Rewriting destiny - Chapter 6 - Deadly_Tree (2024)

When the lights stopped flashing eight spheres of orange chakra began to come out of the jinchuurikis stomach, these spheres soon took shape into the one to eight tailed bijuus in a form not much larger than Akamaru. When it was the Kyuubi's turn to leave, a chakra “tentacle” came out of the two Namikaze's stomachs, joining together in a chakra bubble in the middle of the room and taking the form of Kurama.

– Finally free, damn it! – Shukaku exclaimed.

– Noisy as always, Shukaku. – Matatabi needled.

– How cruel, Nabi. – Shukaku said, pretending to be hurt. – So you hurt my feelings.

– You will deceive someone else. – Kokuo countered. – We all know you have a fetish for being insulted.

– Too much information. – Iruka murmured, leaving the shock of the scene and worried about the three children who weren't even Gennins yet.

– W_well... anyway, now I'm free. – The ichibi started trying to talk. – Finally I can carry out a massacre without holding back.

– I wouldn't do that if I were you, Shukaku-San. – Said Naruto, impressing some with his calmness when talking to a bijuu free of his seal.

– And why do you say that, boy? – Gyūki asked, amused by his brother's irritation while going to his jinchuuriki. – Hi Bee.

– And why would I listen to a human? – Shukaku asked irritably.

– Make no mistake, Shukaku, he may seem like an idiot but he has his moments of wisdom. – Kurama said, supporting his jinchuuriki. – Don’t embarrass me in front of my brothers by saying something stupid. – Murmured the fox to the blonde.

– In one of my research I discovered that when a bijuu is extracted the jinchuuriki dies. – Said Naruto to the shock of the older Sabaku brothers, the Konoha gennins and the Konohamaru team. – But that's not what happened.

– It could be the effect of the room. – Saiken said timidly, not understanding what he was getting at.

– Or who brought everyone here. – Said Son Goku, creating his own line of reasoning.

– If whoever brought us here is strong enough to separate the bijuu from the jinchuuriki, then they are also capable of sealing your movements if you don't behave. – Naruto continued. – Isn’t it better to enjoy the freedom in this room than risk losing it?

Even reluctantly, Shukaku accepted the blonde's words and went close to his red-haired jinchuuriki, who accepted the raccoon's presence with relief. Meanwhile Minato, Kushina and Iruka were proud to see that Naruto didn't need jutsus to control temperamental bijuus.

– You thought quickly. – Said Kurama, jumping into the blonde's lap and cuddling up, an act that surprised his teammates and sensei. – But that excuse won’t work for long.

– It wasn't an excuse. – Said the Uzumaki, showing a paper that said:“If the bijuus start to fight, they will be sealed in objects so they will no longer be able to move alone.”

- Who would say. – Kurama commented amused. – Apparently you were named the ambassador of the bijuus, that is, if things go wrong, it's your fault. – He said the fox, opening a smile that showed his fangs.

- Some advice? – Naruto asked his bijuu.

– Isobu and Saiken are shy and introverted so they will behave. – Kurama said, pointing with his tails at the three- and six-tailed bijuus on his jinchuurikis' laps. – Son Goku and Gyūki are the most rational so they can help control the troublemakers. – He said now pointing to the four and eight tails. – Choumei is very childish and loves to mess up while Kokuo loves to play pranks, just like you. – The fox continued, pointing to the seven and six tails respectively, needling his jinchuuriki, who snorted. – Shukaku and Matatabi are stubborn and will soon be up to something. – She finally explained pointing to her one- and two-tailed brothers, now only one of her nine tails did not point to a bijuu.

- And you? – Naruto asked, making the fox snort.

– I may even hate humans, but I'm not an idiot to risk my recently returned freedom for frivolities. – Kurama said, pointing his last tail at his jinchuuriki.

Even with the shock of the entire room at the civilized conversation between a human and not just one but ALL the bijuu (besides that the fearsome beasts that brought chaos and destruction could be rational), no one noticed when three children approached a long-haired woman. blonde hair tied with bandages.

- How beautiful. – Moegi commented, drawing everyone's attention to her and scaring the blonde.

– This is the first time I've seen a fire cat. – Konohamaru said, supporting his friend.

- So amazing. – Udon said, his eyes shining and making the bijuu's ego increase.

– They will change their minds quickly once they start doing the missions to capture Tora. – Sakura whispered to her three teammates who nodded in agreement.

– How absurd, clearly foxes are better than cats. – Naruto grumbled, pouting sullenly, making his bijuu laugh at the blonde's reaction.

I will enter your mind

And the senses, control

– Ino. – Shikamaru and Chōji spoke in unison.

- How fast. – The Mizukage said, shocked. – How did they find out?

