira to object thereto. Jou or your attorney a A written appearin said Court at Spriccield betore in the forenoon on the thirtyday of March. 19.13 the return day his citation. THOMAS H. STAPLETON.

P.a First of said Court. th. fourth day of March in Fear our thou nine hundred AltyLot JOHN LYCAS. Rex ster. (Mar.

14-16-23) NOTICE TO TRAFFIC SIGNAL, CONTRACTORS Construction of Traffic Signal System Sealed bids for complete installaton of traffic control systems at the following intersections: Main Strat Oak Street. Indian Orchard, Dwignt street Jette: Avenue, Wilbraham Road Avenue, will bA recais ed at 326, City Hall. Springfield. Massachusetts, until 12.1} noon, La 1913. Standard Time on Tuerday, April Eng trattic signal control devices the Project involves furnish.n‹ and instalabove mentioned intersections together with underground interconnection cah'p: an4 Dra Auct A3 And contract documents may roquired examine office of Engineering.

of partment of Streets and Ci'v Hall. Springf eld: deposit $10. Bid cortitiad check or bid bond for of bid price required. 1014 Sac- perbidder must furnisn AZ? raise are emplovmen: formance hord. conditicas work applica CITI OF SPRINGFIELD.

MASS it ROARD OF SUPERVISOR OF STREETS AND ENGINEERING James J. Sullivan Fuperintendent (Starch 23, 241 AGAWAM INVITATION HOUSING FOR AUTHORITY AGAIAN. MARS. proposal for furn. sing all la materials, and equipment to prepare surfaces and repaint the nine 19, buildS of the original project 2-1 will he recaived until 2: D.

In. Eastern Tint. Friday. April 1003 to torn arded in duplicate to Sir. Fred Hauff, Executive 126 Director.

Walau: Housing Authority, Specifications And plan the wam, Mass A to, be done may be Director. obtained at al the office the address eta tad ahore, upon the receipt A deposit of a chock 171 the amount nam certified chock. a This chack will dollars Tina LO be made payahia 10 Ararefundal to unsuccessful tudders one mech of opening of if fication: ant plan ara returned in zood condition, and will ho returned to cratul when a contract it xignet. to he. considered, must he ACcompanied by a certified check or bid in the At fire par cent the total amount set forth in nP proposal.

The Asanan. House 3 Authority re the to reject any or all It is in its interests to do 50, and to any informalities in bidding, Louis Da Palma Chairman cawam Hourinz Authority March 18th. 1233 (March 23. 14. 25) INVITATION TO BID ADDITION TO EAST GRANBY ELEMENTARY SCHooL, EAST GRANBY, CONN.

Sealed propnaals for the construction 31 a four cafeteria, kitchen and boiler room addition with square 1PPt of floor area, the East cranby Elementary School, Cast Granhy, Connecticut, will be reed by Mr. Norman I. Adams, Chair. RU of the Building Conunittee, at the Cart Granby Elementary School unt: EST. April 14, Bids ill publicly opened and road at 8 April 195.

at the Cast GranElementary School. East Granby. conn. After March 24th, two Copies of pians, id forms. -perifications and contract jocuments be obiained at the office the Architect, Carl J.

Malinfeldt Associates. Mi l'earl Street, liartford, upon depra.t of for tR seta. This I posit will be to the bidger who submitted A bid And has rA turned plans and specifications in sand vondition. 316 will be refunded to ha bidder who not submitted a bid but nan returned the plans and specifica tions in good condition. Additional copies of plans and specifirations InAy be purchased at cost of printing by the bidders.

The bidder must file with his hid a certified check or bid bond for of the total bid price made payable to the Town of Last Granby. No bid may be withdrawn for A period of thirty (30) after opening of bids. The successful hidder will he required to furnish satisfactory hond to the full amount of the contract covering all lahor And materials and al3o insurance coverage as provided in contract documents. The School Building Committee of the to roje.t any dr all bids not deemed to Town of East Granby reserves the right the of the Town. Dared at Edit Granby.

Connecticut. this 13th 043 of March, 1977. Norman 1. Adams, Chairman Ethan! Building Committee Last Granhy, Connecticut (March 23) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN PROBATE COURT To all persons interested in the trust Agtate under the will of DAMEL B. -0.

late of Springfield 11) said County. deceased. for benefit of HOLBROOR and others under the thirteenth clause of said will. T'he trustee of Raid estate has to said Court for allowance fort -fifth account, 1f you desire to object thereto you or vour attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the tenth day of April 1973. the return day of this citation.

Witness, THOMAS I. STAPLETON, Fisquire, First Judge of said Court, this sixteenth day of Starch 111 the year of our Jord one thousand nine hundred fitty-three. JOHN J. LYONS, Register. March 20-23-30) WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMP'DEN P'ROBATE COURT To EDWIN C.

GILBERT of Longmead1n County Hampden, JEAN GILBERT BRUNT Buffalo. in the State of New York. GEORGE 11 GOLD. attorney General of the and all other persona who are 0t who may become interested in the trust ut.der Indenture dated February 10. 1922, with M.

GILBERT. for the benefit of JINN GILBERT and other4 A petition has been presented Court by MD TRUST COMPANY. trustee undet Indenture. praying for the allowance of 114 twelfth account ax such trustee. and for such other and further orders And deAF equity may require.

It you desire to be heard thareon you 01 attorney should A written ADpearanca 1n c'ourt Springfield within 1 -OP A days from the day of April 1953, the return dAy of this citation and aloo file an answer or other pleading within twenty-one days thereafter. THOMAS H. STAPLETON, quire. First Judge of said Court. thia gATenteanth day ot March in the Fear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty -three.


MARQUAIUT, South minor, both Dakota: of Watertown, GEOKGE in the FINGOLD. State of AlA re Man or who may and all other persons who torney General of the Commonwealth beconte interested in the trust under Indenture dated October 11. 1927. with W. for the benefit of AH GILBERT and others.

petition has been presented Court by SAFE DEPOSIT AND ST COMPANY. trustee under said Indenture, praying for the allowance of its twelfth arcount AN such trustee. and for such other and further orders and da. crere as may require. 1 you des.

re to be heard thereon you or Jour Alorne) should file written peat 101 said Court Springfield within twenty-one dAL from the tenth day of April 1953. the return day of this citation and also file answer or other pleading within twenty-onA thereafter. Witness. THOMAS H. STAPLETON.

Faquire. First Judge of said court, this enteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty -three. JOHN J. LYONS, Register. March 23-30.

April 6 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN $3 PRORATE COURT To all persons interested in the trust estate under the wi'l of W. HALF late of Springfield in said County. deceased. for the benefit of THE DESERV. POOR OF THE CITT OF under the sixth clause of said will.

The truatee of putate has presented to said Court for allowance twentyseventh account. If you desire to object therato you or your attorney should file A written appearlance in Court At Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the tenth day of April 1093, the return das of this citation Witness. THOM.AS H. STAPLETON. F.s quire.

First of 48 Court. this tenth day of March In the sear of our Cord one the and nine Hundred fiftythree. JOHN J. LIONS. Ragieter.

(Starch 20-23-301 OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN PRORATE COURT To all persona intarpated in the tri: under the a ill of MINNIE Mclate of Springfield in said County Acreased for tre benefit tre fourth clause of said will. Ls. CHAPMAN and others under The trustee of estate has presented to maid Court for allowance its Fourteenth account. If you d-aire to objet tierato you or your attorney should tile A written appearIn day Alice of in o'cloak April said in 1933, the Court the at forenoon return Springfield on day the of before tenth this citation. Witness.

THOMAS H. STAPLETON. quire, First Judge of said Court, this sixIeenth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred fiftythree. JOHN J. LYONS, Register.

(March COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN P'ROBATE COURT To all Interested in the estate tuder the will of WILIAM H. late of Springfield in said County, deceased. for the benefit of WAlLACE B. and others under the thirteenth clause of said will. The trustee of paid estate has presented 20 said Court for allowance its sixth account.

10 you deatte to objert thereto you or your attorney should f1lA written ance in Raid Court at Springfield before ton o'clock in the forenoon on the tenth dey of April 1953. tre return day of this citation. THOMAS TAPLETON. Es quire. First Judea of Aa'd Court.

this serant-enth day ot March in the nt our Lord one thou and nine hundred fiftythree, JOHN J. LIONS, Register. March COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN PROBATE COURT To all rersona interested in the trust tate under the will of BELI.E 'T. late of Springfield in said County. ceased.

for the benefit of ELEANOR P. TOWN LEY and others. under the eleventh clause of said will modified by the codic.I to said will and revised by a Compromise Agreement approved by said court June 20. 1928. The trustee ol said estate has Drevented to said Court for Allowance twenty-third account.

11 vou desira to object thereto you or your attorney should file A written 8 pear in Court at Springfield be. fore ton o'clock in the forenoon on the tenth day of April 1953, the return day of this citation. Witness. THOMAR H. STAPLETON.

Viaquire, First Judge of this sixteenth day of March 11 the ear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fiftythree. JOHN J. LYONS, (Starch 20-23-30 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN 33 PROBATE COURT Do all interpsted in the estate of HERBERT A. LAM SON late of Wales in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented said Court.

prayinz that MELVIN C. LAWSON of said Wales be appointed administrator of said estate without giving a surety on his bond. If desire to object thereto vou or your 'attorney should file A written D- pearance in said Court at Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the third day of April 1953, the return day of this citation. Witness, THOMAS H. STAPLETON.

quire, First Judge of said Court, this tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fiftythree JOHN J. LYONS, Register. (March 12-16-23) COMMONWEALTIE OP MASSACHUSETTS PROBATE COURT 'To all persons interested in the trust under the will of EDWARD BRADFORD late of Springfield in said deceased for benefit of (. BARES and others under 11.P Paragraph. Clause of maid A ill.

The trustee of said ediate has Dissented to Court for allowance its second account. you desire Lo object. ato you or your attorney should file a written appearin Court At Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon OlI the thirtyfirat day of Diarch 1033, the return Jay of this citation Witness, THOMAS STAPLETON, Esquire. First Judge of said Court, this fourth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred tiftythree. JOHN J.

LYONS. Register. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN $9 To all persons interested in the trust under the will LOUISE BRICK EMERSON. otherwise LOCISE B. EMERSON late of Springfeld in said County.

deceased, for the benefit of FANNY R. CHILDS and others under Clause 3. of Article 11 of said will. The trustee of said estate has presented to said Court for allowance its ninth. tenth and eleventh accounts.

It yon desire to object thereto you OT your attorney should file A written u. appearAnce in Court at Springteld before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the thirtyArst day of March 1873. the return day of this citation. Witness. THOMAS H.

STAPLETON. T. quire First Judse of Raid Court. this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred JOHN J. LYONS.

Rexiater. (March Legal Notices Legal Notice EARTH OF MASSACHUSETTA HAMPDEN 4.4 PROBATE COURT To all persons interested in A under the wilt of LES 1 TUCKER late of Springfield iti said for the benefit of IRENE C.ADY ATKINS and others under the second clause of sail will. The trustee of said estate has presented to did Court for allowance its twelfth account, you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearante in said Court At Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the third day of April 1050, the return day of thia citation. Witness, THOMAS H. STAPLETON.

quire, First Judge of said Court, this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred three. JOHN LYONS. Register. (March 16-23-300 COMMONWEALTH OF PRORATE COURT To JOHN EDWARD WEST. JR.

of parte unknown A libel has been presented lo said Court by your wife. PEARL PATRICIA RIVW ENT, of Springfield 1n the County of Hampdon praying that A divorce from the bond of matrimony hetween perself and you be decreed for the Cause of And confirmed habits at intoxication cruel and abusive treatment and negiet to provide suitable maintenance praying for Alimony -and for custody of an alIOWANCP for minor children. 11 You desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file A written appearance in MAid Court within twenty -one da) from the thirty-firat day of July 1953. the return day of this citation. THOM H.

STAPLETON. Es. quire, F'irat of Judge March of in the RAid sear Court, of this our day ford one thousand nine hundred fiftythree, JOHN J. Regiater. (Siarch 10-23-30) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampden $8 Court To all persons interested in the Palate of BRIDIE MEANT late of Springfeld in said County.

deceased. The public adminiatrator of said has presented to SAid Court for allowance him second and Anal account. If you desire to object thereto. you or your attorney should file A written appearante In said Court At Springfield before ten o'clock in: the forenoon on the thirty. Arst day of March.

1933. the return day of this citation. Witness 'THOMAS H. STAPLETON. ER.

quire. rat Judge of said Court. 1 hie fourth dAy of March in the VeRT of lord one thousand nine hundred Artythree. JOHN J. LYONS.