– He spoke of a mental ability, which belongs to the Yamanaka clan. – Shikamaru explained. – Plus it's a woman singing and Ino is the only Yamanaka woman in the room, so it can only be hers.

– Did you see, forehead? I was the first to have a solo song. – Needled the blonde.

– It's still too early to say it's solo, pig. – She replied to the pinkette.

– Enough, both of you. – Asuma said, not wanting to see how far their argument would go.

Even if you resist

I'm already here

– Now she will be more unbearable than before for being the first to have a song. – Shikamaru said, massaging his temples and receiving a nod of agreement from Chōji.

– Problematic. – Akimichi said jokingly while eating his bag of chips.

Dictating orders

As long as you have it

– You can stop there Jiraya. – Tsunade said, looking at her friend who had a mischievous smile on his face.

– But Hime… – The gray-haired man began.

- But nothing. – Senju cut off. - They are children.

– But Inoichi isn’t. – Orochimaru commented absently, wanting to see the circus burn.

– If it’s not going to help, then it doesn’t hurt. – She replied to the blonde.

I occupy you with my intense soul

In vibrant colors

An intoxicating scent

And the beauty of so many flowers

– I didn’t quite understand that part. – Ino commented, tilting her head to the side.

– Isn’t it about your part-time job at the flower shop? – Said the oldest Yamanaka.

Share your experience

What's the sensation

Of being stuck with mine

Domination jutsu?

– Come on, Sakura. – Said Naruto, looking at the pink girl. – Tell us how it feels.

- Unpleasant. – She commented to Haruno after thinking for a while. – Not being able to even move or say what I want, being trapped inside my own body while someone else dictates what to do, is suffocating.

– It looks horrible. – Fuu commented that he had heard the conversation.

Boy, I'm a soul inside your body

(Boy, I'm a soul inside your body)

Now using you to give me joy

(Now using you to give me joy)

– You can stop there, Jiraya-Sama. – Inoichi said, noticing the movement of the frog Sannin.

– But I just want to ask a few questions for my book. – Argued the gray-haired man.

– If you have any questions, ask me. – Yamanaka said without giving a damn. – But, as a father, I cannot allow a pervert to get close to my daughter.

All the time the people say

(All the time people say)

“Move away... She can destroy!”

(“Stay away... She can destroy!”)

– This song is really good. – Commented the Mizukage.

- Not so much. – Tsuchikage replied.

– Is this envy due to the age difference or is it just dementia? – He needled Terumi, making Onoki snort.

When I get something like this

(When I get something like this)

It's just to be my simple toy

(It's just to be my simple toy)

– Empowered. – Commented Tsunade with a small smile on her face, she loves seeing women proving their worth in a mostly male and sexist career.

Use and abuse of your mind

You go crazy

Just hearing my voice

– Does that mean what I think it means? – Ino asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

– Congratulations on evolving the clan’s techniques to this level. – Inoichi said, hugging his daughter. - I'm proud of you. – He commented with a radiant smile on his face.

– With a cracked bass voice like that, who wouldn’t go crazy? – Konohamaru asked, scratching his ear with his little finger, luckily Ino didn't hear or a war would start in the room.

From his place Naruto looked at the scene with a certain regret, he always wanted to be praised by his parents for doing something that made them proud. Sasuke, on the other hand, felt bad because his father only praised him once a few days before he was killed by the son he always said he was proud of. Sakura, in turn, was jealous of her friend because the Haruno family kept saying that she wasn't fit to be a ninja. What to do if all generations of Team 7 are broken almost beyond repair?

They say: Your genius is difficult

But I don't apologize for being who I am

– At least she knows it’s unbearable. – He poked Sakura to try to distract herself from her depressive thoughts.

– What did you say, you kunai grinding forehead? – Ino asked with a vein pulsing on her forehead.

– Besides being a pig, is she deaf? – Sakura replied.

– Enough arguing or I'm going to put both teams on a mission to collect trash until the next chunnin exam. – Said the Hokage, no longer patient.

I don't waste my time

With insolent people, like people with no future


– Is it just me or was it a hint to us? – Chōji asked, pretending to be hurt.

– We do everything for her and this is how she pays us. – Shikamaru commented, joining in the fun.

Who can't even contribute

It's better to keep my decision silent

– Like you make good decisions. – Needled Sakura.

– Tell me ONE time I made a bad decision. – She Challenged Yamanaka.

– For years you abandoned a friendship for a boy who doesn't care about you. – Immediately Chōji spoke automatically.

– He tried to seduce Neji in the Forest of Death so as not to lose the scroll during the chunnin exam. – Shikamaru added, increasing his teammate's anger.