Register. (Miar. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampden Probate Court To MERRIT MARRY CLARK of Loa Angeles. in the Stata of California. 4 libel has heen presented to MAid Court bi your wile.

PHYLLIS NMALL (LARK. of Ludlow in the Countv from ot the Hampden bond of praying matrimony that A between divorce and vou he decreed for the CA ol cruel and A tris treatment And praving for alimony. 1 you desire object thereto, you or vour attorney chou'd Ale A written ADpearance in RAid Court within twenty-one from the day of April the return day of thie citation. Witness. THOMAS H.

STAPLEION. quire, First Judge of Court. th th.rd of March in the year of out lord one thousand nine hundred Alrythree. JOHN J. I.

Razlater. (March 9-16-233 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN 88 PROBATE COURT To all persons interested in the estate of KATHERINE of Springfield In said County deceased. A petition has been presented to raid Court for probate of a certa.n instrument purporting to he the last will said deceased by FIJ7 ABETH 0. SON of aRid Spungfield and prating that Ala or some other suitable person be appointed administratrix with the will annexed nf estate. 11 YOu desire to object thereto von or vour pearanca attorney in said should Court file At Springfield written a hefore ten o'clock in the forennon on the day of March 1953.

tire return dav of this citation. THOMAS H. AT PLETON. Faquire First Indpe of Court, thifourth day of Starch in the VARr of our Lord one thousand nine hundred tittythree. JOHN J.

LYONS, March 9-11-231 4 DIRECT LINES FOR FASTER CLASSIFIED SERVICE DIAL 7-5366 CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS Rosiness Announcements ANY cesspool or septic tank "cleaned." anywhere at anytime. Harvey F. La Due, Inc. Tel. 7-2701.

ATTICS, cleaned. small painting johs. also small moving jobe. Tel. 3-0288.

ANY CLAMPED CATAP or drain pipe electrically razor-cleaned of no charge. Roto Rooter. Tel. 4-3754. ANY ATTIC.

CELLAR or vard cleaned. Rubbish removed. F. M. Fratamico.

Tel. A ID VET buys raga, paper, metal. tron, antiques, Tel. 6-0901. ANT CELLAR.

attic cleaned. Rubbish removed. Tel. 4-2411. AIR TRAVEL California 350 each wav.

Seattle 399. Miami $35. Chicago, other Daily ached. flights. Air Coach Associates.

107 Bridge St. Tel. 2-370). BULLDOZER: for hire. Land clearing, cellars, etc.

Granville 2.61 or 3717. BULLDOZER bark hoe for hire. Call 3-4611, 7-9610 or 9-1110. sectio tanks, Mushed cleaned, quick odorless, sanitary. Phone RotoHooter of courav.

4-3754. COMPLETE landscape gervico. F. J. Tillamaino.

3-4314. CONTRACT work. bulldozer Shovel. grading. plowing lot clearing, trAp cutting.

loan. traprork, fill. CAPS pools, tranches etc. Merrill 942 Alien St. R-9 AT.

EXCAVATING of Septic Tanka. Leach Felds, water cellara. Tel. 7-9-04. EXCAVATING Trenches, tank. fill for AAle. FLORS cleaned. waxed polished. Re sonable. Tel.

4-2054 INGH PRESSURE steam cleaning indus. trial automotiva, motors. cha restaurant flues, tractor. J. w.

Davi days or eves. We FO ant where. IRON out the humps bumps In your lAwn. Let us roll your lawns with power rollers Also rollers for male. Contact Sales Tel.


LANDSCAPING gardening done by expert, by day or contract. Tel. 9-0180. REPAIR, recover chairs at low cost in your home. Call 3-2421.

ROITILLING. R. E. Tower, tale or L1 3-3535. service.

gardens lan plowed. 7-2537. 9-0514. SUPER DUPER complete Joh. 19 yra.

exper. 58 Seventh St. SEPTIC TANKS Installed reasonable. Call 3-4310 for eatiniate. TV Installation antenna repair.


9-3128 UHF CONVERSION AX channel reception DIAL. W104417 UHF INSTALLED. SAVE MONEY. PHONE WE GUARANTEE to rid your apartment of roaches, ants, etc. Only $3.

Walker' 6-0061. VET PATS high prirpa. rags. papers. scrap.

metals, etc. Tel. YOUR sofa chair resprung or recovered in your home. Call 2-9766. 9-6025.

Personals 9 A NURSE will give room. board care to elderly people or to working 111 Phone 6-0671. ALL TYPES of problems investigated. For appt's. call 3-7150.

Consultation $3. Whitney Detective Service. 44 Vernon St. Mrs. Anthony's Nursery School CHILDREN TRANSE.

9-5260. MADAME VAUGHN of Riverside Park Is in her home. 65 Dickinson St. 9-0458 for app't PERMANENT home for children 3 to State license. One vacancy.


TEL, 9-0025. YOUNG MOTHER will CATA child dads. Boston Rd vicinity 4-3732. ANNOUNCEMENTS Convalescent Homes AT BAKER'S Convalescent Hoind. Vacancy now open.

Call 3-7162. BEAUTIFUL rest home in Springfield for eiderly people. Tray service. Chic. 2004 CONVALESCENT care given lady or gentleman in private home.

Heas. 3-1342. NURSING CARE given elderly man or woman. Reasonable. Tel.

3-0363. THE ASHFIELD HOUSE Boarding Home for the Aged. Cheerful-Home-like atmosphere for Eiderly People. Rates $25 and up per week. 34 hr.

service. TeleviAton. 'Tel. Aandeld 45 or 28. VACANCY -Single rill.

Walnut Grove Nursing Home Registered nurse in attendance. Tel. Hampden 184. Lost and Found 10 E. BROWN spotted wearing harness answering to Vic.

N. End. MALE Beagle. vie. Dickinson Oakland around March 13 light tan collar with metal buttons, will party who has this dox please call 3-1736 or 6-9000.

SET of 3 keys in brown leather ca4: lost on A ass St. betw. Caraw Franklin, if found call AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale AT HAROLD KENT'S 10,2 TUDOR Sedan Fodromnatic Drive ZEPHYR door Sedan 1493 1951 VITORIA Fodromatic Drive 1733 FORLOK Ra Covere 1395 1949 TUDOR HAH 1316 TUDOR RAH 695 CHEVROLETS 1960 REL AIR 2 OR SEDAN 1.593 1947 CLUB COUPE 795 BUICK 1042 CONVERTIRLE Club 20 NASS 1831 Station Wagon 1306 1930 RAMBLER Convertible 1195 OLDEMOBILES 1930 88 4 door Sedan 1:05 1441 CLUB Coupe 3 16 MERCURTS 1740 CLUB Coupe 1185 BASIEST TERMS HAROLD KENT FORD INC Chicop e'R Ford Dealer 474 FRONT ST CHIC. 2192. SPFLD.


PG 1643 1951 CHEVROLET Del. Club COo 1951 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan 1495 1331 Suburban 1395 100 A USER door Sedan 80 1930 CHEVROLET 1 Al. 1 dr. Sed. 1440 100 CHEVROLET Del 2 dr.

Sedan Power Guide, RaH 1193 1930 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan 1343 09) FORD custom 2 dr. 1243 1019 CHEVROLET dr. Sed. 1949 CHEVROLET Del. 2 dr.

Sed. 1243 1948 CHEVROLET Aero Sed. 1050 1018 KAISER door Sedan 695 1945 FORD V8 Super Del. Dr. 695 1947.

CHEVROLET Del. 4 dr. Red. RAH 893 1917 FORD 'Super Del. dr.

Sedan 795 1947 KAISER 4 door Sedan 495 1944 MERCURY 4 door Sedan RAH 1048 CHEVROLET Fleetline Aero 1946 CHEVROLET dr sedan 745 1940 OLDSMOBILE 4 door Sedan 005 1040 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Sedan 195 A. V. REOPELL, INC. 709 State St.

Cor. Hanco*ck Tel. 0251 AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'S 1951 Cadillac Fleetwood sedan $450 1:31 Cadillac Coupe 1951 Cadillac 62 dr. sedan 1950 Cadillac dr. Sedan 1050 Cadillac Convertible 1940 Cadillac dr.

sedan 2193 194. Cadillac Convertible CadillAc Convertible 1445 1947 Cadillac Sedanetta 1375 1948 Lincoln Cont. nental 2195 1973 Buick Convertible Club NEW 1931 Ruick conv. 1931 Buick Riviera Coupe 2093 Buick dr sedan 1930 Buick Sedanette 1303 1952 Oldsmobile 95 sedan 1931 Oldemobile dr. Sedan 1245 1930 Oldamobile 95 Convertible 1950 Oldsmobile 59 Club Cpe.

1593 1946 Oldamnobile 98 Sedanette 1093 1901 Chevrolet 4 dr. Medan P. G. 1942 Chevrolet dr. Sedan 3.1 1951 Plymouth Belvedere 19.11 Plymouth Olub Coupe 1443 1949 Pontiac dr.

Sedan 1313 1947 Pontiac dr. sedan 745 1948 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan 1932 Jaguar Convertible 3343 1951 Chrysler dr. sedan 1995 1946 Nash dr. 1949 Nash dr.

Sedan 19.1 Ford Tudor Sedan 1951 Dodge Coronet 4 dr. Sedan 179, 1947 Dodge dr. Sedan 895 1916 Dodge dr. Sedan 705 1951 DeSoto Custom 4 dr. Sedan 180, 1049 DeSoto dr.

Sedan 1130 Studebaker 4 dr Sedan 205 Above equipped and tully zuaranteed UP TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY THE ORIGINAL LEO'S 1174 STATE ST TEL, 2-0463 AT BETTER USED CAR INC. Ford Victoria. Overdrive '53 Pontiac dr. Chief Del. Hydra Chav.

Styling Del dr Red 1706 32 Mercury 2 dr. Mercomatie 01445 Buick Riviera Coupe 0105 O'ds Super dr. Sed, Hydra 105 '52 Plymouth Club Cre. 1505 Flimouth tr. Sedan 1493 '32 Chevrolet Conv.

2105 Olds Surer dr. lydra 1095 '51 Chevrolet Del. dr. Sedan 1485 51 Ford Fordor Fordomauc Dr. 1:93 '51 Plymouth Club Che 1395 51 Olde Olde 99 Holiday Holiday Cne, Sedan.

Hydra Hydra 1905 2193 Cadillac Fleetnood 3305 Plymouth Belv-dere 1893 Chrysler Windsor Newport Bi Mercury Clut, Coupe 1695 DeSoto Club Coune 1495 '50 Oldsmobile 98 Holiday Coe. 1803 Ford Tudor Sod. 1295 50 Nash dr. Statesman 50 Dods a Coronet Club Che. Gyro 1407 50 Buick Super Riviera Coe.

1713 Plymouth Special Del. 4 dr. Sed. Mercury Conv. 1593 '30 Ford Custom Fordor '30 Ca lillac 62 dr Sedan Chryaler Club Coupe Olds $8 4 dr.

dra. Chrysler Winds. I'ghlander Sed. 19 Chevrolet Convertible Chevrolet Fleetmastar 4 dr. 805 18 Chevrolet Aero Sedan 15 Chevrolet Aero Sedan Ford Tudor Sedan, 643 Conv.


GET DAT DRIVING TRIAL WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR I 1 PRICES GREATLY REDUCED '51 STUDE 1'S Starlita Hydra 1595 '51 STUDE Land Cruiser 4 dr. Auto Trans. 1735 HENRI Deluxe 3 dr. Sed. 1005 '51 STUDE V8 Club Sedan OD 1597 '50 STUDE.

4 door Sedan 1043 50 STUDE. Starlite Coupe 1195 MERCURY Station Wagon 945 Station Wagon 805 '49 HUDSON A door Sedan 1093 STUDE 4 Door Sedan 895 BUICK Roadmaster Conv. 893 46 PONTIAC 4 dr Sedan 7 593 46 HUDSON 6 Sedan '41 PONTIAC Club One 105 STUDE 4 dr. Sedan 205 NASH Club 193 CHEVROLET Club Coupe 195 RI'ICK Club Coupe CHEVROLET 4 dr. Sedan 103 STUDE Pirkup 683 TIP TY 3 YEARS TO PAY FINE POINT MOTOR SALES.

INC. Dealers Since 1933'' SO STATE ST TEL. AT RICHARD'8 AUTO SALES INC. Absolutely the Best In Late Stadel Car Low Quality---Easy Terms Olds 06 Holiday Sed. Pow St.

Chevrolet Del. dr. Sed. 1931 Chevrolet Station Wazon P.G. 149.