Get out of your body and I'll drive

Towards the success of this mission

– Less, Ino. – Asuma said, amused by the reactions that the room brought. – Most of the successes in missions are due to Shikamaru's strategies.

– Then he has the nerve to say that Shikamaru is not his favorite student. – Ino said, offended.

– What a shame, Asuma. – Kakashi said, pretending to be disgusted.

– I'm disappointed in you. – Kurenai said, joining in the fun.

– How unpleasant. – Gai said, shaking his head while he held back his laughter.

– I didn't raise you like that, Asuma. – Hiruzen joined in the fun.

– Are we really going to get into this, sensei? – Tsunade asked, slightly amused. – As far as I remember, Orochimaru was her favorite.

– We are already convinced that Lee is sensei’s favorite. – said Tenten.

– Don’t even get me started, Kurenai-Sensei only has eyes for Hinata. – Revealed Kiba.

– And Kakashi-Sensei only cares about Sasuke-Teme. – Naruto joined in the fun.

– My case is worse. – Rin argued. – Kakashi was Minato-Sensei's favorite while Obito was Kushina-San's favorite. – He spoke to Nohara, making the masked man feel a tightness in his chest where his heart should be.

– Speaking of him, I haven't seen Obito in this room yet. – Kushina said, making the Uchiha's blood run cold.

– Unfortunately, it is likely that he was not brought. – Minato said a little sadly, after all he also wanted to see the student again. Obito's chest sank seeing the disappointment in his sensei's eyes at not having met with him. In this silence in which the room fell, the music continued.

Bitch who calls me a pig, you respect me

Go take care of your forehead and that lack of tit*

– Wow, how free. – Naruto said, shocked by what the music said.

– Really unnecessary. – Sakura agreed with the blonde.

For me they clap, and for you not one

Do you know my guy? Love me! And yours always rejects you!

– The world is going to end. – Shikamaru said dramatically. – Ino found someone who can handle her outbursts. – He added, receiving a punch in the arm from the blonde and laughter from his friends.

I turn my back on you

I am Konoha's monument

– So you are heavy. – Kiba said amused.

– What did you say, fleabag? – Ino asked with a vein pulsing on her forehead.

– All Konoha monuments are made of stone. – Inuzuka started. – So if you became a Konoha monument it means you weigh as much as they do, and one of them is a mountain then... - Kiba said, leaving the rest of the sentence hanging in the air and causing laughter throughout the room.

– Well, you… – Ino said, trying to jump on the brunette's neck but being stopped by her father and her sensei, who in turn struggled to contain their laughter, which only made the blonde angrier.

I'm hot

Is jealous? So die!

- Our! As delicate as a bijuu attack. – Said Naruto to the new verse of the song.

- Heavy. – Said Kurenai to the blonde's speech.

– It's not if it's said by a jinchuuriki or someone who suffered the attack in question. – Said the Uzumaki. – And since I'm both then...

Who has attitude

Do whatever he likes

– How is the story, Miss Ino Yamanaka? – Inoichi asked, having a bout of jealousy as a father.

– I don't know what this song is talking about. – Ino trying to talk.

And is it the hottest in town?

You know the answer!

– That looks more like fire in the ass – Kiba muttered, taking a slap on the back of the head from his sensei.

Boy, I'm a soul inside your body

(Boy, I'm a soul inside your body)

Now using you to give me joy

(Now using you to give me joy)

– Am I the only one who noticed that this part is in another language? – Naruto asked, receiving negative nods from the gennins. – Is anyone else besides me able to understand what they are saying? – Asked the blonde, receiving a chorus of 'me too' from everyone in the room except Akatsuki.

All the time the people say

(All the time people say)

“Move away... She can destroy!”

(“Stay away... She can destroy!”)

– She can really destroy... people's eardrums with her hysterical screams. – Sakura didn't miss the chance to irritate her friend.

– She speaks as if it were not the same. – Sasuke whispered to the boys on the team who nodded in agreement.

When I get something like this

(When I get something like this)

It's just to be my simple toy

(It's just to be my simple toy)

– Later we will have a very serious talk about this attitude, Miss Ino Yamanaka. – Inoichi said with a frown.

Use and abuse of your mind

You go crazy

Just hearing my voice

Now practically all the girls were singing along, everyone thought about what their songs would be like, some were sure they wouldn't have one (almost all of them were wrong), others were sure their songs would be dark (poor things, they can't even imagine how dark).

I just need to transfer myself to your body

To make sure you can never forget

– That's because she never tried to use this jutsu on Gai. – Asuma commented to the previous generation of Ino-Shika-Cho. – With the memory he has he would forget in a matter of seconds. – He said, making the older ones laugh.

My sexy power as it runs through you

Don't criticize this arrogance, it's my way of being

– This part is about you, Teme. – Said Naruto, needling the Uchiha.