1251 Buick Rdm. Riviera Sedan 2195. 1951 Chevrolet Bel All P.G. 1840 Ford Custom Club Coupe 1394 1031 Cadillac Fiestwood Sedan 3430 1931 Podze Coronet CI Coe. Gyro.

1693 1951 Oldsmobile 98 Holiday 1251 Del 2 dr. P.G. 1505 1970 Chevrolet Club Ope. 1243 1950 Oldsmobile 96 4 dr. Sedan 169, 1950 Studebaker Champion Sedan 1005 1950 Buick Spec.

Del Sedanette 1495 1950 Buick Rdm. 4 dr. Sad. 1695 1919 Olds. 98 2 dr.

4 dr. Sedans 1395 1019 Buick 2 dr. dr. Sedans 1 295 1919 Buick Rdm 4 dr. Sed.

Dyna 1949 Stude. Champ Fed O.D. 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan 995 1018 Ford 8 Tudor Sedan 843 1948 Packard Conv 993 1017 Oldamobile P8 Ar. Sad Hydra. 70.3 1047 Ruirk 4 door Sedan 795 1017 Packard 4 dr.

Sedan 1017 Chevrolet Ficetline 4 dr. Red. $45, Muds. 2 dr Sedan 30. Ray With Satisfaction Many Other Care All SEE THEM TOnAT AT RICHARD'E AUTO SAIPE INC.

11162 Sta'e St. Open to 9 Tel. 2-5642 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale AUSTIN Crosley Hiliman G. Sales Sarvice State Motors 443. Main St.

9-5410. AUSTIN. 1918-Sedan, In excel. cond. $425.

942 Helmont Ave. AT YOUR AUSTIN DEALER '51 CHRYSLER 4 dr. N. Y. fully equipped $2105 '61 AUSTIN 4 dr.

Radio Heater 1095 '51 NASH Rmblr. conv. 13.000 1193 MERCURY CI. Cre. OD 1405 '50 BUICK dr.

6 Dyna. 1495 'DO FORD 8 Club Conv. 0. D. 1495 '49 DODGE Coronet el.

gyro. 1195 STUDE. Com. land cruis equip 193 '47 CHRYSLER 4 dr. A.

dr. '47 BUICK Super Conv. DODGE Cuat. cl. Cr.

B. dr. CHEV. Fleetline New paint 295 No Money Down on Moat Cars STATE MOTORS A USTIN SALES SERVICE 440 Main Tel. 9.5410 AT FRANK'S AUTO SALES '52 Chav.

2 dr. Styline daluze Ford custom Wordomnatic 180. '51 Buick 4 dr. Dynallow 1745 Olds. super 2 dr.

051 Ford dr. deluxe '31 Dodge hard top, Gyro. 1495 '51 Plym. (3) 4 dr. 11 13.4) Cadillac W.w.

tires. 4745 '50 Buick 4 dr. f1 Dyna 14,93 '50 Chrysler Royal club 1643 49 Olds. dr. 8.

'49 Olds. (2) dr. 98, RAH. 1245 Chev. 2 dr.

deluxe, 49 Ford super deluxe dr. 873 Mercury 4 dr. New engine. 805 47 dr. 516 16 Desoto custom 4 dr.

79. Chev. 2 dr. RAIT. 640 Dodge 4 dr.

CHatom 795 1'13 m. dr. RAM. 645 Bulrk 1 dr. 793 FRANK'S AUTO SALES, INC.

1608 STATE ST. TEL. 4-6220 OPEN 99 LL CLEAN CARS AT LEE MOTOR SALES No overhead make: these prices possible. Most have radios and heaters. '31 FORD beauty $1405 CHEV.

2 dr. extra clean 'SO PLYM. coupe, like new 995 16 CHEV. 3 dr. real nice 46 6 RUCK 4 dr sedanette 1 2 owner, dr.

like clean 16 P'ONTIAC MERCURY 2 club coune, extra real clean 61 20 nice 10 CHIEV. 4 original paint PACKARD 4 runs perfect 195 '37 CHEV 2 recent motor Job TRADE TERMS TEL 6-3239 83 EXPOSITION TERRACE, W. 9. Grounds) AT It JOHNSTON. INC.

1951 FORD door 1495 1950 HUDSON, Pacemaker Sedan 1295 1949 CHEV. Spec. Del Jr. s-d. complate moto: Job 1175 1949 FORD tudor Rade 1949 HUDSON Comm.

6 dr. 1393 1948 CHEVROLET Club Coupe 896 1947 HUDSON 2 door. Very clean 605 1946 oLDe club ere. very 300d 891 1944 Comm 6 dr. Sad.

695 1946 CHEVROLET dr. SAGA 63 1916 PLYMOUTH A Sedan 695 1946 HUDSON Bualnese Coupe 405 1941 PLYMOUTH dr. sed 245 1043 STUDE Champ dr. aed 195 I J. JOHNSTON.

INC. Hudson Sales -Service A GOOD but late 1950 Station W' a 423 St James A Tel. 7 2317 zou. Tel. 2-8002.

AT MEMORIAL MOTORS NO 1051 MONEY Chevrolet DOWN 4 dr. NO MONEY DOWN styleline 1950 Stude. Ar. Comm. 1949 Mercury Cl.

Cre. 1949 Hudson Super 6 1948 Chev. Fleetline 1444 Chev. Aero 1947 Ford Super del. 1947 Ford Super del.

1946 Buick sedanette 1046 Hudson 2 dr. Super 6 1012 Buick Special 1912 T'ontiac 4 dr aed. 1941 Dodge 4 dr. sed. 11911 Nash C1.

Cre. 12 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM MEMORIAL MOTORS' 130 Memoriai A1 Wast Spild Directiv opp. New Shopl A LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY LOT 1425 TO PAT Nash Amb. hydra. PA CAr ernv.

1143 4 door 1673 MERCURY dr. OD 1793 FORD door 450 Packard ultramatic. 1397. '50 Chev. 2 door 1193 19 door 1003 NO MONET DOWN 4.5 Stude.

Ch. 34 Packard Buick Chrysler conv. Va 19 Cher. door Packard Ford a. Was CHICOPEE MASH.

INC. Your Square Dealer it Star Arthur Su. 46 EaRL St. Ohicopee Falls Phone, Chicopee 1144) AT MURPHY CORRIGAN 1230 STATE ST. TEL.

3-3501 Cadillac 10 Fieatwood Olds. 85 all eXtras Ford tudor RAH P'lymouth Belvedere Ford club cpe. Fordomatic 51 Chevrolet del dr. mouth Cranbrook sed Ford c*nt. 4 dir.

and RAIL. OD 1693 Chevrolet 2 dr. sedati, Reli Dodge Coronet giro '30 Chevrolet dr sedAn Buick spacia: Ford club 19 Ford dr. sedan RAN. On 114.

47 Chevrolet Fleetlira 4 dr. RAH Hudson 2 dr. sedan And Many EVERY SALE 5 FRIEND" Open 01. to 0 D. 471.

ALL EXTRA CLEAN CARS AT A REAl. LOW PRICE Fina re 1951 Chev 2 dr. clean 1911 Henry J. cyl. dr.

1950 2 dr. sedan G. 0501 1049 Chev. aero. 1917 Crev.

Flap' line aero cien 350 1947 Chew. dr. Fleetline 1917 sedan cFl. 301 Ford 4 sedan cyl. FULL PRICE 1942 Fleptlina AerO, clean 36.5 1P12 Clev.

2 dr. sedan very clean 315 1942 Plym 4 dr. sedan, runs zood 150 1911 Nash dr. sedan 92 1940 CY 3 dr. sedan 1440 Dodge 14 ton dump 375 CASSELLA AUTO SALES 939 lemnoria! ast Splid.

Finance un in months AT MOFFEIT8 Packard club sedan 1805 custom club cuute 1743 02 Plymouth sed. '49 Mercury club coupe 1175 Ford duper deluxe dr, Ford super deluxe dr. Stud. Champ. convt, coupe DeSoro club coupe Desato Stan Ford custom 1405 Hu Riviera 0'ds.

88 Suber dida. 05 Holiday Ford Victoria 1 Hudson club 143 Dodge sedan 903 47 Ford Station gAn 43 Chrysler AAdAN 84.3 41 Cadillac convi. SEVERAL OTHERS- TRADES A TERMS OPEN EVENINGS MOFFETT MOTOR SALE 1204 STATE ST. TE A 9-9047 ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICES CHEW 4 dr. Ety line Deluxe '52 DODGE Diplomat 6 pass.

ay tic '51 DODGE Diplomat romatic '51 DODGE Coronei door '51 FLT MOUTH Cranbrook. door 13,000 miles. '50 DODGE cony. now ImmAc. OLDs.

4 dr. 88. hydra. Immac. 50 DODGE Coronet dr.

PLYMOUTH 4 door DODGE Meadowbr'k. dr. stay CHRYSLER Wind. 4 dr. black excel.

PLYMOUTH Suburban, all n. ptal sta tion WA gOT DODGE 2 door CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH club COupe OLDS. 76 4 dr. dra. DODGE Meadowbrook 4 dr Low mileAxe CORONEr 4 dr.

reh 1 Club Coupe FORD door clean BUICK Super dr. ANGUISH Austin INTERNATIONAL, MOTOR CAR CO. 13A MEMORIAL W. Spfld. Ta! 6-1825 AT 1452 DODGE Wayfarer dr.

ted. DODGE Business 1745 Club cos 1815 1971 FORD dr. sedan 19.71 STUDERAKER dr. sedan 1443 1951 PLYMOUTU dr. sedan 1950 NASH 4 dr.

Aedan 1950 DODGE Meadowbrook sedan 1415 1949 DODGE Convertible club 1443 1018 PACKARD club sedan 895 1947 P'ONTIAC dr. sedan 893 F. I. SANFORD CO. Dodge Dodge--Plymouth-Dodge Truck: 648 STATE ST.


(Cranbr'k) 1931 CHEW. Bel Air (Power GI. 1840 1950 CHRYS. A Wind. 6 1A90 1950 DESOTO 4 dr.

Custom) 1309 1950 MERCURY 2 dr. like new 1549 1019 CHEV. 4 dr. rah. like new 1340 1918 OLDS.

sedanette (hud. RI 1009 1918 PONTIAC 4 dr. (are it) 1000 1048 dr. RAT flow mile 1017 DODGE dr. RAH (custom! 890 1947 TONTIAC 1 dr.

(extra cl.) ROE 1016 BUICK ronv. 900 NO MONEY DOWN ON MANY FiRS Rank Raif 21 1040-71 Main St. Open 9.0 Tel. BUICK. 1316 super sedan.

RAH. $.15. 942 Brimont Are. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles 1 for Sale ALWAYS LOWER AT BRONSON'S COMPARE OUR 1950 CHEVROLET 2 door Sedan $1193 1949 CHEVROLET 4 door Sedan 1495 1018 CHEVROLET door Sedan 83 1332 BUICK F. viere 4 dr.

Sed. 2495 1939 CHEVROLET A door Sedan 75 MANY OTHERS--ALL GUARANTEED BRONSON CHEVROLET CO. 78 West St. Chicopee 330 or 3758 OPEN EVENINGS BUICK 8-1947 Tel. 9-9123 34 HAWTHORNE ST.

BUICK CONV. 1948. A "'Black Beauty" with dynaflow, heater, defroster, radio. lifetime top, windshield washer. back 110 lights, life guard tubes, push but1'on top, windows, and seat adjustment, genuine red leather upholstery over foa'n ruhhar cushions.

Phone 13-11 After 5.00 00 p. 111. BYRNE8 STUDEBAKER AGENCY TIME TESTED 1 all used care were alike you wouldn't have to come here tor 8 good one. You're Bl1re ot your purchase. Through the years have discovered they set their money's worth! BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY 34 Sumner Ave.

Near Lunx Hill 'Tel. 8-7233 CHRYSLER D. very condition, for $135 to 1st buyer. Chicopee, inq. 16 Grape 3d fIr.

CHEVROLET 1951-Deluxe Sedan, radio. heater. Ceiling $1672 our prica Call Louts Chevrolet Thompsonville 3353. CADILLAC. 1919 white wall Hydramatic, 116 top fully equipped $2330.

Tel. Westfie'd 959 A. CHEVROLET 1947 2 dr. motor cellent. Tel.

CADILLAC. 194T, mAroon. A1 hydramatic, Low mileage. Excallent cond. Must sacrifice 79 Briggs CHEW.

1950, spec. dr. Radio Heater. Excel. body, orig.

paint. $115. LA 5-3130. CHEVROLET 1951 4 dr. Fleetline deluxe.