– Are you calling me sexy? – Sasuke asked with the typical Uchiha smile.

– No, I'm calling you arrogant. – Rebutted the Uzumaki, making Itachi hold back his laughter at the face his Otouto made at the blonde's response.

Let it be clear, despite being all this

I got my team, bros I care about

– At least she remembered that we exist. – Commented Chōji, eating another pack of chips.

– Problematic. – Shikamaru argued.

Did you mess with the tram? I will put an end to your party

Causing a mess on my Chunnin pike

– So you became chunin? – Karin asked, impressed.

– Not in this exam. – Denied Tsunade. – She didn't reach the third part of the Chunnin Shiken, only two passed.

- Who? – Tenten asked, rooting for Neji.

– Nara Shikamaru and Uzumaki Naruto. – Said Hiruzen to the shock of the twelve of Konoha.

- WHAT? – Shouted the gennins, Shikamaru just mumbled about wanting to be a cloud, while Naruto just opened a sad smile.

– What did this lazy person and this baka do to deserve to become chunnin? – Sakura asked, slightly irritated, receiving a nod of agreement from Kiba.

– Shikamaru for his strategies and Naruto for his brute strength. – Tsunade explained.

– What brute force? – Kiba asked, trying to irritate his friend and rival.

– Naruto has three A-rank jutsus in his arsenal. – Tsunade said to the shock of the gennins and the Uzumaki-Namikaze family. – The Kage Bushin that the Nidaime created and only jounnin can learn, the Summoning Jutsu that Jiraya taught and the Rasengan that the Yondaime created. – Senju said, making Minato and Kushina have a glow of pride in their eyes. – However, I have to be fair and I can't say that last one since he learned it after the chunnin exam was over.

– But that’s barely a month old. – Temari commented, shocked.

– It is easier to learn a jutsu than to create it. – Said Naruto, still with a sad smile on his face. – It took my father 4 years to create the rasengan. – Explained the blonde. “Your father,” that was a phrase that was still very new to him.

- Are you well. – Hatake asked in a tone that only the Uzumaki could hear.

– Yes, I am, Inu-nii-san. – Replied the jinchuuriki with a bright (and fake) smile on his face, Kakashi was still worried about his student but preferred to worry about how the blonde came to know who he was in his anbu days since the previous song when he was sure that Naruto knew your identity.

Bad boy, I'm always serious

I even separated your cemetery flower

– Cemetery flower... – Murmured the blonde, who was heard only by Kiba's keen hearing. Ever since he discovered who his parents were, the blonde didn't have the courage to go and pay respect to their graves, since no one could find out that he knew who his parents were, now that that was no longer a problem, what held him back was the fear of what they would do. They thought of the son he had become, now that he had two more bodies to pay homage to, he felt obliged to visit the cemetery, not to mention that he felt that the pile of bodies was going to get bigger.

Patience with your delinquency has run out

You fell into the hands of the gang


– This song is really good. – Ino said with a sparkle in her eyes, she loved how this song described her as more mature and responsible.

Boy, I'm a soul inside your body

(Boy, I'm a soul inside your body)

Now using you to give me joy

(Now using you to give me joy)

- Repetitive. – Hidan grumbled, already losing patience.

– Shut up and pass by. – Kakuzu replied, still counting his money.

All the time the people say

(All the time people say)

“Move away... She can destroy!”

(“Stay away... She can destroy!”)

– You can't stop looking at Konoha's jinchuuriki and his brother. – Kisame said to his partner. - What worries you?

– I think Sasuke has something interesting in his teammate. – Itachi said without delving too deeply into the subject.

– A forbidden romance between the last survivors of two almost extinct clans? – Kisame asked, amused with the script he was writing in his head.

- Perhaps. – Itachi said with a small smile as he knew his friend well and knew what he was doing. – Maybe I can use this to stop him from allying with Orochimaru.

When I get something like this

(When I get something like this)

It's just to be my simple toy

(It's just to be my simple toy)

– The music is good but I'm already getting sick of it. – Shisui commented to no one in specific.

- Me too. – Said Yahiko, it didn't take long after the break for the two to become friends.

Use and abuse of your mind

You go crazy

Just hearing my voice!

- He finished. – Konan commented, noticing the pace slowing down until it stopped.

- Finally. – Deidara said, cracking the neck that was locked. – I was going crazy just hearing her voice repeating itself so much.

– Don't be very happy. – Sasori said without any emotion. – The next song is already starting.

– sh*t! – Hidan shouted.

And with these kind words from the shepherd from hell, everyone fell silent to listen to the next song that was already starting.

Rewriting destiny - Chapter 6 - Deadly_Tree (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.