Private owner. 7-7067. CADILLAC, 1947-; pass. new tirea, in PX: el. condition, make offer.

Must 8P8 to appreciate. Tel 7-751v. CHEV. 1940-Spec. del.

4 dr. radio To de heater. excel. body, orig. paint, $115.

LA 5-343 DODGE fulty equipped. $1697. No trade, Call Art Orenstein. DESOTO SEDAN motor 23 Donald St. Phone 3-8740.

DODGE. Belmont 1942-2 dr. sedan. RAH. 912 Ave.

FORD 1950 Custom Club Cpe. Good condition $1130. 76 Lucerne Sutid. PORT. 1948 Coupe.

Private owner. have takan particular care to keep this perfect. New brakes, tires paint. Excel. J.

0). throughout. Mr. Sands, 130 Welland FORD. 1941 2 dr.

sedan. new brakes front end $225. Call 9-0534 or inquira 18 Beaumont SpAd. FORD 1950 Ar. sedan.

fleater de. Truster, clean inside out. Afust sell. $1190. Can he seen at 8 Washington St.


A BEAUTY AND ONLY 81305 HAROLD KENT FORD INC. CHICOPEE'S FORD DEALER 874 FRONT ST CHIC 2192 SPELD P-1609 FINE TEED CARS AT LOWER NASH Rambler country club HUDSON Hornet sedan Pacemaker 2 nor '50 STUDE. Champ. club ere. FORD chih coure rah OLDS.

cont. AUDSON adan 49 DODGE sedan BUDSON sedan 17 STUDE. sedan 47 BUICK sedanetta '16 sedanette. rin. h3 dra.

HUDSON like nam LOUIS MOTOR INC. MANY OTHER: TO CHOOSE: FROM 385 Main St. Tel. C'red Car lot. Main St.

FOR A CAR YOU CAN AFFORD like np 1130D 49 FORD, 2 clean CHEN. R6 N. cl. cue clean RAH, 2 clean CHEAT cl. clean -75 PLYMOUTH.

RAH, 9 motor 275 4 clean ED'S MOTOR SALES 193 River West Springfield Next to City Service Gas Sta. FINANCE CO. REPOSSESSION CARS SOLI FOR BALANCE DUE 51N Alemorial Spfld. FINE USED CARS Ford to door dustom Fordomatic 'her. Com.

coupe, Ivory. Chev. Rel tir Blue P.G 1793 51 Old Pontiac 4. Super Chieftain 44 sedan. black hydr.

sedan. black Studeb.ker 18 Con mandar sed. 1696 '50 Chrysler Newport Town Country '30 Olds. 08 sedan, black. hydr, 1785 Olds.

sedan, dra. zray Olds 76 sedan. blue 1.30 Buick sedanette. green, duna. 1495 50 Chevrolet Aero sedanette.

black 30 Ford sedan 4 door. black 1305 19 Olds. 86 green, hy Aro. 16 sedan. black.

hydro. 1195 19 Ruirk 1395 Pontiac com. coupe A cv. black 1495 49 Pontiac door dan. green hyd, Olds.

00 sedan. black. hydro. 1395 Ford sedan. 4 door.

maroon 1005 18 Olds, 98 sedan. maroon 1095 Dide. 98 club hydro. 1095 Packard cont, coure. maroon 1205.

18 sedan. green 845 Chevrolet sedan. 4 green 195 Pontiac gedanette, Mack Olds. 76 a danette. hydromatic 145 '16 Packard sedan.

door 795 finance throuch our own company. Your terms can ha our Immiediate service. DEALER YOUNG MOTOR CO. Since 1219 510 in St. rel.

HUDSON 1947 ci 6 Like brand new throughout. Sacrifice 16 Monroe St. attar 3 m. JONES CHRYSLER- AUSTIN or. 139: 'SO Club Ore 44 CHEVROLET clun COU DA 1105 2 dr.


1045 CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CI. 1695 CHRYSLER dr. 1525 Conr. convertible 1095 CHRYSLER dr. 1095 DESOT dr.

16 DESOTO Club Ope. 1695 DODGE dr. 1895 '49 FORD Club Ope. 11445 '49 DODGE CI. 1205 DODGE dr 705 31 G.

TI Roadster 1343 MERCURY CI. Cpe 1905 MERCURY club COupe MERCURY dr. 1.395 OLDS K8 dr. 1395 OLDS. 95 dr.


club COT: De PLYMOUTH dr. PLYMOUTH Station Wagon PLYMOUTH dr. 125 PLYMOUTH dr. PONTIAC Catalina PONTIAC Sedan CI 903 AC Sod. Coa, 805 RILEY Conv.

'53 TRIUMPH Sedan 1695 boat nt care Are equipped with radios beaters YOUR CAR IS FORTH 1 HERE! RALPH D. JONES INC. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 121 WORTHINGTON ST TEL. A R301 KELLEHER MIXER EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS 1252 PLYMOUTH business coupe 1645 1932 CHEVROLET 2 dr. sedan 1605 1931 DESOTO Club Coupe 2150 1951 PACKARD door sedan 1949 1950 BUICK 4 door sedan 1495 1950 PLYMOUTH door sedan 1315 1250 PLYMOUTH 2 door sedan 1175 1950 PLYMOUTH club coupe 1373 1949 CHRYSLER club coupe 1345 1919 PLYMOUTH door medan POS 1919 DE SOTO 4 door aedan 1595 1917 PONTIAC 4 door sedan 1047 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan 795 1947 DESOTO Apor sedan P50 1947 CHRTSLER dr.

Sedan 805 CHOICEST SELECTION EVER! OPEN EVENINGS TO Many of these car have radios and heaters and 30-Aav guaranty, KELLEHER MIXER INC. PLYMOUTH 1A4 ST. JAMES AVE. TEL, 3-3116 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for "Sale 11 TEEP 1048-4 wheel drive. complete, perfect $750.


3-6092. MODERNIZED 38. LINCOLN ZEPARY, New Ford motor parts. Exc. cond .1.

H. Baller, 59 Munson field. Tel. 9404. NASH 1849 Ambassador 1 dr.

padan, RAH, low mi. Must be seen to to precia 'ed, () Baldwin V. Spfld. NANH 1018 AMBASSADOR 4 f7. SEDAN ORIGINAL BLACK.


ARTHUR R. CENTER. Guy Columbus Ave. Poon. :1114 NASI 14447 DK.


500 Columbus Ave. Phone 3-1114 NASH 1946 Ambassador dr. sedan 11 overdrive. Good cond. 2-9387.

Ozark St. NAHH STATESMAN dr. blue sed, excel. cond. Tel.

day Spfid. night lolvoke OLDSMOBILE 1947 Conv. Very condition, Radio. Hydramat. buT now before spring, OAKLAND ST.

1441 sedanetie. 6. hydra. 912 Belmont A18. PONTIAC 1911 D.

sedan. $176 CAR 3 6028 evenings 2-4983 date, PI.Y MOUTH ROAD D- able. 47 Harwick Rd w. Spfid PLUM. 1941 New GAR covers.

low mileage $1496 CHET 1930 2 D. low mileace 1195 BUICK 1848 conv. all extra 1306 PLY M. 1947 2 deluxe coupe 743 Edgewood Motor Sales. 431 Chicopee Tel.

Chie 3084 or 1011 PLYMOUTH SCHURRAN 1851 very Cican low mileage. Call 9-3219. P'ONTIAC. R8 11. All new tires.

Excel. condition $700. 2-6944. PACK ARD 120 4 dr. blue.

directional lights, backup lights, overdrive, RaH $1160. Call 8-7218 A A. p. m. PONTIAC 8.

2 hydra. Tow Mil. Clean, cond. Call 4-7146 after PONTIAC. 1941, excel.

condition. Tel. 9-3972. PLYMOUTH. '4.

Tan coure convertible 11. PONTIAC 1911-6 2 dr. sedanette, excellent extra clean $325. Hough's For. Carew PONTIAC USED CARE pa of of A DA jA ct if PONTIC Aidan $2405 PONTI door 2005 51 FoRlo sedan 1695 CHEVROLET dour 1430 '50 BUICK super sodan 1406 CHEVROLET TAR PLYMOUTH 1095 '49 PONTIAC1 Ar.

hydra. 1593 FORD xedan IONS CHEVROLET sedan OLDS. sedan hydra. 1241 DODGE sedan 1005 FORD sedan R45 PONTIAC sedan 076 WEEK'S SPECIAL BUICK SPECIAL 1 DR. $1146 TRADES GMAC TERMA OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P.




'TEL. 2-1938 WHERE YOUR GO FURTHER '51 Nash Staterman to chooma '50 Nach Statesman 3 10 choose 1290 Stude. like new 1505 Merrury club coupe 1196 '54 Chev. Del. 1 door 1705 '50 Stud-.

('hamp, 2 door Rambler conv. 1595 Plymouth special deluxe 4 dr. 119S Ford overdrive 104 Rambler miation 1485 Packard, like new 1214 '49 Nash cust. Atmb. hid.

1995 '44 Nash Amb. dr OD 1203 Ford dr. cuatom 1.590 '47 door Cher. dont Ford ton truck Pontiac dr. '47 Cher.

door Chev. dr. '17 Cher. tern sedan Ford 4 dr. I'lsmouth dr.

Cher. 2 dr. Ford dr, Ford 2 dr Hudson 6 Ar CheF. Aero rat Nash Amt. 4 Ar Nash Amb.

rAh '11 Plymouth club coure Several Pre- ar Cars CARS UNDER 11000 NO MONET DOWN WESTFIELD NASH. INC Open Eves. Tai. Westfield 1930 OLDEMORILE sedan Gond condition. Privately owned.

Tel. Chic. 2352-R. Tracks for Sale 11A AT y. SANFORD'S 1948 Dodge 114-ton.

cab over engine. W18 take to 16' body. Dual tires 14. SANFORD CO. 648 STATE ST.

TEL AT A. V. REOPELL INC. RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED BEFORE YOU BUYI 1944 Cherrolet ton long B. condition 604 1947 Chevrolet ton 191' WR 134 1948 G.M.C 1 ton tanel completely reconditioned and pAinted 824 1948 Clavrolet ton DAT el 19 10 Chev.

1 ton 1049 ton panel 1942 Chevrolet too pickup 1950 Chevrolet ton pickup 1045 1950 Chevrolet ton panel Chevrolet Spdan Delivery 1196 1951 Charrolet 1895 V. REOPELL. INC. Chevrolet Salem- Service-Parta 100 Stale St. Tel 1-0251 BARGAINS AT BURNES STUDERAKER Brand new 1 ton th ft Boy erton panel Re sure to An.

Stude 2 ton dump. Stude ton 12 dam biz sacrifice. '50 Ford express near Cher. ton pickup, AV mechanically. 43 Ford a ton express.

Excellent mechanically. like 795 IT Ford ton express refinished new. 602 1T WILL PAT TO SEE 54 BURNER SUMNER .1 VE. STUDERAKER NEAR LONG HITA AGENCY TEL. 6-7203 BETTER DODGE DEALS rOpor "JOB RATED" MOTORS, 519 TRUCKS.

FRONT ALL body, SIZES. A CHIC. 290. DODGE 194) 1-ton cattle 1000 mi. like new Call Eastampton INTL.

ton, brakes. rack hody with removable Alley. rubbar. rood running condition. Can (Chic-71.

MARON 4 wheel drive, All shield hentam shovel. 1049 Memorial A W. Tel. 6.6020. TRUCK 40 can.

Print meter automatic reel. STINT P'hone 6. L. 205. LAw mileage.

8 mos. old. Tal, INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR 1952 Model T'VillA 30:9 HAVE BUCKS ON THYAK TRUCKSI Dodge 44-ton panel. low mi. SPAS 3 STUDE Dodge 14 ton naw motor paint 34 CHIEV panel delivery good 294 'INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR.

00. TRUCKA 138 Memorial West Spfid. Tel. 6-1826 TRUCK BODY platform, Nori condition $15.00. Tel.

2-1788. 47 Studehaker pick -up 3476 12 Chevrolet 14 nick -up 51 MERCURY 2 dr. On At 1786 Your Credit is Always All trucks Guaranteed NUGERS 518 Memorial Ave. W. Spro.

52 F8 Ford tractor air 5 wheal 10x3 tires. Western (eat 6-0315 Sun. eve, 8-0314. Trallers 11R ALWAYS a aleplay, 10 makes American, Liberty, Lighthouse, Nashua. New Moon.

Pacemaber, Schult, Roycraft. Vagabond Zimmer. vre, to pick your interior design from our Furnitura Show Room. RET TER TRAILER A PERVICH 11A Roston Rd. 5 miles from Main Rte.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.